[Your advent exacerbates the conflict between primitive dinosaurs and dinosaur people.] 】

Especially the Dragon of the Destruction King, who is strong in the flesh. Charge the Lizardman’s castle. 】

[Its single blow destroyed the towering city wall, and just as the Destruction King Dragon taunted the Dinosaurs, he unexpectedly fell into a trap and was besieged by the Dinosaurs using weapons to throw them.] 】

The Destruction King Dragon was extremely angry, but he couldn’t jump out. It summons the little brother to help, but unexpectedly the other dinosaurs also fall into the trap, and the whole audience is in the ascendant. 】

[The leader of the dinosaurs who captured the Destroyer Dragon alive did not kill the killer.] Instead, he told the Dragon of Destruction. They have the same origin, they should work together, and the fusion of the strongest forces and wisdom will change the world. 】

[The dinosaurs of the two evolutionary routes merged, and dinosaurs were born to communicate with primitive dinosaurs and ride on them to become dragon knights.] Borrowing the power of primitive dinosaurs, dinosaur people transformed the earth and built roads and castles faster and faster. 】

[They build temples of God all over the world.] There are a total of 5,000 Templar Dragon Knights, not only with infinite strength, but also by borrowing the power of the same clan mounts, wearing armor and dragon guns, and their combat effectiveness far exceeds that of the unicorn immortal beasts of that year! 】

【Your faith value is +200!】 】

[Middle Third Age: The combination of spears and shields made dinosaurs invincible.] In this process, because of the continuous effectiveness of talents, in the survival of the fittest in nature, there are also other prehistoric beasts born one by one, and the Heavenly Origin Realm has entered an era of ten thousand beasts competing for supremacy. 】

[Among the best are Titan pythons, ancient rhinoceros, skeleton reptiles, etc., and even in the offshore field, there are thin dragons descended from the dragon lineage, and they have not waited for the Kou Tao fishmen to launch a counterattack.] A contemporaneous spinosaur shark became at war with it. 】

[In the All-Things Competition, the dinosaurs have the strongest strength to dominate an era, defeating one challenger after another in turn and expanding their territory to the offshore realm.] 】

If it weren’t for the fear of the unfathomable Lord of the Four Seas, the dinosaur leader would even invade the deep sea.] 】

[To this end, the two sides made a contract, the deep sea authority belongs to the lord of the four seas, the sky belongs to the unicorn immortal beast, and the earth and the coastal sea belong to the dinosaurs.] 】

[Middle Third Age: The dinosaurs that multiplied to their peak remembered your account, and the world has become smaller for them today.] 】

[Through the knowledge of the bloodline, dinosaurs know that only the universe is the way out.] 】

[A group of aspirants gathered to dig up the inheritance knowledge of the bloodline in an attempt to find knowledge about the universe from it.] 】

[As the leader of the heavens and the worlds, the dragon family, when they become adults, they are born to soar the universe, absorb radiation, and have extremely strong star dragon families, interstellar dinosaurs and other subspecies.] Dinosaur people continue to dig and benefit a lot. 】

[The wind god pterosaurs who transitioned to the universe were born in this way, and dinosaurs rode on the pterosaurs, trying to get out of the world’s gravity, but they fell a dog to eat, and were laughed to death by the unicorn beast that was seen.] 】

[This matter was carved into the stone wall by the dinosaurs, who were ashamed and did their best to develop into the universe.] 】

“Can they overtake in curves?”

Su Bai didn’t expect that it was just simple dragon blood, but it brought such a surprise to himself.

And on the way.

There are also texts revealing what other creatures are doing.

[The Evil Eye Clan is still lurking in the swamp, feeling the threat of the outside world.] The Eye Demon led a group of clans to open up the underground continuously, intending to take another route. The first dungeon was built. 】

[Genesis +200.]

With the help of the Unicorn Immortals, the area of the Heavenly Origin Realm has exceeded 150 kilometers. 】

[In the process of exploring the universe, the Chaobiduo Beast accidentally discovered that tens of millions of kilometers away from the Celestial Elemental Realm, there was a brownish-red ruined star, which it named: the Shadow Star.] 】

[According to the judgment of the super-multi-beast, the diameter of the star is about 2,000 kilometers, and it has a bold idea in mind.] 】

[For this idea, it ordered all its people to open a new channel around the Shadow Star and clear out the hidden threat.] 】

[When cleaning up space debris, a unicorn accidentally found traces of new birth on the debris.] 】

“What does this mean?”

Su Bai was a little confused in his heart.

Did you encounter alien creatures so quickly?

In the vast void, there are all kinds of magical enemies.

The vast majority of them have shown ill will to human civilization. If you see this piece of fat in the Heavenly Origin Realm, wouldn’t you be sure to eat it?

But speaking of that star.

Su Bai looked at the real space.

I think it’s very similar to Pluto in the previous life.

It belongs to the dwarf planet column.

Unfortunately, there was no water or aura on it, just a desert.

But even the simple soil can make the Heavenly Origin Realm eat a fat person in one bite!

“It’s good to be ambitious.”

Although he felt that it was not so easy to plunder this star.

Looking at the scale, it is several times that of the Heavenly Origin Realm.

Isn’t this a snake swallowing an elephant?

Suddenly, an inconspicuous text caught his attention.

[On the earth, oppressed by the dinosaurs, a prehistoric giant ape that was not very powerful underwent a little wonderful change, and a genetic mutation occurred.] There are xenomorphs who are exceptionally strong and intelligent. 】

[The appetite of talent is greatly increased, and the heavens and the universe are effective.] 】

[Late Third Age: The dinosaurs unexpectedly entered the Iron Age, borrowing the flames of primitive dinosaurs to smelt metal veins and create metal weapons that have outperformed their claws.] 】

The Destruction King Dragon fell into thought. I don’t think the limit of my path ends here. It tried to purify its blood and gather its genes, but most of it failed. 】

[In terms of weapons and materials, the dinosaur people have very advanced technology. But other aspects of life are still in the Bronze Age. 】

[By chance, a group of dinosaur eggs fell into the volcano, and the Destruction King Dragon punished the caretaker’s men fiercely, but unexpectedly found that one of the dinosaur eggs that fell into the volcano was still alive and preserved, and the fiery red lines on the eggshell showed that they could survive in the molten slurry and absorb the flames and the mutated magic in them. 】

The Destruction King Dragon fell into meditation and did not take out the lava dragon egg, but ordered his men to keep a close watch. 】

[Talent in the heavens and all worlds works.] 】

Two consecutive reminders of talent surprised Su Bai.

He also found that as the dinosaur man overtook in the corner, he entered the Iron Age.

The creation value was increased by 2000!

Coupled with the gradual accumulation of unicorn immortals over the years, the total creation value has reached 16,000!

And because civilization has improved.

The quality of various festivals has also increased.

In this moment, Su Bai’s faith value has reached 800!

If it is operated by an ordinary creator, it is estimated that it will take more than half a year to be possible.

“Everything is going for the better.”

He was relieved.

But it always feels like something is missing.

Just thinking about it, a word into a slur.

The next moment, the simulated text turns blood red.

【The End of the Third Age: Boom and Bust!】 S-Class Doomsday Disaster Launch! 】

PS: ask for flowers, review tickets and more! The number of words in each chapter is quite large, much more than the new book issue of others, in fact, the number of words per day is not less than 8,000…..

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