"Teacher, do you mean that if I become Hokage, someone will obey me?"

Uchiha Itachi looked at Ling Feng and said slowly.

"Yes, only if you become Hokage."

Ling Feng nodded his head heavily.


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Chapter 491 The meeting of Orochimaru and Uchiha Itachi

"Becoming Hokage? I see."

Listening to Ling Feng's words, Uchiha Itachi nodded his head heavily and said with a serious expression.

If Uchiha Itachi was just thinking about how to spread his ideas to others before, then now.

Uchiha Itachi he has a goal.

And this goal is to make himself a Hokage.

And then from top to bottom to promote their own ideas, let more people identify with their own ideas.

"Then what do you want to do? You know, if you want to be Hokage, you can't just talk about it."

Ling Feng looked at Uchiha Itachi in front of him, folded his arms around his chest, and asked aloud.

"I'm going to follow my father's standard first, and then gradually enter the upper level of Konoha until I become Konoha's Hokage."

Uchiha Itachi clenched his fists, raised his head to look at the sky, and said slowly.

Listening to Uchiha Itachi's words, Ling Feng understood that Uchiha Fuyue had planned a path for Itachi.

At that time, according to Uchiha Fugaku's plan, if Itachi becomes Hokage, it should be a sure thing.

"When the time comes, I hope you don't forget your original intention."

Ling Feng looked at Uchiha Itachi and said slowly.

"No, I will always remind myself that I want to change the ninja world. I will let the whole ninja world live a happy life, so that every family can have enough to eat, and I won't be separated from wives and children. will be displaced.”

Uchiha Itachi faced Ling Feng, nodded his head heavily, and said aloud.

"In that case, it's time for me to tell you a secret."

Ling Feng looked at Uchiha Itachi in front of him and thought for a while before saying aloud.

"A secret? What secret?"

When Uchiha Itachi heard the words, he looked at Ling Feng in doubt, and asked inexplicably.

"It's a secret about the truth of ninjutsu."

Ling Feng said solemnly.

Before Lingfeng did not think that the current Uchiha Itachi could understand things about the Otsutsugi clan.

And now, after learning about Uchiha Itachi's thoughts and observations during the year.

Ling Feng thought that Uchiha Itachi could know about the Otsutsugi family.

"The secret of the truth of ninjutsu?"

When Uchiha Itachi heard the words, he muttered these words in his mouth.

If these words were taken apart one by one, he would still recognize them, but Uchiha Itachi had a hunch that they had to be combined together.

That's a secret about major events in the whole ninja world.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Itachi raised his head, looked at Ling Feng, and swallowed.

"That's right, in the beginning, we didn't have Chakra on us."

Ling Feng looked at Uchiha Itachi, and said aloud while recalling the history of the Otsutsugi family.

In the next time, Ling Feng was writing about the Otsutsugi family to Uchiha Itachi.

At the same time, he also told Uchiha Itachi about Orochimaru.

"Is the Otsutsugi clan aliens? If that's the case, doesn't that mean that people from the Otsutsugi clan will also come to our world in the future?"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Itachi hurriedly raised his head, looked at Ling Feng, and said hurriedly.

"That's right."

Ling Feng nodded his head and said aloud.

Ling Feng vaguely remembered that at the time of Naruto's son, there seemed to be people from the Otsutsugi clan who came to the Ninja world.

But at that time, it was the story of bloggers.

And Ling Feng has almost never read Bo Ren Chuan, so he is not very familiar with the plot at that time.

"In this case, we should unite the ninja world even more. Otherwise, if the Otsutsuki family members come in the future, wouldn't we be powerless to resist? Let them absorb our chakra?"

Thinking of this, a cold sweat broke out on Uchiha Itachi's forehead, looked at Ling Feng, and hurriedly said.


Ling Feng nodded his head.

Now Ling Feng feels that he has to communicate with Kaguya Otsutsuki to ask how long it will take for the Otsutsuki family to come to the ninja world.

