Looking at the news of other Lingfengs in the chat group, Jianxian Lingfeng nodded.

to be frank.

Now Jian Xian Lingfeng recalls the time when he fought wits and courage with the air before, it is really funny.

Jianxian: Yes, you have all received my memory, right?

After laughing for a while, Jianxian Lingfeng typed directly on the phone.

Truck: Received, what's the matter?

Jianxian: Then have you accepted my skills?

Jianxian Lingfeng saw this, and hurriedly typed and asked.

Truck: Accepted too, but those skills are completely useless to me now, after all, I'm just a robot.

Samurai: I also received memory and skills, what's wrong?

Cang Liu: Is there something wrong?

Jianxian: Then after you receive it, will you feel any discomfort in your body? Or what happened to the body?

Sword Immortal Lingfeng said hurriedly.

Yuhuazi: What happened to your body? It must be that the impurities are excreted from the body.

Yuhuazi Lingfeng recalled the scene when he had just received Sword Immortal Lingfeng's memory and skills and started the Sword Immortal Lingfeng exercise for the first time.

When it first started running for a week, nothing had happened yet.

But when the second week of operation began, Yuhuazi Lingfeng felt that his body began to change.

First, some black mud began to appear all over his body.

Yuhuazi received the memory of Sword Immortal Lingfeng, and naturally knew what black mud was.

Those black mud is the impurities in Yuhuazi Lingfeng's body.

Now that Yuhuazi is running the exercises from the world of immortal cultivation, the impurities in his body will naturally be eliminated from the body.

Therefore, now Yuhuazi Lingfeng's physique is that of a fairy.

Moreover, according to the exercises in memory, Yuhuazi ran for a week, and then continued to run for several weeks, so that his body was familiar with the functions of those exercises.

After a while, the exercises in Yuhuazi Lingfeng's body began to operate automatically, and Yuhuazi Lingfeng didn't need to worry about it.

Sword Immortal: Excluding impurities from the body is something that everyone who cultivates immortals has to go through. Apart from this, are there any other changes?

After Jian Xian Lingfeng carefully read Yuhuazi Lingfeng's description, he continued to ask.

Quitting Suffering: What about other changes? That is, the perception ability has been enhanced a lot? Or memory has also increased a little.

Demon: I have a deeper understanding of the law now, and I will be one step closer to the position of the monarch.

Cthulhu: You are talking about a hammer! I don't know what @ Jianxian people want to ask, what Jianxian wants to ask is whether you feel that you are being targeted by the robbery.

At this moment, Evil God Lingfeng jumped out directly, and clearly stated the thoughts of Sword Immortal Lingfeng.

Sword Immortal: Ahem, everyone knows that I am living in the world of immortal cultivation, so I need to pay attention to the robbery.

Because of the calamity, Sword Immortal Lingfeng has not received the skills in the group file.

He is now afraid that after he receives the skills in the group file, the difficulty of the robbery will be greatly increased.

At that time, he has a high chance of dying under the catastrophe.

Therefore, Sword Immortal Ling Feng wanted to ask Ling Feng from other worlds.

See if they will encounter catastrophe after receiving their group files,

This is also the reason why Sword Immortal Lingfeng asked them to receive the memory group file first before receiving the skill group file.

Yuhuazi: I didn't feel the calamity.

Empty: I didn't feel it either.

God of War: I feel that it should be the cause of the world, and I don't feel the breath of the catastrophe here.

Looking at the speeches of other Lingfengs in the chat group, Jianxian Lingfeng felt a chill in his heart.

He suddenly understood that only in the world he was in would there be a catastrophe.

After the other Lingfengs received their own cultivation, there would be no catastrophe.

"Gan, can't I receive group files?"

Thinking of this, Jianxian Lingfeng couldn't help but stare at his ceiling.

Now Jian Xian Lingfeng has a very rich treasure house, but he is standing in front of the treasure house and dare not push the door and walk in.

Because he was afraid that he had just pushed the door open, and after walking in, he would be taken to life by the trap on the door of the treasure house.

After all, the calamity in the world of immortal cultivation is very powerful.

And in front of the catastrophe, the longevity talisman has no effect.

Because the calamity has identified you as a person, the calamity will not disappear until you have survived the calamity.

Even if you are killed by the robbery and use the longevity talisman to climb up from the ground, after a while, the robbery will appear on your head again, giving you a thunder.

So now Jianxian Lingfeng knows that there are many life-saving skills in the group file, but he still doesn't dare to receive the group file.

He was afraid that after he received the group file, he would be chased and hacked by Heavenly Tribulation.

Imagine that picture.

Jianxian Lingfeng just received the group file, and then the calamity fell on Jianxian Lingfeng's head.

But because Jianxian Lingfeng received the group files and had some means of life-saving, Jianxian Lingfeng climbed out from somewhere else.

Immediately afterwards, the robbery appeared on the head of Jianxian Lingfeng again, and a thunderbolt struck Jianxian Lingfeng's body.

Sword Immortal Lingfeng threw himself on the street again.

Then resurrected again, and got up from somewhere else.

Heavenly Tribulation reappeared on Jianxian Lingfeng's head, and another thunder struck.

Day after day, the cycle goes on and on.

In this scene, isn't Nima a whack-a-mole?

And Jianxian Lingfeng is the gopher that was beaten.

