"Only one-third of it was memorized."

Lin Pingzhi said with some embarrassment when he heard the words.

In this martial arts world, Lin Pingzhi belongs to the type of person with good talent.

Therefore, when Ling Feng taught Lin Pingzhi before, he was able to master and learn it quickly.

But after Ling Feng helped him run for a week like this, he only remembered a third of it. This was the first time it had happened.

"Master, do I have no spiritual roots? Or my spiritual roots are not good?"

Looking at Ling Feng in front of him, Lin Pingzhi swallowed his saliva and said slowly.

During the time he was in the Fuwei Escort before, Lin Pingzhi had also read some immortal novels.

After Lingfeng took him to run for a week, he still didn't remember it completely.

Therefore, Lin Pingzhi now wonders whether he is the same as those written in the immortal novels, that he does not have spiritual roots or the like, or that his talent for immortality is not very good.


Looking at Lin Pingzhi, who was a little uneasy in front of him, Ling Feng said directly.

And this sentence, Ling Feng did not deceive Lin Pingzhi.

In the immortal world of Sword Immortal Lingfeng, Lin Pingzhi could remember one-third of Zhou Tian, ​​and this talent could be regarded as an upper-middle level.


Listening to Yuhuazi Lingfeng's words, Lin Pingzhi looked at Yuhuazi Lingfeng in front of him with some joy.

What does the word "Xiu Xian" mean?

The meaning of these two words is immortality!

Represents moving mountains and reclaiming seas, and flying with the sword.

So after Lin Pingzhi knew that his talent for immortality was not very bad, the look in Lin Pingzhi's eyes was full of joy.

"Really, now I'll take you around for another week, so you can remember it well."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he put his palm on Lin Pingzhi's shoulder again, and then took Lin Pingzhi to continue the exercise.

In a short while, a week will be finished.

"How much did you remember this time?"

Ling Feng did not take his hand back from Lin Pingzhi's shoulder this time, but asked directly.


Lin Pingzhi took a deep breath and answered truthfully.

He knew that cultivating immortals was the same as practicing martial arts, so he couldn't be impatient or hide anything, so Lin Pingzhi said directly.

"Okay, wait for me to start reciting the formulas. You can follow me and feel the route of the aura."

Ling Feng said aloud while controlling the spiritual power in Lin Pingzhi's body.


Lin Pingzhi nodded, then closed his eyes and tightened his mind.

After that, under the guidance of Ling Feng, Lin Pingzhi quickly managed to run a week.

"Remember those formulas, and then run them at least twenty times a day, and no more than fifty times at most."

Looking at Lin Pingzhi in front of him, Ling Feng said.

Because this is the first day of Lin Pingzhi's practice, his muscles and body are able to bear it, so if he practices too much, it will be harmful to his body.


Lin Pingzhi felt the comfort in his body, and nodded hastily.

"If you don't understand anything, you must come and ask me, don't practice blindly by yourself, by the way, when you run next, prepare another set of clothes first. Of course, the best thing is to stay by the river and practice. Bar."

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he walked towards the outside of the hall.

"Prepare another set of clothes? Stay by the river to practice?"

Hearing this, Lin Pingzhi scratched his head suspiciously.

Although he didn't understand why Ling Feng asked himself to prepare another set of clothes and stay by the river when he was practicing, he still did as Ling Feng said.

"According to his talent, after he has finished 20 times of Zhoutian, he should have washed his tendons and cut the marrow. It is very important to prepare clothes."

Recalling how Sword Immortal Lingfeng used to wash tendons and cut marrow, Yuhuazi Lingfeng walked towards the backyard with a smile.

Soon, Yuhuazi Lingfeng walked into the backyard.

At this time, Lingfeng's junior sister, Lingxi, was sitting in the pavilion, absorbing the spiritual energy in the air.

Just as Yuhuazi Lingfeng walked into the pavilion, he saw a small red mark slowly appearing on Lingxi's forehead.

That mark was right between Lingxi's eyebrows.

"Lingxi's talent is so good? He's about to finish training so soon?"

Looking at Lingxi sitting in the pavilion, Yuhuazi Lingfeng couldn't help but glance at Lingxi more.

You know, Yuhuazi Lingfeng taught Lingxi to immortalize only less than two weeks later.

At this time, the spiritual energy in her body was much higher than when she was just cultivating.

Yuhuazi Lingfeng felt that if Lingxi continued to practice like this, within five years, she would be able to start transcending the calamity.


Thank you [Seven Star Operator Swordsman Tower] for a monthly pass

Thank you [Xiaozhitiangong] for three monthly passes

Thank you [Bookkeeper 76209173730] for a monthly pass

Thank you [mr. Lucifer] for two monthly passes and a spicy bar

Thank you [ヴェル·Sein] for the five monthly passes

Thank you [Ling Jiang XD] for the three monthly passes

Thank you [Zhou Lunjiu] for the two monthly passes

Thanks for the two blades of 【Kashiwagi】

Thank you for the two blades of 【Moon Intoxicated】

Thanks for a blade of [author update]

Thank you [White Night Ghost] for a spicy bar

Chapter five hundred and seventy-five doubts

"It seems that we need to prepare some things for tribulation in advance."

