Chapter Eighty-Four The Third Mechanical World of Horror, the Unveiling of the Meteor Starship! Sensational students!!

At rest.

Su Bai looked at the Heavenly Origin Realm by the way.

Bring out the two most recently acquired treasures.

“Hey, why can’t Godzilla stop the volcano and change to the White Mountain?”

Su Bai was high in the air, seeing.

In the northeast corner of the White Mountains and the Black Water.

There is an argument.

It turned out that it was the zombie tyrant with the silver wing, the meat mountain zombies and other corpses to the foot of the White Mountain.

Reason with Godzilla.

“This blessed place is the best place to raise a corpse. Whether it is the dragon qi contained in it or the earth pulse qi luck gathered, it is very suitable for our corpse clan. ”

“It is the chosen place that the Creator has given us to the corpse clan.”

The tyrant argued, “Miss Alice, as the commander-in-chief, the archbishop.” He is fighting a war against the outside world, making great contributions to the world lord and the Heavenly Origin Realm. ”

“This spoils of war, of course, belongs to us!”

“Don’t listen or listen, Wang Ba chants.”

In response, the Ten Dragon Riders of the Temple shook their heads. A new city was also built on the banks of the Blackwater.

Straight to the zombies angry gritted their teeth.

There is friction between the two races.

“I have such good strength, but I use it outside.”

Su Bai was a little helpless.

Turn your head and use another card.

With the landing of spider silk.

An ancient cave appears in the underground corner of the main continent.

Above the cave is engraved an ancient name: “Pansi Cave”

Several small black and white spiders crawled out of the cave and looked at the new world in confusion.

Try hunting weaving nets.

To avoid someone killing them by mistake.

Su Bai gave orders to the Silver Wing Zombie with a more flexible head.

“In the west, there are a group of spider spirits, who are not low in wisdom and good at weaving webs and weaving silk. Silver Wing, you are responsible for taking care of the Pansi Cave and not letting other beasts of prey take over. ”

“By the way, train the spiders and let them weave spider silk as raw materials every day.”

Suddenly hearing the voice of the Creator, Silver Wing was startled.

She quickly replied, “Obey the order.” ”

“Creator, we corpse clans have made great contributions to the Heavenly Origin Realm. This mountain range deserves our belonging. ”

See the silver wing is different.

Tyrants and others are also aware of the Creator’s attention.

They all came out to ask for benefits.

“Don’t be impatient, there are many advantages in the competition of millions of world lords. Let the next blessed land return to you. ”

Su Bai helplessly came out to mediate.

At the same time, he held his eyeballs in his hands and meditated on ‘use’ in his heart.

In a flash.

The pupil of a thousand eyes turned into a meteor embedded in the sky dome.

It was as if his eyes were gazing at everything.

This made Su Bai’s control over the Heavenly Origin Realm more carefully.

A wisp of the world’s power is wrapped up as a daily reserve.

“Look, two suns.”

“That little sun is a lot smaller.”

“I feel that it is the eye of the Creator, monitoring our hearts at all times.”

The appearance of the pupil of a thousand eyes has made the people who stayed behind hotly discussed.

Of these, I am the most excited.

It was the evil-eyed tyrant who had risen from the ground. They are most affected by the pupil of a thousand eyes.

Many newborns have psychopathic mutations.

Even in the dark, you can see it clearly.

“What’s that?”

The evil-eyed tyrant hadn’t come out for a long time.

Accidentally saw the Blade Runner leading people to build a new factory in the West. I heard her explain that it was a textile factory specially built for spiders.

The evil-eyed tyrant took a lot of interest.

Especially when you personally enter the Pansi Cave and see the exquisite cobwebs inside, the cave feels that the little spiders are natural underground experts and construction experts.

Therefore, it stubbornly begged the Silver Wing to open up the underground with a small spider.

“This is a task given by the Creator Himself, and every spider is a precious weaver.”

