"We are willing!"

Why did they join the Evil Pirates? It was to grow up under Remington's arm and enjoy the pirate life better. It was that simple.

Although they would lose most of their power at the beginning, people with a long-term vision would not care about it. Obviously, these three pirate captains were the kind of people with vision.

"The user of the Sonic Fruit is Decibel, the user of the Black Bear Fruit is Bodis, and the user of the Vulture Fruit is Dal, who is pretty good."

Remington wrote down the names of the three people, then accepted the devil fruits given to him by the three people, and sent a few fighters from the Extremely Evil Pirates to take them away.

Among the three, he was most optimistic about Decibel, who was about twenty years old, but he was very proficient in the use of Observation Haki, and his physical skills foundation seemed to be stronger than the other two animal-type ones. If necessary, Remington could also arrange for a cadre to teach him well. Anyway

, there was no fighter in his current pirate group who didn't know the dual-color Haki. In Remington's opinion, this was a skill that must be mastered, otherwise he was not worthy of living in the pirate group.

"Alas, three more devil fruits with little potential, but these two can be given to Jot and Avalo."

Looking at the three devil fruits in his hand, Remington thought about it and decided to take out the barrier fruit and the magnetic fruit that Stussy had given him before and give them to the pair of funny people. As for how far these two people can grow, it depends on their luck.

He did as he said, called two fighters and ordered them to take the boxes of devil fruits to East Island and North Island respectively to give them to Jot and Avalo. As for the remaining two devil fruits, he planned to throw them into the auction house for auction. Counting the other five devil fruits, there are already seven devil fruits.

Let me ask, except for the auction house under his command, which other auction house in the world can take out so many devil fruits? Once the news here spreads thoroughly, it will only become more popular. At the same time, those who are waiting and watching will be willing to cooperate with him. The current efforts are only temporary.

"Weibull, you go replace Bach and guard the South Island. Remember, anyone who dares to cause trouble here must be killed."

"Yes, Boss."

That night, as Weibull left, Remington took Shana and rode on the wind pterosaur transformed by Bach, disappearing into the sky under the cover of night.

At this time, the auction officially started in North Island. The brightly lit central venue was packed with people, attracting many pirates, nobles, and even several navy officers from other islands. This auction house could accommodate a thousand people, and there was a requirement that people with less than 100 million Baileys in their hands could not enter.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Avalo, a cadre of the Evil Pirates, responsible for hosting the auction."

"There is no upper limit on the auction items, and you can only bid with Bailey"

"Then let's take out the first auction item, a top-quality sapphire necklace, once a treasure of a royal family, with a starting price of five million Baileys."

As the host, Avalo, who had just obtained the power of the Magnet-Magnet Fruit, was so proud at the moment. He stood in the middle of the stage, looking at the thousands of people present, and announced loudly on the loudspeaker Den Den Mushi.

"Are you kidding me? The starting price for a broken necklace is 5 million Baileys? You must be crazy for money!"

"Is there really someone who doesn't know the goods? This is a necklace made of top-quality blue crystal from the royal family's collection. How can it be just an ordinary item?"

"Last time, I heard that an auction house in Chambord sold a necklace made of blue crystal for 20 million Baileys. I wonder how much this necklace will eventually sell for."

After hearing the starting price, people naturally had mixed opinions. This situation will occur in any auction house. After all, everyone has different hobbies and perspectives, and you can't expect them to have the same ideas.

"Six million Baileys"

"I'll give you 8 million Baileys"

"You want to buy this exquisite blue crystal necklace for only 8 million? I'll pay 15 million Bailey"

"20 million Baileys"

"22 million."

People who were interested in this necklace didn't waste time talking and didn't argue with others. They started to bid, and it was finally bought by an official of a country for 30 million Baileys.

"Next, please don't blink."

"The bounty is 180 million berries. Riley, the great pirate known as the water buffalo, is strong and proficient in dual-color domineering. You can buy him as a crew member or a bodyguard. The starting price is 300 million berries."The first item was sold so quickly that Avalo was very happy. He immediately asked the crew of the Evil Pirates working in the background to move the second item.

This Riley was a pirate who invaded the Beehive Island. Almost all of his men were killed, and he swore to never surrender. In the end, he could only be sold as a slave.

And this guy's bounty is 180 million berries. If it is auctioned, it will definitely be more expensive.

"So strong? It was actually put up for auction?"

"Remington is so bold. Can this be considered as openly aiding the enemy?"

"The starting price is 300 million Baileys. If you don't multiply it several times, you will never be able to buy it."

"600 million Baileys."

Just as people were pointing at the man in the cage and talking, Jin stood up and raised the sign in his hand. The others immediately fell silent and turned their eyes to the guy who was armed to the teeth.

"600 million Baileys once"

"600 million Baileys twice"

"800 million Baileys!"

Of course Avalor recognized Jin, but the auction was fair, whoever spent more money would get the auction item. But when he was about to drop the hammer, a king of a certain country suddenly raised a sign, not caring about the reputation of the big name of the Beasts Pirates.


Jhin narrowed his eyes under the mask and thought of Bailey he brought with him. He still did not argue with the king. He did not forget why he participated in the auction this time.

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