Thinking of this, Jian Xian Lingfeng couldn't help shivering, and hurriedly shook his head, throwing this bad idea out of his mind.

Jianxian: Brothers, do you have an impression of your own strength now? Can you tell me how strong the strength in the latest skill group file is except me?

Sword Immortal Lingfeng directly asked the other Lingfengs in the chat group.

If you can ask how strong the skill group file is, then Sword Immortal Lingfeng can estimate how strong the catastrophe he will encounter based on that power.

Demon: Estimated strength? I'm not quite sure about this, after all, every world is different, and so are the reference objects.

Cthulhu: Indeed.

Saiyan: Then I will upload my memory now. You can compare the state before I received your power and the state after receiving it. In this way, you should be able to infer how strong the power in that group file is.

Sword Fairy: Alright.

Seeing this, Jianxian Lingfeng directly opened the group file, and then began to receive the memories of Saiyan Lingfeng, and then began to compare.


I still owe you three chapters

Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty-Three Receiving Group Files (Plus Update)

I don't know if I don't compare, I'm startled by a comparison.

Based on the memories of Saiyan Lingfeng, Sword Immortal Lingfeng can understand that the power contained in the skill group file has far exceeded the power in his current body.

After all, those are the combined forces of several worlds.

Originally, the calamity that Sword Immortal Ling Feng faced was the eighth-grade calamity.

But if he really clicked on the receiving group file, then Jianxian Lingfeng believed that the catastrophe he was going to face would definitely be far beyond the level of eighth-rank.

At that time, the calamity that is split may cross the Jiu-Rank and Zixiao Shenlei, or come to Xuanyin Shenlei or even reach Xuanyang Shenlei.

Thinking of this, Jianxian Lingfeng swallowed his saliva and looked at the button of the group file on the chat group with a complicated expression.

In the Great Cultivation Immortal Realm, although the 8th-grade Heavenly Tribulation and the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Tribulation are not common, they exist, while the Zixiao Divine Thunder is very rare. As for the Xuanyin Divine Thunder, Lingfeng has been in this immortal world for hundreds of years. Come on, I've only seen it once.

And then behind Xuanyang Shenlei, Jianxian Lingfeng has only heard of it, but has never seen it.

Therefore, Jianxian Lingfeng suddenly fell into a dilemma.

He wants to receive group files and improve his strength.

But he was afraid that the calamity that would come down would be very powerful, and he would chop him to death all at once.

So now Jianxian Lingfeng is considering whether to receive group files or not.

Just when Jianxian Lingfeng was thinking.

At this time, a voice came from his mobile phone.

Jianxian Lingfeng looked up.

I saw that someone in the chat group was Aite himself.

Cthulhu: @Jianxian, I took a closer look at your memory, I think it's better for you not to receive group files now, until you find a way to survive Zixiao Shenlei safely, or until there is a new boss After joining the group, it is better for you to receive group files.

Cthulhu: After all, I have seen from your memory that the power of those catastrophes is very powerful, so I suggest that you do not receive group files for now.

God of War: Yes, but I feel that you can receive group files one by one first. In this way, your strength can be gradually improved instead of gaining huge power all at once.

God of War: If you slowly improve, those calamities should not change too much.

Saiyan: Indeed, I feel that you can receive the previous group files first. After all, the power in the previous group files is not too strong, just right for you.

Jianxian: Well, I will think about it carefully.

Jianxian Lingfeng looked at the messages of Lingfengs in the chat group, replied, and then directly clicked on the interface of the group file.

He is preparing to receive some of the previous group files first, as the other Lingfengs said, so that he can gradually improve his ability.

But now, what Jian Xian Lingfeng has to consider is which group files he should receive.

"Uchiha, Senju, Naikaze, Cang Liu, Samurai..."

Sword Immortal Lingfeng read out the names of those Lingfengs while thinking about their abilities in his heart.

At the same time, Sword Immortal Ling Feng also looked at the memories of those Ling Feng from time to time to deepen his influence.

With Jianxian Lingfeng's continuous thinking, he also gradually determined which Lingfeng's group files he should receive.

"I find this Saiyan physique very useful."

Sword Immortal Lingfeng directly set his eyes on the group files uploaded by Saiyan Lingfeng at the beginning.

Although it is said that the sword fairy Lingfeng is the body of an immortal, the Saiyan Lingfeng's physique that becomes stronger when he is on the verge of death also plays a big role in the current sword fairy Lingfeng.

"First receive the group file of Saiyan Lingfeng, see where the enhanced strength is, and then consider other group files."

Thinking of this, Jianxian Lingfeng directly clicked on the skill group file originally uploaded by the Saiyans, and then began to receive it directly.

Jianxian Lingfeng received group files very quickly.

In just an instant, Jianxian Lingfeng received the group file of Saiyan Lingfeng.


Feeling the changes in his body at this time, Jianxian Lingfeng slowly let out a sigh of turbidity.

Through the memories of those people before, Jianxian Lingfeng understood that he had already taken over the physique of Saiyan Lingfeng.

"It's now to see if this physique will attract a catastrophe."

Sword Immortal Lingfeng adjusted his state while thinking.

"It's just a physique, plus some use of qi, this power is a drop in the bucket compared to the power in my body, and it shouldn't attract a catastrophe."

Sword Immortal Lingfeng walked straight out of the door and stood on the top of the mountain.

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