""Cinderson, tell me, are there any undercover agents in Xie Feilong's pirate group?"

Shiki, who was bloodshot, turned around and asked Sindson, who was standing there trembling, holding two large sharp knives that were still dripping with blood. After learning the news that the Beasts Pirates had been destroyed, Shiki's anger overshadowed his reason. He had only one idea, that is, there was another undercover agent in the pirate group.

The reason why he didn't kill Sindson was mainly because the other party had followed him for too long, and they knew each other well. It must be that someone saw him when he left the Sky Pirates, or someone might have used a special fruit ability to eavesdrop on his conversation with Sindson. In short, the feeling of extreme danger filled his heart and lingered for a long time.

As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years. He was scared by the hand of the World Government. Now everyone looks like an undercover agent sent by other forces, and this idea is magnified in his mind and becomes extremely strong. Otherwise, how could he kill several suspicious-looking captains in a row?

"Ah this……"

"Admiral, please wake up. Maybe someone from Kaido's side leaked the news. It has nothing to do with our Sky Pirates. I don't think there can be any undercover agents among these captains. If you keep killing, the fleet will be finished!"

Sinderson, who wanted to fool Ski, felt the murderous intent in his captain's eyes. He gritted his teeth and told the truth without any exaggeration. It was completely from the heart. There were six corpses of captains lying on the ground. Each of these people would be a famous pirate captain if thrown into the New World, and their Sky Pirates had lost six backbone forces. If this continued, he felt that the Sky Pirates could be disbanded.

"All right, throw the bodies of these undercover agents into the sea to feed the sea kings. You guys listen to me clearly. If I find out who else is an undercover agent, I will never let him live!"

Shi Ji regained some consciousness, sheathed the two big swords, glared at the captains who gathered together, and said fiercely.

Of course, he knew that the six bodies were probably killed by mistake, but Shi Ji did not regret it, and it was impossible to ask him to apologize. He killed them, and at worst he could recruit them again in the future. Anyway, those people have been labeled as undercover agents, who dares to be unconvinced?

"Admiral, you are wise!"

The frightened captains, along with the vice-captain Sinderson, bowed to the Golden Lion and flattered him. At the same time, they could wipe the cold sweat off their faces and secretly feel lucky that they had escaped.

"Damn it! Sindson, do you have any other way to ruin the world's first kendo tournament held by Remington!"

Although Shiki regained consciousness, it did not mean that his anger had disappeared. He thought that since the previous plan had failed, he had to find another plan, so he turned his attention to Sindson again. He really wanted his vice captain to come up with another idea.

"Admiral, I have an idea, but it's very dangerous."

"You go to the Kendo tournament in person with your face covered. I think no one will be your opponent. After you win the final championship, you can humiliate Remington severely."

"But if you do this, you will be besieged by the evil pirate group. If you can't get away, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Hinderson grabbed his head with both hands, rubbed it for a while, and slowly told his plan, but this can only be regarded as a bad idea. He racked his brains and couldn't think of a better way than this.

"Get lost! Useless trash!"

"Remington, I can't stand with you!"

Sure enough, Sinderson was greeted by a flying kick, and he was kicked out of the palace in an instant, while Ski was under the throne, not caring whether his behavior was embarrassing or not, and he yelled angrily……

"Remington is too strong, he even wiped out the Beasts Pirates!"

In a large warship that has arrived in the waters near the islands south of Beehive Island, in the cabin of the highest commander, Gion muttered with a blushing face while holding a newspaper in his hand, seemingly forgetting the Crane who was processing documents on the side.……

"Gion, it's fine to say this in front of my sister, but you can't say it in front of anyone else."

"I know that girls are in love, and young women like you also admire those strong and handsome young men, but you have to know that you are a navy and he is still a pirate, it is impossible for you to be together!"

"So, you have to put away your thoughts that you shouldn't have, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!"

He put down the documents in her hand and scolded Gion with a gloomy face.

After being together for so long, how could she not see Gion's thoughts? Besides, only women understand women, and wasn't it the same when she was young? But after being in the highest management of the navy for a long time, many things are seen more clearly. While executing justice in her heart, she must also consider more other factors, otherwise she will never be able to make a name for herself in the headquarters of the navy.

"I know, Sister He, I was just surprised and didn't think too much about it."

Gion stuck out her tongue, adjusted her demeanor and said seriously, as for what she was thinking, only she knew it.

"Humph! Don't forget what you said to your sister at the Navy Headquarters. You can't participate in this Kendo Tournament. Your sister just brought you here to see the world. Did you hear me?"

He snorted heavily and said unhappily.

Looking at her sister's performance, she suddenly regretted bringing Gion to Beehive Island. But it was unrealistic to let him go back to Marinford now. She could only secretly warn herself to keep an eye on Gion and not let him cause any trouble.

"Know it……"

Gion's voice was drawn out, and the word"unwilling" was written all over her face, but there was nothing she could do. She didn't dare to disobey He now, but it might not be the case after the kendo tournament started!

"All swordsmen and their companions who are going to participate in the Kendo Tournament can go to the island now!"

Time passed by little by little. When the Kendo Tournament was about to start, groups of evil pirates appeared on the shore of the South Island. Soon, Avalo appeared at the front with a heartless pace and said to the loudspeaker Den Den Mushi in his hand:

"Can we finally land on the island? Great!"

"I will definitely win the championship and get that supreme sword!"

"Don't dream, the championship is definitely mine! I'm a famous swordsman!"


The first group of people who landed on the island were mostly swordsmen of average strength. They were hurling trash talk at each other. If this wasn't the territory of the evil pirate group, they would have started a fight in a matter of minutes.

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