The Silverwing Zombie refused.

But it can’t stand the entanglement of the evil-eyed tyrant.

No way, still sent a nest of small spiders to the ground.

Through the pupil of a thousand eyes.

Su Bai found that the spiders were really convenient underground.

Not only is it easy to move, but it can open up new areas at any time.

You can also use cobwebs to lay various traps.

The first labyrinth of the underground is built into a solid state.

Much like the various dungeon dungeons in the game.

“If I think of my world as an experience, I estimate that the underground labyrinth can wipe out the challenger’s entire army.”

After observing for a while. Su Bai retracted his gaze.

Get ready for the third level of challenge.

“Look, Su Bai has entered the third layer.”

“Other nightmares, difficult players were blocked on the third floor, and many players were killed and left the field.”

“The third layer tests the flesh, the ability to resist explosions.”

I saw him move.

The outside audience was suddenly excited.

In the picture of Mei Wanqing, Chi Lansu and others, they are caught in a steel city and a heavy fire robot is killing from all corners of the city.

The rumbling of artillery fire inflicted heavy casualties on the players.

If the previous 2 layers are regular replicas.

That starts at the third level, even for ordinary students.

It was also beaten down by waves.

The gates of the World Tower keep opening.

A scolding student walked out.

“Nima, I deliberately chose the weakest ordinary copy, how come there are a thousand artillery robots in the third level?” They are easy to move, haunted, and have a huge firepower. I was not careful, and all my men were bombarded by the cluster. ”

“Who says it’s not, this year’s exam questions are too difficult.” Thanks to me, I also let the half-orcs equip their shields in advance, in the face of heavy fire, just like white paper. ”

“We’re all so hard, what about other nightmares, even hellish?”

In the third level, about half of the students were brushed off! You know, the people who can come here are the elite of the whole city.

At once, there were more than five hundred students in the audience, and they became lively.

They looked at the standings to find their place.

By the way, pray that the remaining students will die early.

When you see Su Bai of the first list.

The students are even more frying pan!

His score is a thousand times that of ordinary students! And at the moment.

It just so happens that Su Bai entered the third level.

When all the students, the teachers see his challenge.

Even more inhale a cool breath.

Only to see a metal city that is scattered like a natural disaster.

Cool, gorgeous cars come running.

It’s like a super race.

But the terrible thing is, in the process of galloping. Cars have already turned into robots.

The rocket launcher on the shoulder gathers high energy.

Before the Dragon Knight, Alice and the others could react.

A heavy flash of light was already lit up on the other side.


Endless shells burst head-on.

The third level.

The enemy army is coming to them and giving them a super big surprise.

Accompanied by a heavy cloud of smoke.

A line of handwriting appears on the large screen.

[Hell Level 3: The future city is fighting against your world’s will!] Bombarded by the fire of the vanguard troops, the actual combat bonus is weakened! 】

“Nima, Pit Daddy!”

Su Bai quickly raised the Divine Tree Scepter.

Mobilizing the power of the world to fight against the future city.

The metal floor underground, like mercury, is constantly invading.

His green world is struggling.

Even more embarrassing was the oncoming blow of the men’s men on horseback.

Even the Dragon Knights were dizzy.

Just come and give yourself a dismount! The will of the world is in the struggle.

The critical moment.

The world projection of the Celestial Origin Realm revealed a god-eye sun.

Su Bai gathered the power of the world on the sun.

A brilliant ray of sunlight shot out of it, and a rumbling dry explosion of the oncoming vanguard firepower.

【The world’s will confrontation is over!】 The enemy realm is strong, the Tianyuan Realm has achieved a slight advantage, and the actual combat bonus is 10%! 】

“No negativity plus achievement is good.”

Su Bai just breathed a sigh of relief.

The next prompt made his heart sink.

