Eat the whole piece of tofu in one bite.

Hemp, spicy, hot, fragrant, crisp, fresh, tender and lively.

All these eight flavors are concentrated in this mouth of the priest.

"This, what is this?"

Tasting the taste in his mouth, the priest suddenly opened his eyes, staring at the sky indifferently, and said slowly.

He seemed to have found his purpose in life.

"Father, are you alright?"

Seeing that the priest was sweating profusely at this time, with a satisfied look on his face, Ling Feng couldn't help asking aloud.

Obviously he just cooked a dish, why does this priest look like he has taken medicine?

I am not the king of medicine.

"No, it's fine."

The priest came back to his senses, stretched out his right hand tremblingly, and continued to scoop a spoonful of tofu into his mouth.

"Father, if you can't eat it, don't eat it. I'll treat you to this meal."

Ling Feng looked at the very weak look of the priest.

He was afraid that if the priest took another bite, he would die in his shop on the spot.

The priest ignored Ling Feng and continued to eat the Mapo tofu in front of him.

Mapo tofu gets hotter and spicier the more you eat it.

And the priest eats faster and faster, and the sweat on his head also eats more and more.

In the end, after the priest ate the last bite of Mapo Tofu, his whole body was like being pulled out of the water.

His black priest's clothes were all wet with his sweat.

"Do you have any other spicy dishes here?"

The priest leaned back on the chair and asked Ling Feng weakly.

"Then, Father, why don't you go back today and taste it tomorrow?"

Ling Feng looked at the priest like this, and felt more and more uneasy, because he always felt that the priest was weird, and he couldn't tell where it was.

"Money is not a problem, do you still have it here?"

The priest took his wallet out of his pocket, took out a large stack of coins, and just put it on the table.

"Yes, I have a lot of spicy dishes here, such as Maoxuewang, spicy chicken, boiled pork slices, husband and wife lung slices, everything, what do you want?"

Ling Feng glanced at the thickness of the coins on the table and asked aloud.

"Then let's have another hairy blood."

The priest said slowly.

Then, the priest tasted the Maoxuewang made by Lingfeng.

This Mao Xuewang, like Mapo Tofu, gave the priest a great surprise.

In the end, the priest trembled and walked out of Lingfeng's restaurant with the door.

"You come again next time."

Seeing how the priest went out, Ling Feng hurriedly said.

Ling Feng still likes the priest, who is generous, can finish all the dishes, and is not afraid of spicy food.

"Well, I'll come back tomorrow."

The priest's voice entered Ling Feng's ears.

"What a nice guy. He ate two dishes and gave money for four dishes."

Ling Feng held the coin given by the priest and smacked his lips.

At first, Ling Feng said that the money was too much, but the priest didn't know why, he just said it was right. In the end, Ling Feng couldn't stand him, so he had to accept the money for the four dishes.

Seeing that it was getting late, Ling Feng also closed the restaurant and went to sleep on the second floor.

the next day.

When Ling Feng woke up, after washing up, he saw that it was already nine o'clock in the morning, so he went downstairs to open the door of the restaurant.

Then Ling Feng saw the priest standing motionless beside the restaurant for some time.

I don't know what to think about there.

"Father, are you?"

Ling Feng looked at what the priest looked like at this time, and asked carefully.

After what happened yesterday, Ling Feng thought that there was something wrong with the priest's head, so he saw the priest again and was very cautious when speaking.

"Before, I had always been confused in my heart. I wanted to find my true path, but I made a lot of efforts and always failed."

The priest watched Ling Feng come out, and stepped forward and said aloud.

"This is you?"

Ling Feng listened to the priest's words and was confused, not knowing what he was talking about.

"But after tasting your food yesterday, my inner confusion was resolved. I knew exactly what the path I was looking for was."

"Father, please speak human words."

"I want to learn how to cook with you."



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Chapter one hundred and forty-eight empty strips Lingfeng

"real or fake?"

