Soon, the table of the three was filled with dishes and wine glasses.

Their dish tonight is the frog they slaughtered today.

"It's surprisingly delicious! Although it's a bit hard, it tastes really good."

Aqua directly grabbed a frog meat and took a bite.

Ling Feng looked at Aqua's movements, glanced at Kazuma next to him, and ate a lot.

"Well, you are a team of novice adventurers, right?"

While the three of them were eating happily, a little girl's voice rang out.

The three followed the voice and saw a little girl wearing a wizard hat, holding a staff, one eye with a blindfold, and one red-eyed girl watching them closely.

"You are?"

Kazuma stopped the food in his mouth and asked aloud.

"This encounter is the destiny chosen by the world, and I have been looking forward to the appearance of people like you."

The little girl raised the cloak behind her.

"My name is Huihui, and my profession is a great magician!"

Huihui put on a very middle-two posture.

"Hey, middle school sickness?"

Kazuma couldn't help saying aloud when she saw that Huihui's posture had already said the words in her mouth.

Having lived in Japan before, Huihui's middle-two illness is also very familiar to Kazuma.


Aqua read Huihui's name, and then laughed.

The two words Huihui were funny when they were spoken in a different world language, so Ling Feng recited it with He Zhen and tried his best to hold back his laughter.

"I have the strongest attack magic, explosion magic! I have this kind of power, do you want to be included in your command?"

Huihui touched her blindfold and looked closely at the three people sitting on the chair.

"Are you a Crimson Demon?"

Aqua looked into Huihui's eyes and said aloud.

In her memory, the Crimson Demons were a group of races with red eyes, strange names and super high magic power.

"That's right,"

Before Huihui's words were finished, her whole body leaned forward involuntarily.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Huihui's appearance, Kazuma hurriedly stepped forward to support Huihui's body.

"Cough, because I haven't eaten for two days, can you give me something to eat?"

Huihui said in a low voice.

"It's okay to invite you to dinner."

Ling Feng said.

He remembered that a priest from another world had given them the registration fee, which made them successful adventurers.

Then Huihui sat next to Aqua and ate the frog meat on the table with them.

"Well, this is my adventurer card, you can check it out."

Huihui took out her card and put it on the table.

Aqua moved the card in front of her and started looking at the data on it.

Because adventurer cards cannot be forged, they are not worried that Huihui will come out with fake cards to deceive them.

After a while, Aqua nodded. Huihui's adventurer card did say that she was a great magician, and her magic power was also very good. She could also use explosion magic.

"How about you, do you agree with me joining your adventure team?"

Huihui asked aloud while eating the frog meat.

"Ling Feng, what do you think?"

Kazuma asked Lingfeng's opinion cautiously.

As for Aqua's opinion? Just when she doesn't exist.

"I think it can. According to the configuration of the general game, we need a magician."

Ling Feng pondered for a while and said aloud.

"Yes, but I will take her on a mission tomorrow to see her true strength."

Kazuo nodded his head.

"In this way, you will take a mission with us tomorrow. Let's take a look at your strength. If your strength meets our standard, we will agree to let you join the team, how about that?"

Kazuma said aloud.

"no problem!"

Huihui nodded her head directly like pounding garlic.

"Then you eat first, and Kazuma and I will see what quest to choose."

Ling Feng patted Hezhen on the shoulder.

Then the two came to the task bar, and began to see what task they would use tomorrow to test Huihui's strength.

"Ling Feng, what do you think of this?"

Kazuma seemed to have found a more suitable task, and pointed directly to the task list.

"Let me see."

Ling Feng looked at Hezhen's finger.

I saw that it was a four-skull task.

The above requires crusade against three giant lizards in the wild.

The reward is 30,000 Eris.

"Although it's a four-skull quest, because the number of giant lizards is relatively small, I can solve one, and then you and Aqua can solve one, and the rest will be handed over to the magician, I think it's okay."

Ling Feng thought for a moment and said aloud.

"Yeah, I think so too."

Kazuma nodded his head, couldn't help but praised his vision, tore off the task list, and returned to Aqua and Huihui.

"What do you think of this mission?"

Hezhen handed the task list to Huihui.

"no problem."

Huihui looked at the task list carefully and said confidently.

Chapter 88 The Invincible Knee Hit

Huihui had seen the battle between Lingfeng and the three giant frogs when she was practicing in the field this afternoon, so she agreed to the task of crusade against the giant lizards.

In her mind, even if she killed one giant lizard, the remaining two could be killed by Lingfeng, Kazuma and Aqua.

The next day, Ling Feng, Kazuma, Aqua, and Huihui came to the place where the giant lizards haunted.

The four stood on the hillside and watched the giant lizards running around in this grassland.

"Did you know? Explosion magic is the strongest magic, so it takes time to chant."

Huihui stretched out her staff and pointed to a giant lizard dozing on the ground below.

"Can you hold the other lizards while I prepare?"

She pointed to another giant lizard running on the grassland.

"let me try."

Kazuma drew his long sword, swallowed and said.

This giant lizard was one point bigger than yesterday's giant frog, so Kazuma was a little timid when facing such a giant monster.

"I'll stop one, and you two will stop the other."

Ling Feng condensed the Zanpakutō and ran directly towards a giant lizard.

Just when Ling Feng had just left, Huihui held up her staff and concentrated her magic power on the dozing lizard.

"To the abyss that is darker than black, darker than darkness, I pray for my crimson flash..."

With Huihui's singing.

The black magic power in the air condensed and formed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly poured into the staff in Huihui's hand.

"What my magic power is seeking is the collapse."

The condensed magic power gradually formed a circle, surrounding the sleeping lizard.

It does not know that danger is approaching.

Deep in the sky there was a scarlet light, like an exploding comet.


Huihui held the staff and shouted at the lizard.

The staff in her hand also radiated a huge rainbow light. At this time, the condensed magic power also turned into a rainbow color, and white stars were shining during the period.

A huge flame suddenly descended from the sky and hit the lizard directly.

After a long time, the wind pressure generated by the explosion magic gradually dissipated, and the dark sky just now returned to clear.

The place where the explosion magic attacked also turned into a prototype of coke at this time, and the lizard that was dozing just now has no bones left.

"Is this explosion magic?"

Ling Feng looked at the magic from Huihui, and felt a little palpitated at this time.

He felt that if he upgraded himself, he should also learn this first hand. After all, he had no other big-killing skills except Turtle Qigong. If he learned this magic, then he would also have big-killing skills.


A voice suddenly sounded from behind them.

I saw lumps of soil swell behind where Kazuma and the others were standing.

Two lizards slowly emerged from the clod.

"Huihui, let's go first..."

Seeing this, Hezhen wanted to tell Huihui to retreat, but he saw that Huihui fell to the ground like a corpse, slowly sliding down the hillside to his side.

"My explosion magic is extremely powerful and consumes a huge amount of magic power, so I can only use one shot a day."

Huihui opened her mouth to explain to Hezhen.

"Then why do you use this magic?"

Kazuma hurried to Huihui's side, carried her on his back, and asked aloud.

"They attacked."

The giant lizard stuck out its extremely long tongue towards Huihui.

Seeing this, Kazuma hurriedly twisted the lizard's tongue with a small move, but Huihui's clothes were scratched a little by the tongue, revealing the skin inside.

"Ling Feng, help!"

Looking at the lizard chasing him, Kazuma shouted to Lingfeng loudly.

As for Aqua?

She is also running beside Kazuma non-stop.

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