The interstellar dinosaur brought the flying saucer back, causing the dinosaurs to tremble.

Even the Super Bido Beast came to see a strange thing.

But studying alien creatures is not as simple as they think.

Su Bai could guess their troubles through a few words.

After hundreds of years of research, the dinosaurs did not even know what the level of the corpse was. 】

Later, some people thought that the evil eye clan in the underground was mentally powerful, and might be able to probe certain information along the brain circuit that had not yet been broken.] So the dinosaur man went through some tossing and turning and invited the eye demon. 】

After some investigation, the eye demon was surprised to find that the brain of this creature was extremely developed and took a similar route to them. But spiritually, it is a hundred times stronger than the evil eye! 】

At the same time, the eye demon found that as more and more people approached the corpse, the communication became louder and louder. The body seemed to have some strange reaction. The cranial nerves in the ravine are instinctively peristalsis. 】

[The eye demon guessed that the vitality of this creature was extremely strong.] Even if you fall into a desperate situation for a while, you can enter a state of suspended animation, and when a creature approaches, you can slowly resurrect by absorbing spiritual power. 】

[And some weak-willed dinosaurs said that recently they have always heard strange words in their ears, dreaming of a huge semi-circular bunker, which resembles half a brain.] Looking at the appearance of the corpse, the more worshipful it is. 】

[The eye demon judged that this was a spiritual infection.] It was also discovered that Baby Godzilla, and his dependent, the Flame Dragon Knight, were highly resistant to this and could suppress the appendages of corpses.

They speculate that it may be because they carry their own radiation. To be on the safe side, the body was sealed at the top of the volcano. 】

The broken flying saucer was handed over to the Eye Demon Clan for study, and the Chaobido Beast also found that the craftsmanship on the flying saucer was consistent with the style of the metal fragments they had found earlier. The time between the two is also very close. Sensing that there were enemies in the vicinity, the pressure was much greater. The interstellar dinosaurs continued to probe in the direction of the discovery saucer. 】

Just as Su Bai continued to read, a reminder text appeared.

[The King of the Four Seas is lost in the universe and inadvertently learns the purple talent on his own: The Whispers of Cthulhu!] It instinctively realized that something was wrong, followed the reaction, and quickly fled back to the Heavenly Origin Realm! 】

The uneasy king of the four seas somehow remembered the meteorite again.] Back at the ocean, it also found that the chaotic spiritual shock could infect the surrounding Kou Tao fishmen. It tries to seal itself in the ocean floor. Little effect.

However, it was accidentally found that staying with the alien brain can relieve a lot of mental stress. So the alien body was dragged to the bottom of the sea and sealed. 】

[Late First Age: The Celestial Realm has grown to 195 kilometers, which is close to the area of re-solidification.] The will of the world urges its men to continue to help it catch meteorites. 】

[The interstellar dinosaurs, which study alien creatures, accidentally collided with the channel of the unicorn, and they were surprised to find that the footprints of aliens seemed to surround the star.] Could it be that the Waste Star is home to aliens? The two tribes fell into contemplation. 】

By the end of the Epoch, the Celestial Realm had grown to 198 kilometers. But something shocking happened! 】

【S-class Doomsday Doom Card suddenly triggered! 】 A cosmic storm silently approached the Heavenly Origin Realm to prevent its promotion! 】

[Even if several intelligent races join forces, they can’t stop it!] On this way, the Lord of the Four Seas let go of his body and mind and used his body to resist the storm, and the purity of his bloodline reached 1%, and thus evolved into a silver-level creature, but to no avail! 】

[In a short period of time, 99% of the creatures died, and the most resistant baby Godzilla was furious, devouring the cosmic storm and devouring the apocalyptic breath, compressing it as much as possible on the dorsal fin.] 】

Even so, to no avail. Godzilla spontaneously combusted and died. 】

Before Godzilla died, he saw a semi-circular alien bunker that accompanied the cosmic storm and flew into the ocean belatedly..]

【This simulation is over!】 】

【Overall rating: D level!】 (No rewards)].

[Summary: Despite their achievements in the field of space, they ignored the biggest crisis.

At present, it seems that the negative effect of that card is stronger than the positive effect. This simulation has unfortunately come to an abrupt end, and perhaps next time you should be more vigilant. 】

[Cooldown: 10 minutes.] 】

Probably because of the exposure to extraterrestrial civilizations.

This time there was a rating, but unfortunately.

This simulation came to an abrupt end, and it was S card that caused trouble?

“No, last time it waited until the Second Age to work wonders, how did it come ahead this time?”

Su Bai frowned, vaguely aware of a little regularity.

And this time the last sentence is synthesized.

It seems that an enemy has already set his sights on him, even if the cosmic storm has not come.

Or is that storm itself a result of them?

Puzzled, Su Bai left the puzzle to the next simulation.

【Please choose one of the following talents!】 】

Su Bai thought about it and chose to solidify the prehistoric giant beast again.

This time, the item solidified, and to his surprise, the alien body was no longer on it.

There was a vague speculation in his mind.

“As the eye demon studied, when the body of this brain demon was brought back, it automatically absorbed a lot of spiritual power, like a fish in hibernation encountering water and slowly resurrecting.

And it and its compatriots should have a special way of contact. Brain waves? In short, it is no coincidence that the alien bunker came over. ”

He did not choose to solidify any of them. It is also a saving of genesis.

The biggest takeaway from this simulation is that the Lord of the Seas himself awakens the call of Cthulhu.

With the awakening of the bloodline, Su Bai always felt that something was staring at his baby.

Su Bai set his sights on the world.

It is still 170 km.

By this time the dinosaurs had exploded.

For them, it is as if they suddenly have a lot of memories in their heads.

I was particularly impressed by some special information.

“Is this the means of the great Creator?”

“Hey, I remember which saucer was in the position, though a little far. But after having had one experience, I can definitely bring it back faster. ”

Seeing that the dinosaurs were restless.

Su Bai issued the oracle in time.

“Be wary of the universe, that flying saucer hides the crisis. You avoid it for a while. Wait until more information is found, and then take it back. ”

Naturally, no one listens to his words.

In ten minutes of cooling.

Su Bai once again sped up the time flow, allowing them to pull back the space debris they had previously explored.

Try to upgrade the world.

And he himself returned to reality, using his mobile phone to investigate the intelligence of the cosmic brain demon.

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