【The third level of the level, the enemy will have long-range fire assistance, please be careful not to be bombarded by fire!】 But you can also provide remote assistance! (Note: Only the world’s projected solar energy strikes a blow)]

[Mission Details: The planet Cybertron was originally a highly developed science ball, and the world lord is a believer in the Fire God Cult.

During his reign, he constantly modified cars, planes and other machinery as weapons, but then meteorites fell from the sky and were sniped by a super force in the universe “Mechanical Heaven” and fell.

All the machines awaken their self-awareness, rebel against the world lord, follow militarism, and constantly build weapons in an attempt to conquer other worlds.

Defeat the main forces of the planet Cybertron and enter the main city of Iron Castle, kill the leader Wei Zhentian, and destroy their production plant! 】

“It’s a little difficult to do, and fighting with iron knots, how to calculate is a loss.”

Su Bai looked a little heavy.

Alice, who had just received a long-range attack, quickly asked for support.

“The Creator, the enemy is strong and full of firepower, and has broken through the defensive line and invaded our position. And they are very large, the number of convoys can not see the head, apply for ten thousand dragons to ride the whole army to attack! ”

Alice looked up.

Only to see cars coming from all directions, densely packed.

There are also various types of fighters in the air that launch missiles.

As soon as the game began, the crowd fell into the ascendant.

“Agree, and at the same time transfer all the remaining five thousand Templar Dragon Knights to you!” Su Bai did not dare to be careless. ”

Face a robot with an iron knot.

Evil Eye, Heart-Snatching Demon’s soul attack was obviously useless.

To defeat the consciousness of robots, it is also necessary to break their perimeter defenses.

In intruding into the core, disrupting the consciousness program.

If you have this kung fu.

Why not just screw off its head? Consider that the enemy army has high technology.

Su Bai urgently summoned a batch of intelligent zombies brought by the zombie tyrant.

“Pull out the modified Golden Brain, Alice, you take Audi and others to control it, focusing on bombing the rear of the enemy army.”

He flipped open a hole card.

Letting others bomb is not his style.

The wise zombies who heard the command took their place.

At the same time, through the passage of the world.

A flying court that was hundreds of meters high and looked like a steel fort flew out.

As soon as you enter the battlefield, a round of shelling is fired from the bottom.

The arrogance of the enemy army was greatly thwarted.

A little air supremacy was obtained.

“My favorite car has arrived.”

Alice quickly boards the ship with a group of people who are not used to close combat, pointing out the overall situation.


The ground rumbled and shook.

From the rear, a large dinosaur came running in a steady stream. Count the primitive dinosaurs.

There are 30,000 dinosaur people in total!

This is the strongest force in the conventional world.

The Dark Tyrannosaurus Beast led by a burst of excitement.

“Commander-in-chief, let me lead my men into the city and destroy their launchers.”

“Well, I’ll provide fire assistance overhead, and instructions that you don’t rush too fast.”

This meteorite is Alice Gathering Yellow

The Golden Brain, the Diamond Brain, and other space minecarts dismantled and modified superweapons.

In terms of firepower, air supremacy has a very strong advantage.

With its assistance.

A group of deformed planes above were bombarded one after another.

At the same time, the Force God Bido Beast also led the air force to launch a counterattack.

Ground battlefield.

A torrent of steel rumbled.

The group of cars, tractors and other machines kept transforming, wielding tires and hammering their heads against the dragon knights.

The Dark Tyrannosaurus Beast suddenly roared.

Under the astonished gaze of the audience.

Transforms into a mechanical Tyrannosaurus Beast X with purple six-wings, missiles on its belly, and half of its body.

“Children, follow me into the city.”

Mechanical Tyrannosaurus Beast X swung his left arm, only to see his left arm burst out like a dart.

Caught the autobot who destroyed the first floor.

It rushed into the enemy army at the forefront.

More than 10,000 dragon knights in the rear raised their dragon spears and roared. With the aid of firepower, it collided with the auto people.

Get to this level.