Ling Feng thought for a while, and asked the priest in front of him aloud.

"Really, after tasting your food yesterday, I found my purpose in life, so now I want to learn how to cook with you."

The priest said with a serious face.

"It's very hard to learn how to cook with me."

Seeing that the priest's expression was very serious, and it didn't look like he was joking, Ling Feng said aloud, wanting to let the priest retreat.

"I'm not afraid of hard work."

The priest's expression was exactly the same as before, nothing changed.

"Since you want to learn how to cook, you can learn from those chefs. Why do you want me?"

Ling Feng asked in confusion.

"Because I don't feel the touch of my soul when I eat their food, only eating your food can make me feel that way, so please accept me."

After the priest finished speaking, he bowed to Ling Feng.

When Ling Feng saw this, he knew that the priest was genuine and really wanted to learn how to cook with himself.

"Go back first, let me think about it, and think about it for you. I'll give you an answer in two days."

Ling Feng covered his forehead and said helplessly.

"Okay, please have a good rest these two days. I will bring the apprenticeship ceremony to the door in two days."

After the priest finished speaking, he left the restaurant.

What is this.

Ling Feng looked at the figure of the priest leaving, thinking helplessly in his heart.

Obviously he only cooked two dishes, why did he just come to the door to be a teacher?

He is not called Liu Subaru, let alone the King of Medicine.

Ling Feng thought wildly, then cleaned up the restaurant, and went back to the kitchen to wait for the guests to come.

It was really boring to wait, so Ling Feng took out his mobile phone and started swiping the messages in the chat group.

[Empty bar joins this group. 】

Looking at the news on the chat group, Xingyue Lingfeng immediately became excited.

Now there is finally a new person joining the group, and I am no longer a new person.

Magician: The newcomer explodes in photos.

KongTiao: Well, this is a chat group, right? Is it the chat group that can connect to the heavens and the world?

Xingyue Lingfeng was surprised when he saw the words sent by the newcomer.

It seems that this newcomer is quite smart.

Magician: It looks like you understand very well.

KongTiao: Just kidding, I really understand.

The other Lingfeng looked at the speeches of the two newcomers, and the smile on his face gradually became presumptuous.

Kong Tiao is a newcomer who has just joined the group. He clearly understands nothing but says he understands it well.

The magician was deceived by their group of Lingfeng, but thought he had mastered the truth.

The other Lingfeng I saw had a stomachache.

Chishou: Welcome newcomers.

Wave wind: Welcome newcomers, our chat group is the chat group of all heavens and the world, a friendly chat group that helps each other, you can tell us any difficulties you have.

Saiyan: Yes, you can also learn some abilities through us to make yourself stronger.

Empty Article: Thank you guys.

Kongtiao Lingfeng looked at the information on the chat group and immediately felt relieved.

Sure enough, this chat group is the same as what is said in the online novel.

"Lingfeng, hurry up, hurry up, your brother has been caught in prison, let's go to redeem him."

At this time, a woman pushed open the door and shouted into the room in a panic.

This woman's name is Kujo Heli, the mother of Kujo Lingfeng.

And Lingfeng also has an older brother, named Jotaro Kujo.

"He's been in jail? How is that possible?"

Hearing her mother's words, Ling Feng's first reaction was that her mother was lying to him.

Although his older brother Kotaro Kujo is a bad boy, he doesn't pay for food, smokes and drinks, fights outside of school, and bullies his teachers.

But Ling Feng knew that he was a good person.

Therefore, Lingfeng's first reaction after hearing that Chengtaro was caught in prison was that he couldn't believe it.

"It's true, let's go."

He Li picked up the bag and shouted towards Ling Feng.

"Okay, okay, let's go now."

Hearing He Li's words, Ling Feng put the phone in his pocket, went to the entrance, put on his shoes and followed his mother out of the house.

"Quick, let's take a taxi now."

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