Therefore, it can be said that the strongest man in the whole world is Whitebeard.

"Since you want to make a name for yourself on the sea, show your strength. If you don't have enough strength, you won't be able to make a name for yourself on this sea."

Looking at Ichigo in front of him, Whitebeard took a deep breath and said directly.

"Show your strength?"

Listening to Whitebeard's words, Ichigo nodded his head, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at Whitebeard in front of him.

"That's right."

Whitebeard nodded and said with a smile.

"So what?"

After Ichigo finished speaking, he directly lifted one of his fingers.

I saw a powerful momentum directly centered on Ichigo, constantly erupting all around.

Starting from where Ichigo was standing, it continued to spread out, spreading in front of Whitebeard, and in front of Marco.

For a moment.

In fact, what broke out from Ichigo, wrapped the entire pirate ship.

Now everyone on the pirate ship can feel the momentum coming from Ichigo.

And this momentum is not satisfied with a pirate ship.

It is also spreading to other pirate ships.


Standing in front of Ichigo, Marco could clearly feel the momentum that Ichigo burst out.

He had thought before that Ichigo might be strong.

After all, in this world, those who did not have two brushes to support them have long been buried in the sea.

But Marco didn't expect Ichigo's aura to be so strong.

He even vaguely felt that Ichigo could even be compared to Whitebeard.

At this time, Whitebeard's eyes were staring at Ichigo.

As a person who has competed with Roger for the throne of One Piece, has been in the sea for a long time, and has the title of the Four Emperors.

He could feel that Ichigo was strong.

He could even feel that the strength that Ichigo showed was far more than that.

"This force is even stronger than Roger."

Whitebeard looked at Ichigo in front of him and began to think in his heart.

He knew very well that Ichigo's strength now far surpassed himself, and also far surpassed the three generals, Sengoku and Garp, and even more powerful than Roger in his heyday.

And he doesn't know what Ichigo's character is, and he doesn't know what kind of existence Ichigo will play in the battle of the top.

Therefore, when Whitebeard faced Ichigo at this time, it seemed very difficult to make a choice.


Thank you [Dream Fish] for three monthly passes

Thanks for a monthly pass [the author exchanged his **** for]

Thank you [Bookkeeper 88670807680] for the two monthly passes

Thank you [Gray Rice Cake] for four monthly passes

Thanks to [Bookkeeper 19829266695] for the four monthly passes

Thanks to [Bookkeeper 49401638193] forty blades

Because the blade has reached 400, so add one more, and now I still owe you nine chapters.

Chapter 528 The wanted person is Vegeta, what does it have to do with me Lingfeng?

"How about it, this power is okay, if not, I can show some more."

The few people in front of Ichigo didn't speak, and raised another finger.

With Ichigo's second finger lifted.

Another powerful aura burst out from Ichigo's body.

And this momentum is stronger than the previous momentum.

The superposition of these two momentums is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Therefore, after Ichigo released the second momentum, the faces of Marko and the other pirate around him began to look ugly.

I saw that the blood on their faces was rapidly lost, and their mouths opened slightly.

Their expressions at this time are that they want to say something, but they can't say it.

"Put your strength away."

At this time, Whitebeard said aloud.

At this time, a drop of sweat slowly dripped from Whitebeard's forehead.

Obviously, the momentum that erupted from Ichigo just now didn't make him feel very well.


Listening to Whitebeard's words, Ichigo slowly put down both fingers.

The moment Ichigo's fingers touched his arm.

The aura emanating from Ichigo disappeared without a trace.

The sea was still blue, the sky was still blue, and the clouds were still white.

If it weren't for the sweat on Whitebeard and Marco's forehead.

Even a few people present would suspect that the aura Ichigo showed just now was just an illusion.

"Deep control."

Looking at Ichigo in front of him, Whitebeard couldn't help but admire in his heart.

He was very clear, although Ichigo only released his momentum and took it back.

Internal ~ Department. Group: 7~3-79_85/291 But he understands that these two simple movements can only be done by those who are very proficient in their own strength.

Because the momentum released by Ichigo just now only included their Whitebeard Pirates.

That momentum did not spread to the navy.

Otherwise, with the nature of the navy, they would definitely send someone to check it out.

Therefore, Whitebeard knew how terrifying the power of the guy in front of him.


At this time, several figures fell beside Whitebeard.

Ichigo swept away briefly.

He knew that these guys who suddenly appeared were the captains of those divisions of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Dad, who is he? What just happened?"

One of the captains took the lead and asked Whitebeard.

At the same time, the other captains were staring at Ichigo and getting ready for battle.

Because they usually know the bottom line of their own people, so they also know that the momentum just released must be released by outsiders.

And on this ship, Ichigo was the only one who was an outsider, and Ichigo looked very terrifying at this time.

That's why they will target Yihuo.

"It's okay, he's a pirate."

Hearing this, Whitebeard hurriedly spoke to his captains.

And Whitebeard took a step forward and blocked all these captains behind him.

He didn't know Ichigo's temper at this time, so he was afraid that the actions of these captains would anger Ichigo and cause Ichigo to make some bad actions.

"I am a pirate, and I came to your ship just to start my organization with the help of this war."

Ichigo watched Whitebeard's movements and said slowly.

"Then who is your enemy?"

Hearing this, Whitebeard asked Ichigo in a low voice.

Although Ichigo said that he was a pirate.

But as one of the four emperors, Whitebeard also understands the intrigues on the sea.

Therefore, Whitebeard is still skeptical about Ichigo's statement.

"Naturally it's the Navy. Of course, if you help me promote my organization on the sea, I'll help you save your crew."

Ichigo said.

"Your organization? What is your organization? Is it also a pirate group? Do you want to take this opportunity to recruit crew members?"

Marco, who was standing aside, asked at this time.

"JUMP, not planning to recruit crew."

Ichigo shook his head and said.


Hearing Ichigo's words, Marco turned to look at Whitebeard.

"It's useless."

Feeling Marco's gaze, Whitebeard shook his head and said slowly.

He knew what Marco wanted to say.

"You want to stay on my ship and fight the Navy with us later, right?"

Whitebeard said slowly.

"That's right."

A guard nodded his head.

"That's fine."

After Whitebeard finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the cabin.

"Dad, don't you mind him?"

Marco stood beside Whitebeard and asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry about him, we can't control him. And now our priority is to rescue Ace."

Whitebeard shook his head and said aloud.

After Whitebeard finished speaking, he turned his gaze in the direction of the navy.

"You don't have to go back to the cabin."

At this time, Ichigo said.

"Because the navy brought Ace up."

Ichigo pointed to Marin Fando in the distance and said.

Listening to Ichigo's words, Whitebeard clenched his fists, constantly releasing the power in his body.

I saw the huge ship under Whitebeard's feet began to move towards Marin Fando.

"Ace, we're here to save you."

Looking at Marin Fando in the distance, Whitebeard took a deep breath.

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