Su Bai revealed his own heritage.

The others looked at the retreating torrent of steel and was stopped by his Dragon Knights.

The group of fighters in the high sky was constantly shot down.

The Air Force is led by meteorites.

Reach the Frontier Main City in the fastest time.

Accompanied by explosive fireworks.

A dragon knight rushed out.

At their feet was a scrapped autobot.

There are also primitive dinosaurs that were hit by autobots and kept falling.

But overall, it is still the Soviet White Army that is constantly advancing! And at this time.

The number of eliminated people has exceeded 80%! Students are constantly coming out of the World Tower.

The third level is too hard! The iron pimple could not be beaten.

Not to mention the occasional fire aid that disgusts you.

“Even if I had to deal with it, I wouldn’t be able to get by.”

One teacher made it clear: “Unless you reach the rear as soon as possible, destroy the launch base of Cybertron.” Otherwise, it would be too difficult to attack the city with firepower assistance. ”

“Indeed, and you see, the robot forces attacked in an orderly manner, with fighter groups covering, and bombs constantly dropping. Obviously under the control of a host, it is too difficult compared to the first two levels. ”

“Mechanical Heaven is one of the strongest cosmic forces, and coupled with their machine sea tactics and fire tactics, it is the most difficult bone to gnaw.”

Teachers are talking about this.

The principals watched their students being eliminated.

It was also a heartache.

Even senior executives such as Governor Ma and Chairman Cai also felt that the third hurdle was a watershed.

“I estimate that 95% of the students will be eliminated, and there is no opportunism in this layer, and it is necessary to withstand the pressure of the enemy and attack the city hard.”

Pang Qingshan sighed.

His two new stars, Mei Wanqing and Shi Qianyan, have reached an impasse.

Mei Wanqing, who led the previous set, has fallen behind to fourth place.

Instead, Shi Qianyan’s physiognomy would be a little better.

She used the world aid only once in the beginning.

A monstrous flood was summoned.

Drowning the robot’s forward positions.

Many snake women are led by water demons through the waterway and continue to advance.

The second became Chilansu again.

Get rid of the foul-level Su Bai.

She is the strongest dark horse.

Faced with oncoming artillery bombardment.

The snowman corps led by the Snow King were reduced to pieces, and after being bombed, piles of snow turned into small snowmen.

At the same time, they don’t go head-to-head with robots.

Instead, it is an attempt to corrode the joints, cores of the robot with wind and snow.

Don’t say, it really works.

Because the difficulty of the third level is too high.

The quasi-golden creature Snow Girl at the bottom of the Chi Lan Su pressure box also struck.

A swarm of snowstorms was summoned, greatly covering the advance of the Snowman Legion.

Crash many fighter jets.

“Nightmares are so hard, that hellish level?”

Some of the eliminated students looked at the big screen.

Only to see endless explosions of fireworks as the background.

It’s like a world war. A dinosaur rushes into the city and wreaks havoc on the strange fortress overhead.

Barrels were fired into battle

Fleet, and occasionally aid underground troops.

Focus on sniping elite robots.

Basically, every hit of a meteorite can hit the enemy.

Such a high hit rate is naturally due to the help of spiritual zombies, as well as evil eyes, heart-snatching demons and others.

“This airship looks a bit like a Brain Demon Fleet, but it’s different.”

The big man on the high platform was talking.

Many people feel that the power of this air fortress is already equivalent to the peak gold of a specially enhanced firepower.

“It’s a lot like the most basic golden brain, but it’s a secret airship that the brains never pass on.” Su Bai estimated that it was a fake. ”

The Evolution House observes.

“Even if it is a copy, it is inconceivable to have such a strong firepower.” I am afraid that the cost needs hundreds of billions, and there is also a very high technology and engine. ”

President Tsai is very fond of it.

“It seems that the little guy has a lot of secrets, but that’s a good thing. I’m getting more and more interested in him. ”

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