After all, Ichigo, Ivankov and others are now on the Whitebeard Pirates.

"I see, but I have important news to tell you."

Hearing the dragon's voice coming from the phone, Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Important news? What news?"

Dragon said.

"All the Tianlong people are dead."

Ling Feng glanced at the direction of St. Mary Joa, and said aloud.

"What? What did you say?"

Listening to Ling Feng's words, Long's first reaction was disbelief.

Although it is said that because the Whitebeard Pirates are going to save Ace, the navy will transfer most of their manpower to Marin Vando, but the status of the Tianlong people over the whole world will definitely be in St. Mary Joa. There are quite a few people out there holding hands.

And the dragon also understands that CP0 has always stayed in San Marijoa to guard the Tianlong people.

Therefore, when Long heard Ling Feng say that all the people in St. Mary Joa were dead, his first reaction was to disbelieve.

"You put your phone bug on the fax machine, and I'll send you a picture."

Ling Feng said while flying.

As long as the fax machine is pressed on the phone worm, the photos can be transferred between the mobile phone and the phone worm, and between the phone worm and the phone worm.

As the leader of the revolutionary army, there is naturally something like a fax machine in Long's room.

"wait a moment."

After Long finished speaking, he started looking for the fax machine in the room.

"Send the picture here."

It didn't take long for the dragon's voice to come out from the phone.

And Ling Feng naturally sent the situation on Santa Maria to Long.

Looking at the situation in the photo, Long was silent for a while before slowly saying, "Apart from you, does anyone else know about this?"

Long did not ask if Ling Feng did it.

Because Ling Feng had already shown his strength before, and this news was told to him by Ling Feng.

Therefore, in Long's heart, it has been determined that this matter has nothing to do with Ling Feng.

"The Navy should know."

Thinking back to CP0 and others who had escaped, Ling Feng said slowly.

"It seems that the plan is going to change, what are you going to do now?"

While thinking about it, Long asked Lingfeng out loud.

"Go to Vega Punk and see if he can restore the bear to its original state. If he can, the bear will not use that backhand. If not, I will resurrect the bear. Of course, by the way, learn about Vega Punk. technology."

Ling Feng said slowly.

"If that's the case, then you should go to the Kingdom of Solbey."

Long was silent for a while, and said aloud.

"The Kingdom of Solbey? I remember that country is not also a member of the World Government?"

Listening to Long's words, Ling Feng was a little puzzled at this time.

"It used to be, but not now. Since the Tianlong people are dead, the navy has no reason to defend the Tianlong people, and our revolutionary army can show up."

Dragon said.

"Can you show up? You mean the kingdom of Solbe is already under our control?"

Listening to Long's words, Ling Feng said slowly.

"You'll see it when you get there."

Dragon said aloud.


Listening to Long's words, Ling Feng nodded his head and hung up the phone.

"The Kingdom of Solbe? Wait a minute, I remember that the bear was the king of the Kingdom of Solbe before he became the king of the Shichibukai!"

At this time, Ling Feng suddenly remembered Xiong's identity before joining the revolutionary army.

"If this is the case, it means that now that the revolutionary army has a country as its base, its future operations will be much easier."

Ling Feng thought while speeding up his speed.

Now he wants to hurry up to Vega Punk, and then see the condition of the bear and Vega Punk's technology.

In Ling Feng that accelerated the speed of the flight.

He soon came to the island where Vegapunk was located.

"Such a dense poisonous mist."

Looking at the pieces of poisonous fog on the island, Ling Feng stopped directly in mid-air, then closed his eyes and began to perceive the location of Vega Punk.

Under the strong perception of Ling Feng.

He soon discovered Vega Punk's laboratory in the mountains on the island.

"Does the navy still have Vegapunks and bears?"

Perceiving the people in the laboratory in the mountain, Ling Feng thought slowly in his heart.

Now that Lingfeng has a target, he naturally flew directly towards the location of Vega Punk.

As for the poison smog on the island?

Those poisonous mists may still be useful to some ordinary people.