"Then teacher, can you take me to see Lord Orochimaru? I want to tell him about my philosophy."

At this time, Uchiha Itachi looked at Lingfeng and asked aloud.

Ling Feng was quite surprised by Uchiha Itachi's request.

He didn't expect Uchiha Itachi to offer to meet Orochimaru.


Ling Feng nodded his head and said aloud.

When Uchiha Itachi and Orochimaru meet, maybe the two of them will be able to discuss some ideas.

Ling Feng remembered that in the original work, Orochimaru's brainwashing ability was also very good.

Just like Junma Lu in the original book, he became a little fan of Orochimaru, and often said "Master Orochimaru" in his mouth.

But whether Uchiha Itachi will be brainwashed by Orochimaru.

Ling Feng is still very confident in Uchiha Itachi.

After all, Uchiha Itachi's will can be regarded as tough in Ling Feng's eyes.

Even Uchiha Itachi in turn brainwashed Orochimaru, which is not impossible.

At that time, we will see which of the two's language is more enticing.

"follow me."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he walked in the direction of Konoha Village.

Uchiha Itachi heard the words and hurriedly followed behind Ling Feng.

While talking, the two walked towards Orochimaru's laboratory.

Soon, Ling Feng brought Uchiha Itachi to Orochimaru's laboratory.

"Orochimaru, I brought someone here to find you."

Ling Feng stood at the door and said aloud.

Ling Feng wrapped his voice into the laboratory.

In this case, Lingfeng can let the whole laboratory hear his voice as long as he stands at the door.

"Ling Fengjun, who did you bring to find me this time?"

Soon, the figure of Orochimaru appeared in front of Ling Feng.

"You'll know when you come out and take a look."

Ling Feng looked at Orochimaru in the iron gate and said with a smile.

When Orochimaru heard the words, he opened the iron door and walked out.

When he walked out, he noticed Uchiha Itachi behind Ling Feng.

Because Ling Feng stood in front of Uchiha Itachi, coupled with Ling Feng's very strong chakra.

So Orochimaru didn't feel Uchiha Itachi's Chakra for a while, but waited until he walked out to feel the little Uchiha Itachi Chakra mixed in Lingfeng Chakra.

"Uchiha Itachi, your apprentice, why did you bring him here?"

Orochimaru glanced at Itachi Uchiha and asked Ling Feng aloud with a smile.

Orochimaru had seen Uchiha Itachi at the apprenticeship ceremony before.

So now he recognized it at a glance.

"He said he wanted to talk to you."

Ling Feng let a position come out so that Uchiha Itachi could communicate face-to-face with Orochimaru.


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The four hundred and ninetieth chapter has a saying, Kaguya Otsutsuki is really beautiful

"Hello, Lord Orochimaru."

Looking at Orochimaru in front of him, Uchiha Itachi bowed directly to Orochimaru and said directly.

Because he doesn't know Orochimaru's character himself, he just understands Orochimaru in other people's mouths.

So in order not to cause some bad trouble, Uchiha Itachi's etiquette towards Orochimaru is still in place.

"Don't be so cautious, come in and talk."

Looking at Uchiha Itachi in front of him, Orochimaru waved his hand and said aloud.

Then, under the leadership of Orochimaru, Uchiha Itachi quickly walked into Orochimaru's laboratory.

And Ling Feng also followed behind Orochimaru.

As the three continued to move forward.

Along the way, Ling Feng and Uchiha Itachi walked while observing the base of Orochimaru.

At this time, the base of Orochimaru has changed a lot from before.

If the base of Orochimaru was lifeless before.

Well, although the base of Orochimaru is not full of sunshine, it is much better than before.

It looks a little more alive.

"When did your lab become like this?"

Lingfeng looked at the decorations in the laboratory and asked Orochimaru aloud.

"Not long ago."

Orochimaru said directly.


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