It can be said that this ghost way does not rely on any skills, but only uses spiritual pressure to suppress people.

Because Lingfeng received group files from several worlds.

At this time, the Reiatsu on his body had reached a very terrifying level.

So Im, who was swept away by the powerful spiritual pressure, could only curl up on the ground and let Lingfeng's spiritual pressure attack.

Under the powerful spiritual pressure, Im's body that was like a hill was also shrinking.

And his breath is getting weaker and weaker.

From this point of view, Yimu couldn't bear the impact of Lingfeng's powerful spiritual pressure.

Looking at Yimu who was lying on the ground in front of him, Ling Feng directly canceled the Five Dragons Destruction, and then drew out his Zanpakutō.

Im struggling to open his eyes, the expression on his face full of panic at this time.

He could feel that the knife in Ling Feng's hand was a weapon that could take his own life.

Therefore, Yi Mu was breathing heavily and kept crawling backwards. He wanted to escape from Lingfeng's attack, and he wanted to live.

But Im not far away when Ling Feng's Zanpakutō stabbed directly into his heart.

Black blood continued to flow out from Im's body.

At this time, Im's entire body began to change.

The first and most obvious thing is that his body stopped absorbing light.

As the blackness faded, Yimu's body and appearance were also displayed in front of Ling Feng.

This is a very old face.

And the skin on his body is like a dead tree, with many cracks and small potholes on his body.

"…Do not…"

Looking at the condition of his body, Im raised his arm with difficulty, as if he wanted to grab something, he kept reaching towards the sky.

But at this time, Lingfeng will not give Im any action.

I saw Ling Feng directly stretched out his hand and pulled the Zanpakutō out of Yimu's body, and then tapped him again.

A ball of light flew out directly from Ling Feng's body and floated onto Yimu's body.

Then the ball of light continued to expand.

In the end, Im firmly trapped in place, making him unable to move.


Feeling what was coming from him, Yimu stared at Ling Feng in front of him.

His eyes were like the five old stars before, full of resentment.

"It's useless for you to look at me like this, after all, you're going to die soon."

Looking at Yimu's appearance, Ling Feng shook his head and said aloud.

Ling Feng had seen Yimu's eyes many times.

Therefore, now this kind of look is like a commonplace meal for Ling Feng, unable to cause any harm to Ling Feng.


Looking at Ling Feng in front of him, Im opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But Lingfeng didn't give Yimu a chance to finish his words.

I saw Ling Feng directly put his hand on Yimu's forehead.

Then he pulled back sharply.

Im's soul was pulled out by Ling Feng.

"What kind of soul is this? Is this still a man?"

Looking at Yimu's soul in his hand, Ling Feng couldn't help frowning and said slowly.

I saw that the soul in Ling Feng's hands was no longer in human form.

Not what a human being should look like at all.

And just after Yimu's soul was pulled out by Lingfeng.

Seeing Im's body began to mutate.

Im's body began to swell gradually.

That bamboo-like figure swelled directly into a sturdy tree, which was extraordinarily incredible.

"This guy turned into a tree?"

Looking at the big tree in front of him, Ling Feng couldn't help but step back, looking up and down at the big tree.

But it's not over yet.

Immediately afterwards, several tree roots began to grow on Yimu's body, and then they slammed into the ground, and then those tree roots began to absorb the essence and water in the ground.

And Lingfeng was able to know the reason why the roots were absorbing the essence of the earth.

It is because the roots of the trees that are deeply rooted in the ground continue to have green energy flowing from the roots into the big tree.

Obviously, this Im must have done something on his body to cause this change in his body.

"Ghost knows what will happen if you continue to absorb it like this, so don't absorb it."

Ling Feng held the Zanpakutō tightly and waved directly at the big tree in front of him.

The sharp sword qi waved directly from the Zanpakutō.

He immediately cut down the tree in front of him.

But it didn't end there.