Seeing Lingxi practicing hard in the pavilion, Yuhuazi Lingfeng pondered in his heart.

At this time, just when Yuhuazi Lingfeng was thinking, Lingxi stopped cultivating and opened her eyes to look in the direction of Yuhuazi Lingfeng.


Lingxi got up directly, walked to Yuhuazi Lingfeng's side, and said with a smile.

"How has your practice been recently?"

Yuhuazi Lingfeng felt the spiritual power in Lingxi's body and asked aloud.

"Cultivation as usual, but I have recently felt that my absorption of spiritual energy has become much faster, two or three times faster than before."

Lingxi recalled the situation she encountered during her cultivation in the past few days, and said aloud.

"Cultivation is much faster?"

When Yuhuazi Lingfeng heard the words, his eyes changed to Tenseikan, and then he looked up and down Lingxi's whole body.

Because Tenseigan can see the spiritual energy in other people's muscles.

Therefore, Yuhuazi Lingfeng immediately understood why Lingxi absorbed spiritual power much faster these days.

"Because the muscles and veins in your body have expanded a bit, and your body has gradually received those spiritual energy, so you are absorbing spiritual energy much faster these days than before."

Yuhuazi Lingfeng restored his eyes to their original state and said aloud.

"If you continue to practice like this, then the speed at which you absorb spiritual power will be faster, so don't worry."

Yuhuazi Lingfeng added.

"If it's okay, I'll be relieved."

Lingxi heard the words, nodded her head, and said aloud.


Looking at Lingxi in front of her, Ling Feng immediately swallowed her words about going through the calamity.

Now Lingxi is just an ordinary immortal cultivator who has just been in contact with cultivation for a long time, and there is still a long time before the time of transcending the catastrophe.

Therefore, telling Lingxi now that she will survive the catastrophe in the future will only make Lingxi's mentality explode.

So Yuhuazi Lingfeng prepared to wait for Lingxi to practice for a while, and after she made some preparations, Yuhuazi Lingfeng told Lingxi about the calamity.

At that time, even if Lingxi didn't want to continue cultivating immortals, it would still be too late.

"By the way, Senior Brother, how strong is your strength now?"

At this time, Lingxi suddenly approached Yuhua Zi Lingfeng and asked Yuhua Zi Lingfeng aloud.

"Why, why are you suddenly asking this question?"

Yuhuazi Lingfeng looked at Lingxi's very interested expression, and smiled and reached out to pat Lingxi's head.

"Just a little curious, brother, tell me quickly."

Lingxi stretched out her hands, patted Yuhuazi Lingfeng's arm twice, and said in a coquettish tone.

"That's it."

Yuhuazi Lingfeng looked at Lingxi in front of him, shook his head helplessly, and said slowly.

"What level?"

Hearing this, Lingxi looked at Ling Feng with some puzzlement.

But in the next second, Lingxi knew what the level Yuhuazi Lingfeng said was like.

I saw Yuhuazi Lingfeng's feet slowly leave the ground, and the whole body slowly floated up.

Of course, this is entirely because Yuhuazi Lingfeng is suppressing his own strength.

If Yuhuazi Lingfeng didn't suppress his strength, then his whole body would fly into the air at once.

Yuhuazi Lingfeng took into account that Lingxi had not been in contact with the immortals for a long time, so he made his body float a little.

After all, Yuhuazi Lingfeng still has to consider Lingxi's receiving ability.

When Yuhuazi Lingfeng told Lingxi that he could cultivate immortals before, Lingxi didn't quite believe it.

Even when Yuhuazi Lingfeng sent energy into Lingxi's body, Lingxi still didn't quite believe it, she thought that Yuhuazilingfeng just created a new exercise.

After knowing that Yuhuazi Lingfeng showed his flying sword in front of Lingxi, Lingxi completely believed that there was something about cultivating immortals.

After that, Yuhuazi Lingfeng began to teach Lingxi to practice.

After half a month.

During this half month, Yuhuazi Lingfeng kept teaching Lingxi and Lin Pingzhi how to practice.

Because Yuhuazi Lingfeng has hundreds of years of memories of Sword Immortal Lingfeng, it is very easy to teach Lingxi and Lin Pingzhi.

After all, Jian Xian Lingfeng's hundreds of years were not in vain.

In those hundreds of years, what scene has Sword Immortal Lingfeng not seen?

Therefore, under the guidance of Yuhuazi Lingfeng, the cultivation of the two can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

On this day, after the two of them had just finished practicing, Yuhuazi Lingfeng clapped the palm of his hand, attracting the eyes of both of them to himself.

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