Chisato: That's it.

Saiyan: So let's just wait for the newcomers to join the group.

Yuhuazi: @saiyan, yes, boss, what level have you reached now? I see you haven't uploaded group files for a long time.

Saiyan: I came back from Kairan for the past two years and have been training in the gravity room since then.

Magician: Have you been training? This growing spirit is too strong.

Cthulhu: One thing to say, if it weren't for the Saiyans in our group trying to become stronger, I feel that this group will become a group of salted fish sooner or later.

Demon: One thing to say, indeed.

Hero: By the way, @saiyan, have you been to Namek? I remember that the great elders there can enhance the potential of others? Can't we go there and get stronger.

Saiyan: I asked the gods before, and I also reached Namek through Dragon Ball, and then I chatted with the elder.

Saiyan: The elder said that he can indeed develop the potential in his body, but after developing it, if you want to become stronger in the future, it will be a bit difficult, so I did not ask him to develop it, but exercised myself.

Leader: Indeed, in this way, it is better to exercise on your own.

Bigu: But my world limit has been locked. If you want to become stronger, you can only rely on you.

Yuhuazi: Indeed, Jiuku and I can’t continue to become stronger. At most, we can only train those abilities that I know to be more proficient. As for getting a step closer, it will not be completed.

Demon: There's nothing you can do about it. After all, your world is only a low-level martial world. Unless there is someone among us who can break the world, otherwise, it will be a bit difficult for you to improve your own power.

Jieku: Now we can only see if the newcomer will be a big boss. If it is a big boss, then we will take off directly.

God of War: Ahem, what are your standards for a big guy?

Abstinence from Suffering: The Standard? I feel like Thanos with Infinity Gloves is a big guy.

God of War: ... that can only be thought slowly.

Yuhuazi: If Thanos doesn't work, I think Dr. Manhattan from DC is pretty good.

Cthulhu: Speaking of Dr. Manhattan, we now have Marvel, so the DC world should have one, why haven't we seen the DC world?

God of War: Maybe this newcomer is from the DC world?

Cthulhu: That might not be the case.

Another world: If the newcomer really has the ability of Dr. Manhattan, then we will take off directly.

God of War: Speaking of Dr. Manhattan, I remember that there seems to be an OAA ability in the Marvel world that is similar to that of Dr. Manhattan.

Ito: …The world of Marvel Comics is different from the world of your movies.

God of War: Yes, but recently, I have to go to the ancient one to exchange some magic. After all, the ancient one's magic is also the top level in the entire universe.

Ito: Come on, boss, it's up to you to become stronger.

God of War: Don't say it. When I grow up to the point where I can go to other worlds, I will be the first to go to your world.

Qianshou: @War God, big brother, remember to upload the group file to the chat group when the time comes, and I will also go to that world.

Quitting Suffering: Plus one, I didn't want to do anything in that world, I just wanted to criticize it.

Celestial: Me too.

Samurai: Me too.

With the continuous communication of many Lingfeng.

The painting style of the entire chat group gradually began to become strange.

Qianshou: Don't say it, we still don't know if the newcomer is a big guy, we can only hope that the newcomer will join the group as soon as possible.

God of War: Yes, after all, no newcomers are in the group now, so it's useless to say anything.

After that, the other Lingfengs chatted for a while, then they started to go offline one after another and started to do their own business.

[Jianxian has joined the chat group. 】

At this time, such a message appeared in the hands of many Ling Feng.

And it was this kind of information that made the other Lingfengs a little excited.

Yuhuazi: Sword Immortal? Is it the sword fairy I thought?

Jieku: A sword fairy who can fly with a sword? It seems that this newcomer is the kind of immortal world.

Magician: Since it is the world of immortal cultivation, then life should not be a problem.

Qianshou: @Jianxian, the newcomer speaks out, explodes the world, explodes the name, and explodes the ability.

Just when the Lingfengs in the chat group were sending messages one after another.

At this moment, the Sword Immortal Ling Feng was looking at the phone in his hand with interest.

"Is this a mobile phone? I didn't expect that I have traveled hundreds of years, and only now does a mobile phone appear with me."

Looking at the phone in his hand, Jianxian Lingfeng said with a smile.

If it wasn't for the reason of cultivating immortals, his memory has increased a lot, then he should not be able to remember things about the earth hundreds of years ago.

After all, life on earth is full of calculations, and it doesn't take long.

Needless to say, he has lived in this immortal world for hundreds of years.

The memory before the time-travel, in his memory of the past few hundred years, does not account for 1%.

Therefore, looking at the mobile phone in his hand, Ling Feng thought for a while before finding the memory of the mobile phone in his mind.


