"Captain, Neptune from Fishman Island is so brave that he dares to kill people from our Evil Pirates?"

"Let me and the vice-captain go. I am willing to guarantee with my own life that all the fishmen and mermaids will be killed without a single piece of armor left!"

Walder, whose wounds had not yet healed, was still wrapped in a lot of bandages, but when he learned about the incident on Fishman Island, he was immediately furious. He really integrated himself into this camp, and he would rise and fall with the Evil Pirates. Avalo and Jotter were defeated, so of course he wanted to save his face and teach them a lesson.

"Big brother, give the order. Walder and I only need a short time to raze Fishman Island to the ground!"

Barrett's face turned red. Anyone who dared to lose face for his big brother would be regarded as his mortal enemy. Neptune's behavior could be said to have touched his bottom line. In his heart, the other party was no different from a dead person.


"I didn't expect Neptune to be so bold, but since he dared to do this, he must have made some preparations. I guess he has already contacted the Whitebeard Pirates."

Remington did not agree to the two people's request for a fight, but laughed. To be precise, he was angry with Neptune's behavior.

It was a small Fishman Island, and he only sent people to catch a few fishmen, but he dared to start a war. This was simply a slap in his face. If Remington did not make some response, how would he gain a foothold in the New World in the future? Not to mention fulfilling that great ambition.

But destroying Fishman Island, killing all the fishmen, and the mermaids were not in his interest. He wanted to save face as much as possible and maximize his own interests.

"What can the Whitebeard Pirates do? Those little devils are no match for our evil pirates."

"Although Newgate's Tremor-Tremor Fruit is incredibly powerful, the captain's strength is not exaggerated. If a real fight breaks out, it is still unknown who will win or lose!"

"That's right, at worst we'll just go to war! We in the Evil Pirates are fearless."

"Fishman Island must pay the price."

As soon as Remington finished speaking, Bach, Springton and others became more eager to fight. Before they joined the Evil Pirates, they knew that Whitebeard's name could scare them, but now they are really fearless. Even if Remington wants to go to war with the New World's largest force, the Flying Dragon Pirates, they will be the first to rush to the front.

"Captain, there is a fishman named Tiger who wants to see you. He said he has great sincerity.

At this time, a patrolling pirate rushed in and knelt on one knee to say to Remington:


"Let him in."

Remington, who was about to give the order to launch an operation against Fishman Island, was stunned for a moment. In his opinion, Neptune was likely to contact Whitebeard, but he didn't expect him to do this. Was it a double preparation?

"Fisher Tiger greets Lord Remington."

After a while, a young fishman with red skin, unsteady steps, and obviously seriously injured, walked into the palace. Under the gaze of a group of powerful men, he suppressed his fear and saluted Remington.

"Boy, you are so brave that you dare to come to our Beehive Island. You may not know how to write the word death, right?"

Before Remington could speak, the revolver in Wald's hand had grown a hundred times in size, and the black wound was pointed directly at Tiger, cursing loudly, as if he would shoot him to death on the spot at any time.

"Walder, put your gun away."

"Tiger, right? Since you dare to come here alone today, you are indeed the most courageous fishman I have ever seen."

"However, the matter of you killing hundreds of crew members of my Evil Pirates is not something that can be solved by just coming here. You said you came here with sincerity, so tell me. If I am not satisfied, I guarantee that your body will not be sent back to Fishman Island."

Remington waved his hand to signal Wald to return to his seat, and then said to Tiger with a fierce look in his eyes. He was not joking. Don't think that Remington is the kind of fool who admires the enemy and then madly helps the enemy. He did look up to Tiger's courage, but this did not prevent him from killing him.

"Animal series·Mouse-Mouse Fruit·Mythical Beast·Sickle-Weasel Form."

After Walder took back the huge revolver pointed at him, Tiger wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, took out an exquisite box from his arms, and after opening it, a green grapefruit-shaped fruit with strange patterns came into everyone's sight.

"Lord Remington, Prince Neptune deeply regrets the war. He hopes to use this mythical beast, which is rarer than the natural type, to smooth over the misunderstanding between Fishman Island and the Evil Pirates. If you pass by Fishman Island in the future, he will definitely welcome you."

Finding that everyone's eyes were focused on the devil fruit, Tiger slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and then raised his head with a sincere face and said to Remington

"Snap! Snap! Snap!……"

"If I guessed correctly, this devil fruit should be handed over to the World Government, right? Neptune is really willing to give it up, but is it a bit unreasonable to use a mythical beast to exchange for the lives of my hundreds of crew members?"

Remington clapped his hands, walked down from the throne, and went straight to Tiger's side. After taking the devil fruit and looking at it carefully for a while, he said with embarrassment.

A top-notch mythical beast devil fruit is much more precious than the hundreds of crew members he lost, but compared to Remington's face, it is not worth mentioning. Neptune has a good plan and wants to use this devil fruit to resolve the grievances between them. Remington just wants to say that he is too naive!

He, Remington, is not so unbearable. The Evil Pirates have already stood at the top of the New World.���If this was the Four Emperors era, he would be one of the Four Emperors, not to mention that he was about to enter the dark world. If his face was lost at this time, how much impact would it have? That was definitely not something that a mythical beast could make up for!

"Sir, do you have any other requests?"

Although Remington acted greedy, at least in Tiger's eyes, he still gritted his teeth and dared not be disrespectful. When he was sent to meet Remington, he knew how huge the mission was. He would not allow Fishman Island to be destroyed because of some mistakes he made.

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