Chapter Seventy-Two Diamond Brain Demon VS Hundred Eyes Demon King, Reap the Benefits of the Fisherman!!

Alice has not yet studied the diamond brain.

To be on the safe side.

Instead, it separates the hull from the core.

“The most important moment has come.”

Alice was a little nervous.

Such a strong enemy, I also encountered it for the first time.

Even in the deduction, it has been successful twice.

But in reality, one is not well grasped.

It is very likely that the whole army will be destroyed.

“Don’t be afraid, in the face of a strong enemy, only wisdom is our strongest weapon, Su Bai’s voice resounded in their ears.”

There’s a reassuring magic.

The restless warriors gradually subsided.


The origin of the world is also calm.

Su Bai was actually comforting himself in his heart.

Borrow the Creator’s perspective.

He accurately spotted two meteorites of different colors that crashed into them from different directions.

The bigger meteorite seemed to find someone trying to get there first.

They sped up.

He even wanted to collect the booty in advance before another meteorite arrived.

“Oops, the reality is not going to go on as you think.”

Su Bai’s heart was sudden.

No matter how many times it is simulated. When really practicing.

But if there is a little accident.

All result in completely different results.

It’s not just him.

Alice and others who observed through the Golden Brain also discovered this.

“The meteorite suspected of being a brain demon in disguise has accelerated!”

“They should be aware of the approaching enemy and want to get there before another meteorite.”

The Silver Wing Zombie’s already pale face was even paler.

The hearts of the other leaders sank.

“Prepare to start the flying saucers, then delay them first.”

Alice activates the fallback.

Prepare for the worst.

“The Father is on top and wants the two evil forces of evil to kill each other.”

“May your brilliance guide us on our path.”

Many people pray silently in their hearts.

“Enhance the origin of the world!”

At this moment, Su Bai raised the scepter in his hand.

Mobilizing the only remaining drop of divine power.

This time it was used on the world itself.

With a mysterious and mysterious energy immersed into the core of the world.

The Heavenly Origin Realm was shaken.

Everyone felt the aura in the world, and the gravitational force suddenly doubled.

In fact, the world itself is the greatest power.

It’s just that I can’t play it out usually.

And now under the intentional guidance of Su Bai.

A strong gravitational force sucked the meteorite that was slightly behind. The meteorite that was originally faster fell into the gravitational field and was delayed.

Under Su Bai’s ingenious calculations.

Two very different gravitational fields collide!

“Sure enough, with the equipment to assist, the control is more clever.”

Su Bai, who was holding the scepter of the Divine Tree, sighed in his heart.

Later, when there are conditions, it is decided to collect better equipment.

The meteorite that had been about to reach the Heavenly Origin Realm trembled.

“What’s going on? There was a repulsive force that affected our approach. ”

Red alerts pop up on the Brain Demons’ fleet panel.

“It may be a counterattack of world consciousness, where did the other meteorite come from?”

The head of the brain demon looked at the other side depressedly.

The Hundred Eyes Demon King, disguised as a meteorite, had arrived at his destination.

No more disguises.

In the air, it has been constantly transformed, and tentacles have stretched out.

Evil eyes looked at everything around them.

Under the pull of the world’s gravity.

Two meteorites from different directions suddenly collided together!

“Wherever it came from, rush with us to grab the prey, then smash it and bring it back!”

With the order of the four brain demons.

A total of four motherships converge on high energy.

Laser cannons slashed through the universe and shot at the opposite side with precision.


The Hundred Eyes Demon King is not easy to mess with.

It hunts in the universe and has not suffered losses along the way.

It’s nice not to have trouble finding someone else.

How can I be bullied?

A pair of eyes sped up the recovery and burst out of the divine light and laser hedging.


In the near-space realm of the Celestial Realm, a flash of light erupted.

Alice and others watching the battle below.

It’s like watching a big fireworks show.

“What’s going on? This monster is very powerful, and its energy is comparable to our four main guns! ”

“Oops, it’s too fast to change direction!”

It’s up to the brains to adjust the fleet.

Under the dual action of inertia and gravity.

In the end, I could only watch myself collide with the Hundred Eyes Demon King.

It’s like a supernova explosion.

Accompanied by brilliant flashes of light envelop space.

The two meteorites were knocked straight out of their original form.

An alien flying saucer was smashed and flew around.

Four alien flagships also fell apart.

Many places are still flashing sparks, and the damage is not small.

The Hundred Eyes Demon King on the other side was not good.

A lot of blood spurted out and floated in space.

Some of the tentacle fragments also burned up in the collision.

Its high energy is like an ocean wave.

It shook the Heavenly Origin Realm not far away.


The effect of that drop of divine power was still there.

Thickened the world barrier.

Just setting off a great storm within the world has dissipated.

“In general, both sides lose.”

Alice stared nervously into space.

Both sides suffered heavy losses.

Instead of choosing to give up and rest, they fought fiercely.

On one side are four diamond-level brain demon fleets with good technology.

