Telling Boya Shana about Stussy's identity in advance would only create more instability. If Stussy finds out, it's inevitable that something bad will happen.

"Got it, husband."

Since Remington didn't want to say more, Boya Shana wouldn't ask any more questions. It would always be right to be more careful about that woman in the future. So far, she had never said a word to Stussy.

But with her eyesight, she could guess the relationship between Remington and that woman from the murderous look Stussy gave her.

However, Boya Shana didn't mention this to Remington. Anyway, her husband lived with her every day, which was enough. She didn't want her life on Beehive Island to become more tiring than when she was the queen of Nine Snake Island.

That afternoon, Remington checked the custom streets, casinos, arenas, auction houses, taverns, barbecue restaurants, hotels and other entertainment facilities on the four islands again.

After confirming that there was no problem, he came to Stussy and got the Den Den Mushi that was specifically used to contact Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency.

"Bolu! Bolu! Bolu……"

"Morgans? I'm Remington. I need to trouble you with something. I hope you can do it well.

After dialing the phone, Remington didn't wait for Morgans to talk nonsense. He went straight to the point and said to Morgans in a commanding tone.

"Oh? So it's the captain of the Evil Pirates. I thought it was that woman Stussy."

"I don't know what I can do for you. If I can, I will certainly help you!"

Morgans was actually very angry, but he didn't dare to get angry with Remington, so he could only ask back in his special voice.

"Use all your energy to publicize the document I sent you. If you do well, you will be my friend in the future. If you do not do well, the World Economic News Agency will no longer be open. I will skin you alive and roast you over a fire."

Remington's words were full of threats. He knew that these giants of the dark world had to be punished. Such people did not need to be loyal to him, but only needed to fear him.

After that, he did not give Morgans a chance to reply and hung up the Den Den Mushi.

"You said, men are always fickle, right?"

At East Island, Stussy's residence, after Remington put away the Den Den Mushi, Stussy, in her silk pajamas, showed off her feminine charm. She twisted her body and sat in Remington's arms, asking in a somewhat shady tone:

"Remember your identity, take care of what you should take care of, and don't take care of what you shouldn't take care of"

"You are not a little girl anymore, don't make trouble for me, otherwise I won't cherish our friendship!"

Remington tilted his head back, lit a cigar, and said in a faint voice without even looking at the other party.

He knew that Stussy would find a chance to talk to him about this, but Remington would not give the other party a chance to speak out. He was now focused on ascending to the position of the emperor of his dark world, and he really had no time to deal with these jealous facts.

""I know, dear. I just missed you! I'm sorry."

Stussy is a smart person. Of course, she will judge moderately. When she saw Remington was a little angry, she immediately played the most powerful trick of a woman. She nudged herself in Remington's arms like a cat, and apologized to Remington with her voice that was so sweet that it went to the bone.

It must be said that Remington was still very fond of this. Of course, the anger that had just accumulated in his heart disappeared. If Stussy did not have the identity of CP0 of the World Government, he might really have a headache with the two women he currently had.

Unfortunately, there are not so many ifs in this world. Between Stussy and Boya Shana, Remington will never choose the former.

【The world's largest casino, arena, red-light district, and auction house will open on Beehive Island in seven days. The boss behind the scenes, Captain Remington of the Evil Pirates, claims that he will keep anyone safe as long as they spend money in his territory.】

【The latest population auction house on Beehive Island will include all races for auction, including mermaids, murlocs, fur tribes, etc.】

【Shocking news! Five devil fruits and seven famous swords will all be put on the shelf. Anyone can bid as long as they can afford the price.】

【Thousands of gladiators are ready to bring you the most brutal and bloody fight.】

【Want to get rich overnight? The world's largest casino is on Beehive Island, with everything you want to play】

【The Happy Street has been relocated to Beehive Island and expanded several times. It is a paradise for men with so many beautiful women.

Two days later, a large number of news about the entertainment projects on Remington Beehive Island spread rapidly from the New World to the Grand Line and the four seas.

This immediately attracted the attention of many people, especially pirates and nobles with a lot of money.

"Boss Kaido, there are three animal-type devil fruits to be auctioned on Beehive Island."

In the New World, the Beasts Pirates are stationed. Jin, who first followed Kaido, did not have the title of Flame Disaster at this time, and his strength was far different from when he appeared in the original work. However, under Kaido, he is the undisputed number one. He picked up a newspaper, read the headlines, and said to Kaido who was sitting there drinking.

"Oh? Beehive Island? What is that Remington guy going to do?"

"Jin, you take Bailey with you and bring back the three animal-type devil fruits."

Kaido was sober after hearing the words Beehive Island. He wanted to build an army of animal-type ability users, so he certainly didn't want to miss this opportunity. After thinking about it, it was unrealistic to rob them by force. He didn't have the strength yet, so he ordered Jin.

But his eyes stayed on the newspaper headline and the photo of Remington, but a murderous intent flashed inexplicably. This suddenly rising young man always gave him a feeling of being a stumbling block, as if the other party would be his future enemy.

On the other side, in the Totland Sea, on Cake Island, when Charlotte Linlin saw the appearance of the five devil fruits, she jumped up from her seat excitedly, scaring the children present. She stared at one of the devil fruits with her eyes wide open, and even saliva flowed from the corner of her mouth.

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