Chapter 67 Fighting Master

Tiger Head is a leader in the south of the Seventy-ninth District. He is called Tiger Head because he is tall and tall, and there are several scars on his forehead that resemble the word "king" of a tiger.

He is ruthless and ruthless. In the south of the seventy-ninth district, he can be said to be a unique existence, and he has about thirty or forty younger brothers.

One-eyed dragon is a leader in the east of the seventy-ninth district. He is not as strong as a tiger's head, but he can't lose much weight. He was once blinded by one eye when he was robbing others, so he is nicknamed the one-eyed dragon. . Before, he was bold and free and easy.

But since his eye was blinded by someone, the whole person has become insidious, and he likes to stumble and torture the guy who falls in his hands. There are also thirty or forty little brothers under him, similar to the tiger head in the south.

Now these two are fighting for a shallow fight, and it must be a life-and-death situation.

Because after one of them gets a light blow, they can rely on the light blow to become a **** of death, and then sweep away their opponents and dominate the entire seventy-ninth district.

Now if they found out that the shallow hit was gone and was stolen by Aizen, it would be troublesome.

Ling Feng is very sure that the two guys will join forces, kill himself and Aizen first, and then go to a life-and-death relationship.

"Let's pack up and get ready to run."

Ling Feng looked at the light hit in Lan Ran's hands and said seriously.

"Huh? Why? Didn't we have a shallow fight? As long as you and I become a **** of death with a shallow fight, why are you afraid of what they will do?"

Aizen said indifferently.

"You first use a shallow punch to see if you can become a **** of death."

Ling Feng felt that Aizen's idea was a little naive.

If it is really so easy to become the **** of death, why didn't the tiger head and the one-eyed dragon become the **** of death with a light blow?

"I can't do it. I tried it just now. It doesn't seem like this shallow punch can be turned into a Zanpakutō, so you try it."

After Aizen finished speaking, she handed the shallow hit to Lingfeng.

Ling Feng took the shallow beating and frowned at the samurai sword in his hand.

He clearly remembered that Ichigo Kurosaki, who was a **** of death in his previous life, became a **** of death by stabbing himself in the stomach with Rukia's Zanpakutō.

So if you want to become a **** of death, do you have to stab yourself in the stomach with this shallow beating?

If you stab into it and become a **** of death, it's okay to say, if you can't become a **** of death if you stab in it, then it's a waste of money.

This time, Ling Feng was caught in a dilemma.

"Do you know how to use a shallow punch to become a **** of death?"

Ling Feng turned his head and asked Aizen beside him.

"Just hold the sword, see if you can enter the inner world, and then say the name of Zanpakutō to become the **** of death."

Blue dye said aloud.

"That's fine."

Hearing Lan Ran's words, Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief, he thought he was really going to stab himself in the stomach.

Having obtained the correct way to become a **** of death, Ling Feng immediately meditated on the ground with both hands in his hands, then closed his eyes, and kept calling Zanpakutō in his mind.

After a long time, Ling Feng opened his eyes.

"How? Have you become a **** of death?"

When Lan Ran saw Ling Feng open his eyes, he hurriedly asked aloud.

Ling Feng shook his head bitterly. He had just closed his eyes and kept shouting Zanpakutō, but there was no response.

"Let's pack up and prepare to run."

Lan Ran saw the meaning in Ling Feng's expression, and grabbed the shallow punch directly from Ling Feng's hand, and then didn't know where to put it, and then carried the things that he had just packed on his back.

Ling Feng looked at Lan Ran's appearance, and hurriedly carried the bag on his back. If he didn't run now, it would be too late.


At this time, the wooden door of the house where Ling Feng and the others lived was kicked open.

Then a meal of people gradually came in from the outside.

Soon, the small house was filled.

Ling Feng took a cursory look and found that there were more than ten people standing in this small house of less than 20 square meters.

"It's you who stole my punch."

A leader looked fiercely at Ling Feng who was sitting on the ground and said to Aizen.

This leader is tall and thick, with a bald head and a few scars on his forehead. At first glance, he can tell that he is a ruthless character.

Lingfeng knew who this guy was, the tiger head in the south of the seventy-ninth district.

"What's yours, some people are really shameless."

The man standing beside him with a blind eye said yin and yang.

Ling Feng knew that this guy was a one-eyed dragon.

Because apart from him, no one dared to speak like that in front of the tiger's head.

"Wait to clean them up first and then clean up you."

Tiger head glared at the one-eyed dragon, and walked directly in front of Ling Feng and Lan Ran.

"Let's talk, where is the shallow fight, and I can make your death less painful."

The tiger stepped on the chair with one foot, and looked at Aizen with his eyes tightly, and said condescendingly.

"Well, we said can you let us die?"

Aizen said cautiously.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing Aizen's words, all the people standing in the small room laughed.

"Let go of you, ask them if they will answer?"

Tiger head glared at Lan Ran fiercely, and then said to the men behind him: "Break their legs, watch them closely, and when I become a **** of death, I will use them to open the knife."