As the main force of the Brain Devil.

Each flagship has firepower comparable to that of top diamonds.

Not only is the firepower strong, but it can also cooperate with each other.

But the other side.

It is also a descendant of the famous evil god, a monster with the blood of the silky gods! Its hundred eyes can erupt with divine light.

Its firepower is strong.

Not inferior to the fleet.

Plus occasionally use talent to fix the battleship.

It even allowed some small warships to be detonated.

Enraged brain demons used heavy weapons.

Antimatter bombs!

The Hundred Eyes Demon King was not aware at first until the bomb approached.

Even the laser was annihilated.

It screamed.

Escape from the bomb range at the cost of a small part of the body.

This has further aroused its ferocity.

Seize the opportunity and hug a flagship ship in close quarters.

A pair of eyes invaded the ship’s body.

Just a sweep caused hundreds of brain demons inside it to die violently.

There is no shortage of silver, gold!

The two sides fought bloodily for a while, causing a flash of light here.

It’s as eye-catching as a Daystar.

After playing for a while.

Both sides were seriously wounded and attempted a truce.


They invariably looked at the weak world not far away.

Where does it seem to go to replenish the blood?

A flagship ship landed first.

Unexpectedly, when it reached the sky above the Heavenly Elemental Realm.

A diamond-rated laser cannon was fired instantly from below!

What shocked the brain even more.

When he wanted to dodge, the forces of the world around him trapped the flagship.

So that they had to bear this blow!

“This is our weapon!”

Accompanied by a big loss of the flagship.

The brain demon fled the world in a hurry. That diamond-grade laser cannon is theoretically speaking.

The Golden Fleet is not eligible for configuration.

It is the special tasks they perform that remain.

Now hit yourself on the head.

The flagship, which was already seriously injured, was even more shaky.

“What a loss! You can’t keep fighting. ”

“Yes, and this is the human realm. The noise just now is so big that it has attracted some attention. Even if you can eat this new world, it will delay a lot of effort. ”

“Can’t argue with this multi-eyed monster, he has a brain problem.”

Brain devils are a group of exquisite egoists.

After the four brain demons discussed it, they all retreated in unison.

The Hundred Eyes Demon King on the other end was also not good.

Not only did it lose a part of the body, but it was also seriously consumed.

It’s not a fool either.

Watch the enemy slowly fade.

It also looked down reluctantly.

Re-transformed into a meteorite.

Disappeared into the universe.

Su Bai and his men were still wary of the depths of the universe.

Until the two meteorites flew farther and farther.

When you can’t see a trace.

Only then were they convinced that they were all gone.

“Two major crises lifted! Safe for now! ”

Heaven-shaking cheers rang out from all over the world.

But everyone who understands this crisis is excited! Solve two hidden dangers at once!

Both sides have the ability to destroy the world.

But it was solved like this!

They have bought valuable development time! But in this battle.

The combat effectiveness exposed by both sides also shocked Alice and others.

The more evolution goes to the later stages.

The greater the gap in strength.

At present, the highest combat power of the Heavenly Origin Realm is only four golds.

Even if you borrow equipment.

Can withstand at most one normal diamond strongman.

Not to mention that this time it is all the best in the field of diamonds. If it is not for the two sides, but also because it is located in the human territory.

They will absolutely divide up a portion of the spoils of war each.

Neutrality also requires strength!

“A temporary retreat does not mean that it will not come again.”

“The universe is full of dangers, only by staying vigilant at all times, strong self is the king.”

In the midst of a cheer.

Su Bai appeared again.

“This time I escaped the disaster, and luck accounted for a large part. At present, the most important thing is to digest the gains of this battle and transform the spoils of war into combat effectiveness. ”

“Soon there will be an extremely large battle of plane simulations. The enemies you will encounter when the time comes. Millions of different worlds join in! ”

“You will meet the enemies of the heavens and the worlds!” And the rewards are also unprecedentedly rich, whether it is a large spirit vein, or a magic mine, or even a divine beast bloodline, or even a world tree seed! ”

“As long as we can win, then we can get it all!”

“Listen to my orders for the next period of time. Recuperate and evolve at full strength! This is the Supreme Oracle! ”

It resounded in everyone’s heart.

Make them aware of the seriousness of the problem.

“Millions of worlds together? How grand should this war be? ”

“Listen to the Father, this battle is extremely important. It seems that we still can’t relax and we have to train our troops! ”

“Just now two meteorites were fighting, there was a lot of blood, and the spacecraft fragments fell into space, and I carried them back.”

Hearing the oracle, Alice’s eyes flashed with excitement.

Such a grand gift, it must be fun!

“Dear Flying Warriors, follow me to space to carry the booty.”

The Space Scavenger Army, led by the Ultra Beast, is back in action.

May be a benefactor of fate

The talent takes effect.

The two sides fought and a lot of good things broke out. Among them, the blood of the Hundred Eyes Demon King was the most precious.

Let the Lord of the Four Seas be moved.

