Chapter Eighty-Eight The Audience in the Sleeper, Hidden Plot, The Ultimate Giant of a City!!

The audience, who thought it was over, was surprised to find out.

There’s also a super robot hidden in the main city! Its strength and volume are the most of the Iron Castles!

It is often when others think they are victorious.

Many students who were trapped in the crossbow exploded in their minds.

A group of the most elite candidates were swept away by a sudden accident and eliminated.

They have stepped out of the World Tower.

And at this time in the field.

Less than 5% of the candidates who stayed! As the leaders say.

The third layer alone eliminated more than 90% of the students!

“Strangely, everyone else is being squashed by tanker robots.”

“The difficulty of hell will only be greater, why don’t you see Su Bai coming out?”

With the elimination of more and more students.

More and more people are paying attention to the big screen.

“Is this a hidden boss? No way, I was difficult, and I also encountered the Sea Giant, just not so big. ”

Some students did not understand.

Including senior leaders.

They were all monks of Zhang’er, confused.

No one thought of it.

The hell-level sea giants have long been killed in the dark.

The Subai battlefield, which occupies 80% of the area of the venue, is already counting the losses and cleaning up the battlefield.

The task completion rate has also reached 98%.

The main robot hiding inside the Iron Fort is found and killed by a bit.

“Is there really no other robot?”

Still a little reluctant, Su Bai looked around.

It was obviously too late for the Dragon Knight to go to other parts of the planet Cybertron at this time.

The Heart-Snatcher secretly stepped forward and said, “Is the Father suspicious that there are still enemies?” ”

“Yes, it doesn’t feel that simple.”

Su Bai nodded.

As the first bad man in the Heavenly Origin Realm.

Audi can often anticipate the enemy’s opportunities and think of the enemy’s ideas.

Su Bai wanted to see what surprises he would bring this time.

Audi organized the language in his head, and the four tentacles of his face danced.

It expresses its inner unpeace.

“It is like this, along the way with the army, I found that the planet Cybertron can be changed into a robot. Including mobile phones, computers and other home robots, this also caused great trouble to our army. ”

“Add to that the task reminder you received when you first entered the area. The main reason for the fall here is because it is blocked by mechanical heaven. I was thinking of finding the source of all the changes and solving it, I am afraid that it is the true intention of completing the task. ”

Audi waved his hand: “Obviously, that bulky offshore tanker is not qualified to be the source of everything.” ”

“The truth is true, the problem is how to find. There are also many Setan stars, with many abandoned ruins and garbage dumps. We don’t have time at the moment, so we sweep it up slowly. ”

Su Bai motioned for him to continue.

“According to the rules of Setan, as long as it is a mechanical body, it can survive. I mean there is no possibility that ‘it’ is also a living being, but sleeps dead. ”

Audi stepped on the steel-covered floor with his foot.

Su Bai did not react for a moment.

After thinking it through, I was full of surprise.

“How long are your brain circuits, can you think of this?”

He made the mistake of blacking out the lights!

Audi blew his tentacles in embarrassment.

“I’m just good at putting myself in the enemy’s shoes and thinking the worst of ideas.”

“Okay, just do what you say.”

Su Bai ordered decisively.

“The whole army put down the booty in their hands, all went out of the city, and ran 50 kilometers outside the city!”


The army, which was originally collecting scrapes in the city, resolutely put down the booty.

Get out of town in an orderly and wild ride.

Although it is not known what the Father thinks, the multitude obeys unconditionally. Meanwhile.

His strangeness also made the audience wonder.

“What’s going on? Fight the most wonderful loot of the dungeon why not? ”

“I see that there are still sporadic robots that are not dead, and the completion of the task is still 1% worse, what is he trying to do?”

“It may be an accident to find the real big BOSS!”

In the audience’s hot discussion.

The procession ran fifty kilometers away.

Then under the guidance of the meteorites.

Many have ranged attack power, such as mechanical tyrannosaurus beasts, power god bido beasts and so on. Rumble to fire artillery.

Bombardment of the city without money.

“Do you still want to kill people?”

“Whip corpse?”

The big guys are even more incomprehensible.

There weren’t many people in the city.

They are anti-aircraft guns to hit mosquitoes.

Pure waste!

Su Bai could not hear the discussion of outsiders, but only ordered his subordinates not to skimp on energy and reserves.

Waves of troops bombed the Iron Fort in an orderly manner.

Including the Air Force, they also carry explosives.

Airdrop bombs specifically aimed at towering steam pipes.

[Tick, after your repeated bombardments, the last batch of main battle robots hiding in the underground pipeline are buried and killed, the destruction rate in the city has reached 50%, and your mission has been completed! 】

In the explosion, Su Bai received a reminder.

The mission also reminds him whether to stay and go to the next level.

I looked at the iron fort in ruins.

Su Bai gritted his teeth and gave up on going to the fourth level.

“After bombing for a while, if it still doesn’t move, give up.”

Alice and the others didn’t know what Su Bai thought.

Just keep a safe distance and keep bombing.

The once prosperous steam city was smashed into ruins.

Many towering tubes were blown off.