I saw a burst of green light from the big tree.

Immediately afterwards, the tree **** grew another branch.

"This is asking me to pull out your roots!"

Ling Feng directly put away the Zanpakutō.

Then Susanoo appeared directly on Ling Feng's body.

The blue arm directly grabbed the body of the big tree, and then pulled it up fiercely.

This pull, all of a sudden to uproot the tree.

In an instant, after the roots were pulled up by Lingfeng, the whole tree quickly became dry.

The big tree that was very thick just now, in an instant, became the same as the dry bamboo pole before.

Such a rapid change made Ling Feng stunned for a while before he reacted.

"It seems that you have a big secret on your body."

Looking at Yimu's soul in his hand, Ling Feng said with a smile.

Then Ling Feng's other hand began to seal up.

After Ling Feng's seal was formed, the huge Hades head appeared behind Ling Feng.

Then Ling Feng threw Yimu's soul directly into Hades' mouth, and let Hades start chewing Yimu's soul.

With every chew of King Hades, what was in Yimu's soul slowly flowed into Lingfeng's head.

"This Im has a lot of memories."

Lingfeng said aloud while absorbing Yimu's memory.

After a while, Ling Feng finished absorbing Yimu's memory.

After absorbing Yimu's memory, Lingfeng discovered a very surprising fact from his memory.

That is Im not from this world!

No, Im not from Earth, to be precise.

He is an alien race, and because of the spaceship, he could not help but land on the moon.

Then the people of their spaceship lived on the moon.

But the good times didn't last long, and a civil war broke out on the moon.

The original members of Im suffered heavy casualties.

In the end, Im alone in the escape pod and landed on Earth.

Then Im used his advanced technology to rebel against the country on earth with twenty guys.

Of course, Im and their rebellion succeeded.

And the descendants of the twenty fellows around Im became the Heavenly Dragons.

This is the origin of Im and the Dragons.

"Huh, what's going on? I want to fight aliens in Naruto World, and now I'm in Pirate World, why do I have to fight aliens?"

Looking at Yimu who was lying on the ground and had no life left, Ling Feng shook his head and complained aloud.

"But there is something about this guy, he actually thinks about immortality."

Looking at the half-broken tree in front of him, Ling Feng said slowly.

Chapter five hundred and thirty seventh Tianlong people, extinct

Because Im was from hundreds of years ago.

The reason why he can live from hundreds of years ago to now is because he performed surgery on his body.

He injected many of the results of his research into his body,

And among those successes, the most obvious thing is that Im transforming his body into a being that resembles a tree.

After the operation, he started experimenting with devil fruits.

That's right, those devil fruits in this world were cultivated by Im, and then spread from his hands to all over the world.

And the reason he made the Devil Fruit was because he was going to conduct an experiment.

The purpose of that experiment, of course, was to allow oneself to achieve eternal life.

As Im's research continues to progress.

He also gradually found a way.

That road is to let him grow into a giant tree, and then use the planet under his feet as nourishment, and then slowly grow.

Finally, let himself completely absorb this planet, and then he will be able to achieve eternal life.

At the same time, he can also live in the universe.

That's what Im thinking.

But to achieve this idea, it will take a lot of time and a less stable state power.

Therefore, it can be said that the navy and pirates that appear in this world are entirely caused by Im.

However, before the idea of ​​Yimu was completed, Ling Feng came to him.

And he also died directly under Ling Feng's Zanpakutō.

"Want eternal life?"

Recalling Yimu's thoughts, Ling Feng shook his head.

For the current Lingfeng, eternal life has become something that is readily available.

And in those many worlds, it is very easy for Ling Feng to increase his life.

Therefore, Lingfeng couldn't understand Imna's pursuit of eternal life.

However, Im let the Tianlong people go because of his own pursuit, and brought deep disaster to the people of this world.

For hundreds of years, the souls of countless people have been buried under this St. Mary Joa.

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