Sword Immortal Lingfeng took a deep breath and slowly exhaled a turbid breath from his mouth, and then slid rusty on the phone screen with his fingers that were as white as jade.

It didn't take long for Ling Feng to become more and more proficient in using his mobile phone.

And he quickly turned to the chat group.

"Chat group? It's those sound transmission groups."

Looking at the icon on the phone, Ling Feng clicked directly.

Then he saw the content on the chat group.

Qianshou: @Bigu, Bigu Bigu, the newcomer hasn't spoken yet, so it's up to you to explain it to him.

Bigu: I explain a hammer, and now the newcomers are not bubbling, how can I explain?

Uchiha: @Jianxian, big brother, it's time to bubble up.

Looking at the content on the chat group, Jianxian Lingfeng played with his mobile phone with great interest.

"Since you want me to bubble up so much? Then I won't bubble up. Let me see what this chat group is for first."

While thinking about it, Jianxian Lingfeng checked the content and specific functions of the chat group.


I still owe you seven chapters

Chapter 544: Sword Immortal Lingfeng's Gou (Gagen)

Soon, Jianxian Lingfeng groped for the group file.

Looking at the dense files in the group file, Jianxian Lingfeng began to think.

"So many groups of files, there are still categories, memory and skills?"

While thinking about it, Jianxian Lingfeng kept sliding the files on the group file.

Because there are too many group files.

Sword Immortal Lingfeng slid down for a while before slipping to the point.

Obviously, this is because other Lingfengs upload group files at a fixed time.

Over the past few years, Lingfeng has been uploading group files, which has accumulated more and more.

Now the group files in the chat group have reached a very numerous level.

"In terms of skills, it should mean receiving the skills of other members of this chat group, just like empowerment."

Looking at one of the group files marked with skills, Jianxian Lingfeng kept thinking in his heart.

"But I'm about to accept the baptism of the catastrophe now, so I don't want to touch the skills."

Jianxian Lingfeng was thinking about his own situation while checking the news in the chat group.

"Forget it, let's try them out."

Thinking of this, Jianxian Lingfeng closed the group file and directly clicked on the chat box.

Jianxian: Hello everyone, I am a newbie, please take care of me in the future.

Although Jian Xian Lingfeng has lived in his own world for hundreds of years.

But he knew very well that he had just arrived in an unfamiliar place, and it was better to lower his posture.

Because you never know who is behind the person you are talking to.

Maybe this is just the hand-made work of a big guy?

Therefore, when Sword Immortal Lingfeng typed out these lines, his state was very humble.

This is the skill he has learned from this world of immortal cultivation for hundreds of years.

After all, Ling Feng has also seen a lot of those who died in the hands of Lao Yinbi one after another.

Ling Feng has been practicing in this world for hundreds of years, and there may be some old monsters who have practiced for thousands of years behind their backs.

Qianshou: @Bigu, Bigu Big Brother, a newcomer has appeared, please explain to the newcomer.

"Big Boss Bigu?"

Looking at the news on the chat group, Jianxian Lingfeng was shocked.

In this chat group, someone who can be called a boss by others will definitely be very powerful.

And before speaking, Jianxian Lingfeng had already observed the chat group.

He found that the people in this chat group were all acquaintances, and they were very familiar with each other.

Therefore, Jian Xian Lingfeng raised his evaluation of this person named Bigu by another level in his heart.

Ask yourself, Sword Immortal Lingfeng will generally not call him a boss to some familiar people, unless that person has a very outstanding ability, or his strength is several levels higher than himself.

For such a person, Jianxian Lingfeng would be willing to call him a boss.

So, looking at the information in the chat group, Jian Xian Lingfeng took a deep breath, began to adjust his mood, and then typed slowly.

Sword Immortal: There is a boss of Laobigu.

Although Sword Immortal Lingfeng is not very clear why Bigu is called a big guy by others.

But it's always right to do as the locals do.

Therefore, Sword Immortal also marked Big Brother directly behind Bigu.

Chisaki: ? ? ? Am I so humble?

Jieku: Surprised, I feel that after Jianxian joins our group, our quality will be greatly improved.

Bo Feng: @jieku, you say a hammer, you are the one who swears the most, you still have the nerve to be a monk? What about the precepts of your monks?

Jieku: Come on, you still don’t know if I am a real monk?

Bigu: Hey, hey, stop arguing, now it's science time.

Quit suffering: Big Brother Bigu, you continue.

Wave Wind: Big Brother Bigu, you continue.

Sword Immortal: Big Brother Bigu, you continue.

Looking at the content in the chat group, Jian Xian Lingfeng temporarily put some labels on the chat group in his heart.

First of all, the label of quitting suffering is in Jianxian Lingfeng's heart, which is the three words "false monk".

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