“It eats me and can purify the bloodline and evolve.” I eat it, too. ”

However, it is not the only one who is eyeing the sperm blood.

“Tentacle Boss, we’ve known each other for hundreds of epochs.

You don’t usually fight with everyone for anything. But this will make the eye field so strong.

It is of great help to my clan, and its essence and blood will be determined by my evil eye clan. ”

The Great Elder of the Eye Demon also came running upside down. Everyone knows the importance of this thing to themselves.

Don’t back down from each other.

Or Alice went out to mediate.

“The sperm blood you need can be divided into two parts, and the results of research can be complementary.”

Even the wrecked ships are extremely precious.

The waste that the brain devils do not look at, in the eyes of Alice and others, contains extremely high technology.

In addition, space vehicles are already scarce.

Knock and knock, reinvent.

It can also barely form a space fleet.

Su Bai quietly observed all this.

An important reminder pops up on the panel.

[Journal: The two meteorites that finally arrived ‘coincidentally’ collided together, and they turned out to be disguised by the enemy.] After a big battle, the two sides suffered damage to each other, and considered that the attack on the Heavenly Origin Realm was not worth the loss. Not to be discouraged. The crisis of annihilation is over! 】

[The blood, broken ships, and fragments left behind by the battle between the two sides were brought back by Alice and others, which played an unexpected role.] 】

[Log: Under the impetus of your will, the people of the Celestial Realm are under pressure to speed up the digestion of the loot and prepare for war! 】

“The two cards that were salvaged before can be used.”

Su Bai, who had solved the two hidden dangers, breathed a sigh of relief.

Hold aloft the scepter of the Sacred Tree.

“Use a Class B water card, a level A resource card!”

As the two cards turn into points of light, they merge into the world.

At some point, the land had an extra fountain of life, and its water flowed through rivers to all parts of the world.

Improving water quality.

After taking a sip of the Spirit Fountain by coincidence of the injured beast, not only did the injury heal, but the vitality was also extended.

Alice, Godzilla, etc., naturally know what kind of treasure this is.

After the inquiry came.

After tasting a mouthful of the spirit spring, I was full of praise.

The Dark Tyrannosaurus Beast also wanted to use the large population of dinosaurs and the great power as an excuse to occupy this spiritual spring.

However, the Kou Tao fishmen felt that they were aquatic animals and should be guarded by them for a long debate.

Alice decided to build a water supply factory near the Fountain of Life.

Specially pumping water, and using spirit water as a raw material, dispensing potions.

The role of the spirit mine is even greater.

The earth gave birth to a tiny spiritual vein that exuded aura.

Raise the world’s potential in a subtle way.

Su Bai’s awakening itself is a bit congenitally deficient.

After several times of strength, the energy evolved to a medium level.

But with the help of the Spirit Pulse. Time to gradually move towards higher energies. More importantly.

The world has more powerful people to support.

After some cultivation.

The Lord of the Four Seas, who had devoured the blood of the Hundred Eyes Demon King, felt the signs of breaking the barrier.

Godzilla had gained a lot in previous battles.

It recently slept with that million-weight nuclear bomb. With the help of nuclear bombs, the replacement of g cells in the body is completed.

Alice is the busiest.

It is necessary not only to coordinate the various forces, but also to study the equipment on the golden brain.

Several of these brain magic chips are the most precious.

Based on the residual technology of the previous zombie world.

Alice borrows the diamond brain as the core, supplemented by a gold chip and 8 silver chips.

Create a Heavenly Origin Divine Machine with amazing computing power.

With it.

Everyone’s contact is much easier.

When the research was conducted, the success rate increased by a hundredfold. As for why not put the diamond brain on the original gold brain. Naturally, it is because Alice can’t overcome the anti-theft technology of the brain demon.

As long as the two work together.

It’s like an automatic alarm.

Not only exposing the coordinates of the celestial realm at any time.

Information about the area will also be uploaded.

To be on the safe side, it is natural to simply borrow the computing power of the diamond brain.

This period of time.

The Celestial Realm is advancing by leaps and bounds.

With the Heavenly Elemental Divine Machine. Alice leads a thousand intelligent zombies, with the help of the Eye Demon.

Created five space minerals equipped with curvature engines.

(The engine was picked up from the Brain Devils, mainly some of the shells and transmission pipes that appeared, so that in half a day, it was possible to go back and forth to the meteorite belt.)

The speed of picking up trash is greatly accelerated.

As a result, land area is changing rapidly.

750 km, 800 km, 820 km… Seeing the power of the Origin increasing.

Su Bai simply turned on the time acceleration.

Let them speed up their cultivation.

The ethnic groups have also entered a blowout phase.

By extracting the thin divine power of the Demon King’s blood, the Lord of the Four Seas once again purified the bloodline and advanced to the Golden Intermediate Level.

Godzilla has yet to break through.

But compared to before, the energy reserve is four or five times more, only one opportunity is left.

Ready to break through to intermediate…

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