In particular, some important production bases and weapon bases have been taken care of, and the ground has been blown up several times.

Until the Iron Fort couldn’t find a good place.

The task details only sounded again.

【Iron Castle City damage rate of 95%! 】 The gun barrel buried deep underground is destroyed, and you activate the hidden plot – “The Wrath of the Iron Fortress Lord”! 】

“Here it comes!”

Su Bai, who was originally numb, was an agitated spirit.

Quickly appeared, commanded in the air: “Listen to my orders, the whole army retreats!” The weak troops have been fleeing, and the leaders are careful to guard ahead! ”

Airships, including meteorites, did not dare to delay.

Fly away quickly.

And they didn’t go far.

The ruined iron fort suddenly shook.

A piercing whistle sounded throughout the planet Cybertron.

“Who is bombing my body? I want you to know what machine anger is. ”

The original casual audience was horrified by the discovery.

The iron fort ‘moved’.

Many iron plates, high-rise buildings, clicks together.

With the garbage in the central square of the Iron Fort scattered.

An old man’s face made up of broken walls and broken roads appeared.

Its face alone is 100 meters large!

Starting from the wall, it is constantly combined and transformed.

The right hand of a city made up of buildings suddenly stretched out and clawed into the sky.

After that, fruitless slapping on the ground.

Seems to be holding yourself up.


With the rise of steam.

An ultimate urban robot composed of a steam city slowly stood up and the steam that was activated alone would obscure the entire planet with a miasma of smoke.

The more than ten meters of dinosaurs, which were already considered giants, were only ankle-high.

The earth was trampled under his feet.

The clouds are over its shoulders.

Two pairs of red mechanical eyes, like two suns.

In looking at the retreating dinosaur legion.

“Sleeper, that iron fort is also a robot?”

“Nima, I said how the style of painting in the capital is different from other people, the style is very outdated. It turned out that Wei Zhentian was all living on the body of Lao Zu. ”

“Hey! Chi Lansu had finished fighting the Sea Giant, and was collecting the booty and entering the fourth layer. They never dreamed of missing the biggest boss. ”

“This is a good thing, I didn’t see how many troops they had to pay for the four big bosses in the defeated city with a single click.” No matter how good it is to hide the BOSS, you must also have a life to take. ”

The sudden change caused the audience inside and outside the stadium to explode.

Before Su Bai’s unreasonable moves.

Everything is explained!

If the dinosaurs were still in the city at this time, or not far away.

The Lord of the Iron Castle, who will definitely wake up, will be slapped to death! Now keep a safe distance.

The audience realized how wise he was.

“It seems that only when the degree of destruction in the city reaches a certain level can this big man be forced out.”

“But the problem is, who has nothing to fight with a bunch of dead things, they are busy looking at the next level.”

The principals who reacted were also full of discussion.

I saw that my two treasures had entered the fourth layer.

Pang Qingshan sighed: “It is also Su Bai’s points that are far ahead, and there is plenty of time, so that there is enough confidence to try and make mistakes.” ”

“Otherwise no one else would have thought of it.”

“The brain circuitry of this year’s problem teacher is not the usual path.”

The teachers were quite emotional.

They hadn’t noticed anything out of the city before.

Just surprised by the inconsistency in style between the two.

In retrospect, this was a projection simulation based on the real world.

It was even more incredibly shaking his head.

“We were all fighting inside the big guy’s body just now?”

The dinosaur legions were also full of shock.

The other ordinary warriors had already run wild.

At least it was the leader of the high-level silver who obeyed the order to stay.

Su Bai in the air also urgently checked up and added tasks.

[Hidden Story Mission: Your arrogance has angered, the Lord of the Iron Fortress who has fallen from the mechanical paradise, as a supreme robot with peak gold and the city as the body. Its defense, the health bar is very terrifying, but the invincible body also gives him a fatal weakness. 】

[Please defeat the Lord of the Iron Castle and take the source of all evil that fell back from the mechanical heaven in its body: the source of fire!] 】

[Reminder: The Tinder Source is only one true creation, and only on the Hell difficulty does it have the only chance to get it, so the faster you can defeat it, the better, otherwise even if you succeed, the mission reward will be greatly reduced.] 】

“The only one?”

Seeing this, Su Bai did not dare to delay.

While the Lord of the Iron Castle has not yet transformed completely.

Hurry up and give the order for Alice and the others to besiege it.

“Father, the other party is too big, ask for help!”

The mechanical tyrannosaurus beast spreads its mechanical six wings and uses an eruption rocket.

Spit fire around the lord of the massive Iron Castle.

But it looks the same as tickling.

It doesn’t work.

Instead, the Lord of the Iron Castle, who was still transforming, looked down.

Two fire dragons erupted from its nostrils and swept towards the troublemaking mechanical tyrannosaurus beast.

It was to call Godzilla too.

After these days of cultivation, Godzilla’s fire-breathing skills have been epic enhanced, and the nuclear radiation itself is also very strong in restraining electrons.

What the Tyrannosaurus Beast said also makes sense.