But for Lingfeng's physique that is superimposed by several worlds.

Those poisonous mists did not cause any harm to Ling Feng at all.


Thanks for the two monthly passes of [author update]

Thank you [Moyu of Memories] for a monthly pass

Thank you [Bookkeeper 49401638193] for nine monthly passes

Thanks to [Zanque Swordsman] for five monthly passes and two blades

Thank you [Wuzu Yunwu] for three monthly passes

Chapter five hundred and forty-one

Therefore, Lingfeng easily entered the island.

Looking at the mountain in front of him, Ling Feng slowly closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again.

His eyes had already turned into a metamorphosis.

"Sure enough, there are traps in this place."

Because of Tenseigan's ability, Ling Feng could easily distinguish the correct path in the mountain from the hidden traps.

"There are still a lot of people."

Looking at the situation in the mountain, Ling Feng took a deep breath and walked directly into the mountain.

Because Lingfeng is still using Vegeta's identity now, so he will walk in openly.

Although the navies sent many navies to guard Vega Punk.

But the strength of those navies is not the level of generals, and at most they are only the strength of major generals.

In addition, Ling Feng came in not to kill anyone, but to communicate with Vega Punk.

Of course, in the process of moving forward, Ling Feng deliberately avoided those traps, and Ling Feng restrained his breath.

Along the way, Ling Feng's actions were still unimpeded.

Soon, Ling Feng came to a huge laboratory.

In Lingfeng's field of vision, Vega Punk and Bear are in this laboratory.

And beside Vegapunk, there are many navies.

"Vega Punk?"

Looking at the guy in front of him, Ling Feng said slowly.

Just when Lingfeng's voice appeared in Bergapunk's ears.

Those marines turned around immediately, and their eyes were all on Ling Feng.

"Who are you?"

Looking at Ling Feng in front of him, a huge guy with a red apron and a girl's face and hairstyle said slowly.


Hearing the man's voice, Ling Feng immediately understood his gender at a glance.

"I'm here to find Vega Punk and want to discuss things with Vega Punk."

Ling Feng walked towards Vega Punk and said slowly.

"Looking for Vega Punk? Who are you? What are your plans?"

This person glanced at Vega Punk beside him, took a step forward, and used his huge body to directly block Vega Punk in front of him, and also blocked Ling Feng's sight.

"If you want to know someone else's name, just state your own name first."

Looking at the guy in front of him, Ling Feng said slowly.

The guy in front of him gave Ling Feng the first impression of one word - stupid.

In Ling Feng's feeling, the guy in front of him looked very stupid.

"Want to know my name? Is this for information? I won't tell you! Since you have broken into the laboratory, it means that you are the enemy."

The man stared at Ling Feng tightly, roared angrily, and charged towards Ling Feng directly.

'It's kind of clever. ’

Looking at this guy rushing towards him, Ling Feng took a step back and thought slowly.

"Tell you, next, you will die under the hands of me, Zhan Taomaru!"

Zhan Taomaru roared angrily, came to Ling Feng, raised his hands high, and hit Ling Feng directly in the next second.

Listening to Zhan Taomaru's words, Ling Feng's expression froze.

Take back your previous thoughts.

This guy really is a jerk.

Before he said anything, the guy said his own name.

Isn't this stupid?

"Zhan Taomaru? Okay, I remember your name."

Looking at Zhan Taomaru in front of him, Ling Feng took a deep breath, and then directly stretched out his left hand.

Zhan Taomaru, who was about to wave his fist just now, suddenly stopped.

He felt his movements as if someone was pulling on his body, preventing him from swinging.

At this time, behind Zhan Taomaru, Lingfeng's quartz domain was floating in the air, and his hands were tightly grasping Zhan Taomaru's hand, preventing him from attacking Lingfeng.

"Okay, it's time for you to sleep, I have something to do with Vega Punk."

Looking at Zhan Taomaru who was in a stalemate with his stand-in in front of him, Ling Feng directly used hypnotism.

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