After speaking, Tiger Head turned around and walked out of the small house. The one-eyed dragon also laughed sinisterly, not knowing what he was thinking about.

After the two leaders left, there were six people left in the room, two were Tiger Head's subordinates, two were One-Eyed Dragon's subordinates, and the remaining two were Ling Feng and Lan Ran.

At this time, the four of them laughed and walked towards Ling Feng with weapons in their hands.

Looking at the four people who kept approaching him, Ling Feng winked at Aizen.

After receiving it, Aizen nodded.

Seeing Lan Ran's actions, Ling Feng directly picked up the chair beside him and slammed it on the head of the person walking in front.

The man was suddenly frightened by Ling Feng's sudden attack, but he didn't react. He took Ling Feng's attack abruptly, and fell to the ground like a soft-footed shrimp.

When Ling Feng saw that he had succeeded in his attack, he threw the chair directly towards the other person.

The man hurriedly blocked the flying chair with the weapon in his hand.

The other two saw Ling Feng's sudden attack, and they also clenched their weapons, ready to kill Ling Feng.

Aizen saw that all her attention was on Ling Feng's body, she grabbed the clay pot filled with water, and patted the back of the man on the left.

The clay pot hit the man's back and shattered directly into pieces.

The man on the left had a pain in his back and wanted to turn around to see what was going on, but when he turned his head, he knelt on the ground while covering his neck.

Because Aizen wiped his neck directly with fragments of a clay pot.


Ling Feng kicked away the guy who wanted to attack, grabbed Aizen's collar and hugged him into his arms, and jumped out of the window directly.


The first update is complete, and there is another update today.

Thank you [Xuan Lingyue] for a blade. Thank you [Lingcheng Residual Frost] for the two monthly passes.

Thank you all for your votes,

Continue to ask for recommendation tickets~~~~~~

Chapter 68 Named Cang Liu

Ling Feng clamped Aizen under his arm, jumped out of the window at once, and ran away.

The tiger head and the one-eyed dragon's subordinates who were guarding outside the door didn't see what jumped out of the window, and disappeared all of a sudden.

"Did you run away? You chase me, and the rest will search the whole house for me. If you dig three feet in the ground, you should give me a shallow call to find it."

Tiger head looked at the group of younger brothers lying on the ground in the room, spit on the ground, and looked fiercely at the one-eyed dragon beside him.

"You go too."

The one-eyed dragon turned his head and greeted the younger brother beside him.

"Yes." ×2

The younger brothers immediately said aloud when they heard the boss's order, and then divided into two groups, one group went to chase Lingfeng and Aizen, and the other group went into the house to rummage for shallow fights.

After Ling Feng jumped out of the window, he tried his best to run forward, not daring to look back to see if anyone was chasing him.

"Don't run, don't run."

At this time, Lan Ran under Ling Feng's arm reached out and patted Ling Feng's arm, "No one is chasing after me, please let me down!"

"Is no one chasing after you?"

When Ling Feng heard Aizen's words, he cautiously looked back twice before putting Aizen from under his arm to the ground.

"I'm about to be pinched to death by you, why are you pinching me to run!"

Aizen sat on the ground with a butt, breathing heavily, looking at Ling Feng with a bad face.

"Just your short legs, how fast do you want to run? If it wasn't for me to run with you, would you be able to outrun them?"

Ling Feng said helplessly.

"Hmph, I'm still down now. When I grow up, I'll definitely have long legs."

Lan Ran was very dissatisfied with Ling Feng's statement, folded his arms around his chest, turned his head to one side, and did not look at Ling Feng.

"Okay, you will have long legs in the future."

Ling Feng said aloud.

"By the way, do you know where we are now? Did you bring anything to eat?"

After a while, Aizen looked around and found that there were places she didn't know in all directions, so she asked Lingfeng out loud.

"How do I know, how could I choose that road when I was running just now? Of course, I will run that road if I have it! Also, don't look for it, I didn't bring anything to eat."

Ling Feng slapped away Aizen who was trying to find food on himself, and said angrily.

"Then what should we do! If we don't have a village in front of us or a store in the back, we can't go back. If we go back, those two guys will hack us to death, and we will starve to death!"

Aizen lay on the ground as a whole, staring at the sky with dazed eyes, a look of hopelessness on his face.

"I also want to know what to do."

Ling Feng and Lan Ran lay side by side on the ground, and looked at the sky with unrequited love.

"Then I'll take a rest first, and we'll find the village after the rest is over."

Aizen closed his eyes and said in that weak voice.

Why is it also time-travel, and why am I different from others?

It's been more than a month since I've been through it, why hasn't the plug-in been online yet?

Ling Feng looked at the sky, thinking about the mess in his mind.

Wait a minute, plug-in?

At this time, Ling Feng suddenly remembered that before Lan Ran came back, he seemed to have seen a mobile phone, and he even picked it up.

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