Su Bai’s expression did not change.

Just coldly swept the eyes of the teachers and students.

A few minutes ago, Xiang Hu wanted to bring himself to his knees.

Teacher Lu oppresses people and holds the status of a teacher, but he is reprimanded from above.

Regret it now?

Why go earlier?!

Don’t hurt them, Su Bai is afraid that there are people who don’t have long eyes.

“Su Bai, tell them to stop, you have already won.”

The old headmaster, who was the referee, said suddenly.

Although he is usually not very careful, he is full of words.

And in front of so many students, it is also necessary to maintain the reputation of the school.

Teacher Li also opened his mouth at the right time.

The face of the principal and the class teacher still has to be given.

Su Baigang wanted to order an armistice.

Unexpectedly, the radio in the battle room sounded again.

[Xiang Hu’s 300 lizardman warriors were completely destroyed, and none of Su Bai’s warriors died, and they were completely victorious.] 】

[The whole process of this simulated operation: 30 seconds.] 】

[Successful ending. 】

The two projections on the Battle Platform are rapidly dissipating.

The beast was still hesitant to snort.

They turned into data and returned to the Celestial Realm.

Su Bai: “…..”

This is not what he wants to kill

No one expected that the battle would end so quickly!

Thankfully, I am still waiting for myself.

Three waves were prepared.

Not to mention the Evil Eye Clan in the rear, the unicorn immortal beasts that were slightly behind did not see the enemy clearly.

As for the lord of the four seas hiding in the sea as an ambush?

Oh, except for Su Bai, no one found that there were still warriors who did not come out.

“My Lizard Man!”

Xiang Hu was paralyzed on the ground, and the five-foot boy cried in public.

His self-esteem was shattered.

The ambition for the college entrance examination is gone.

Teacher Lu’s face was livid and he did not say a word.

The old headmaster sighed and didn’t say much.

“Pretty, from now on, Su Xuechang will be my idol!”

“Unscathed victory, the gap between the two sides is too big, not a level at all!”

“Where did Xiang Hu get the courage to challenge Su Xuechang?”


The discussion of the surrounding students was like a spike piercing into Xiang Hu’s body.

Coupled with the shattering of the world’s projection, the qi and blood reversed.

The excited Xianghu couldn’t hold back a mouthful of dog blood and fainted on the spot.

“Xianghu cheers up.”

Teacher Lu helped him and was about to leave.

“Teacher Lui, have you forgotten something?”

Suddenly, Su Bai inadvertently opened his mouth.

Teacher Lu, who was planning to take the opportunity to leave, stagnated in his footsteps, and Tie Qing threw a blood-colored card with his face.

Gritting his teeth:

“You should make good use of” this card, and I will watch your college entrance examination! ”

Su Bai accepted the card satisfactorily and folded it into his arms.

The treasure of a villa worth a first-tier city is in hand.

Going back to school today, it’s really worth it.

Even looking at the tiger is much more pleasing to the eye.

This kind of money-keeping boy who does not have long eyes, there are a few more.

Why not get rich?

“Xiao Bai, how has your world multiplied a hundredfold?”

Chi Lansu asked with a smile


“No wonder I said, you dare to start a plane war. That big insect was so powerful just now. ”

“I’m afraid my snowman can’t beat you.” When did it become so powerful. ”

“You hid so deep that even the class teacher hid it.”

Teacher Li is both relieved and complicated.

Su Bai smiled:

“Just good luck.”

“Classmate Su, you and I are visiting the principal’s office. The school gave you the assessment too wrong. Supplementary assistance should be added. ”

The old headmaster reverted to squinting.

However, he treated Su Bai much kinderly and warmly invited him to the principal’s office for tea.

The benefits of white take.

Su Bai naturally readily agreed.

“The future is limitless.”

“I guess the media will be interviewing him soon.”

“The third middle school is going to be out of the dragon!”

If only it were a hundred in the country. Guangzong Yaozu, the second half of the enrollment is afraid of being full. ”

The teachers greeted Su Bai kindly.

And enthusiastically said that he is running in the world, what problems he encounters, you can always ask them.

“Elder Su, I’m going to give you a monkey!”

“You are my God!”

“That’s awesome! 115 kilometers of the world, afraid of the awakening area, the province first! ”

Stepping out of the battle room, students flocked to it.

The results of the battle went out.

More and more students heard the wind and shouted at Su Bai.

Wherever he went, the students followed.

This picture became a scene of the school.

Pedestrians outside the school were startled and amazed.

It was Director Wang who drove the students back to calm down a little.

All corners of the school, from the playground to the toilet, echoed Su Bai’s deeds.

As Xianghu said before.

After today, Su Bai will indeed become one of the legends of the campus.

It has been circulating in the three.

However, as a clown, he can also become a campus joke that has always accompanied the legend of Su Bai

Compared with not long ago, the ridicule of the crowd and the indifference of the teacher.

The sneaky eyes of the students.

Su Bai was quite emotional in his heart.

“When you are strong enough, the whole world will be kind to you.”

It’s just the reputation of the school.

What if the city is the first, the province is the first, and even the whole country is the first?

Afraid of becoming famous in one fell swoop?

Su Bai knew,

With God Simulator for yourself, the legend has only just begun.

Now it’s all petty fights.

The college entrance examination after 7 days is the super stage!


Principal’s room.

The old headmaster sat smiling and squinting in his chair.

Out of a wizard, the unfazed old heart is burning with blood.

Urban first seems to be not much of a problem.

There is also some hope for the first place in the province.

If it is in the top 100 in the country.

The whole three middle schools will be famous all over the country, and they can add light to their faces.

I am afraid that I can transfer to a higher institution.

As for the top ten and top three in the country, the old principal still did not dare to think.

He knew far more deeply than the young man.

After two hundred years of accumulation.

Some super consortia and super families have accumulated a terrifying heritage.

Formed the Divine System!

Their heirs, the second generation of the rich, no, more precisely, the second generation of God.

Born to awaken the world!

He also inherited the laws and divine powers of his elders, and received a large amount of family cultivation from an early age.

That’s horror.

Ordinary people are only a few days after awakening, how can they compare with the strongest cultivation of others in 18 years?

What’s more, this year’s Supreme Divine Miao also participated.

She shocked the country, and she could become a superior god at the bottom after growing up!

There is even hope of becoming the Most High God!

I think of the girl known as the Female Emperor.

The old principal couldn’t help but sigh.

With her there, others can only compete for second and third.

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snap up immediately (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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