“Don’t wait for him to fully transform. While there are still loopholes, Tyrant you take Audi with you, and the Super Bullion Beast. The three of you are quick to get through its hood door. ”

Enter the interior of the Iron Fort and find its core technology, which is the source of the tinder! Su Bai found the fighter.

Decisively ordered three of his men to sneak in.


Tyrant, the god of power does not say a word.

Hurry up in a passage that is about to close and fly inside quickly.

Originally, Audi hesitated slightly.

Don’t want to venture into the enemy’s body.

But now it is not possible.

You can only ride on the body of the Force God Bido Beast and fly in together.

“Damnable outsider, stir up my body. My people have been killed by you. ”

The Iron Fortress Lord’s body was again spewed out a layer of hot steam.

Forced back the outer meteor ships, mechanical tyrannosaur beasts.

The Lord of the Iron Castle suddenly shook his body.

A mountain of dust, iron filings slid down his body.

Soon a mountain range of iron filings was formed.

The Lord of the Iron Castle sneezed again.

It shook the entire planet of Cybertron with a shock.

“I haven’t woken up in a long time, and this time I’m going to let you accompany you to the funeral.”

The Lord of the Iron Castle looked indifferently at the flies on the side.

Stretch out your hand and pinch it towards the meteorite.

Originally, the hundreds of meters long spaceship was also a giant.

But in front of the Lord of the Iron Castle.

No different from a mosquito.

“It’s a pity that my thousand pupils struck a blow, and I still couldn’t hold back.” If it is used now, it will definitely have a fatal effect. ”

Su Bai was in the air, regretfully watching Alice and the others flee in a hurry.

Who would have thought that the world would be left to him with a blow?

However, although the Lord of the Iron Castle is powerful, the health bar is also very long.

But the drawbacks are also fatal.

His massive body gives him invincible health and strength, but it also gives his enemies a chance to take advantage of it.

He didn’t wait for him to slap the flying starship.

Sparks of broken lines suddenly popped out from the inside of the body.

The God of Force is carrying Audi and the Tyrant, wreaking havoc inside the main body of the Iron Castle!

If there are still defenders in the city.

Lie Ruwei shook the sky, the sky mothership, that can definitely delay the two people. But the lord of the iron castle who has lost his helper, many corners can not be scrutinized.

It’s easy to face an external enemy.

Swinging a giant palm, no matter how bad it is, it can erupt hot steam, or fire a cannon, it can resist.

But inside the body, he suffers.

It’s like a giant being disturbed by fleas.

You can only watch the enemy wreak havoc all the way and mess up your body.

There is no way to stop it!

“Abominable little bug, me!”

The Iron Fortress Lord’s body trembled.

Screws, gears, chains, glass and other debris flew out of his body.


A stream of ultra-high temperature steam a hundred times stronger than before erupted from all corners of the Iron Fort Lord.

The shrill sound of boiling water kept echoing.

The dinosaur legions that fled in the distance were a headache.

“He wants to blow himself up?”

The Eye Demon Elder inside the Meteor Star Ship asked in horror.

“No, he just wants to burn the three tyrants inside him by raising the temperature.”

Alice suddenly laughed and pointed at the big guy, “At first, I was also scared by his size. But after this meeting’s exploration, it was found that he was a virtual shelf! ”

“No matter how big the body is, if you can’t control Ruyi, even the inside, then what’s the use?”

“Without the little brothers guarding the house, the lord of the iron castle is just a fat meat to be slaughtered.”

The Eye Demon Elder suddenly asked weakly, “But it’s been in the heat, and we can’t get close.” The Lord of the Iron Fort is surrounded by steam.

We couldn’t see our surroundings clearly, and we didn’t dare to break in, in case he caught us, one blow could squash us. ”

“And the three leaders are inside the iron castle, staying under the steam, and may have to be wary of other traps, which are probably also very unsafe and need our assistance from the outside world.”

Alice listened and nodded.

“It’s the fastest to attack inside and outside.”

She just wanted to report to Su Bai and apply for off-site assistance again.

The Lord of the Iron Fort suddenly stumbled and stood unsteadily.

The body of the giant who was taller than the mountain rumbled and fell to his knees.

Alice quickly shouted, “Rewind, the Lord of the Iron Castle has fallen!” ”

The meteorite ship starts at full power and ascends to heaven like a rocket.

The mechanical tyrannosaurus beast below desperately waved its six wings and fled with its men.

“Who is stirring my feet?”

The Lord of the Iron Fortress, who had fallen involuntarily, shouted with chagrin.

Ever since I woke up, I haven’t encountered a single happy thing.

Without the slightest effort to exert his fists and feet, he has been defeated by a series of despicable means.

Now it was even more collapsed, falling to the ground.

A magnitude nine earthquake was triggered throughout the planet Cybertron.

“What’s going on? Paper paste? ”

“Wori, he’ll fall.” The Lord of the Iron Castle was also too vain, and it was not as good as the mighty earth and the sky motherships under his command. ”

“Look, take advantage of his illness and ask for his life.” The mechanical tyrannosaurus rex returned with a large group of dinosaurs and stood on the head of the Iron Castle Lord to wreak havoc. ”

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