Seeing the black snake's move, everyone's heart was raised to their throat. Yang Xue and Chen Yi were pale and grabbed Yang Ling's sleeve.

But at this moment, the black snake suddenly fell on his knees.


Everyone was tongue tied and almost dislocated.

Brother black snake said with a bitter smile: "brother Yang, I don't know you are here. I'll kowtow to you and make up for it."

Said unexpectedly actually does the potential to kowtow!

Yang Ling light way: "no need, black snake brother, please get up."

The black snake breathed a sigh of relief, slowly climbed up, like a clever student standing, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

All of them were shocked. They looked at Yang Ling with incredible eyes, and Huang Mao was so scared that he couldn't speak. His whole body was shaking!

As for sun Ling, he was afraid to struggle.

Even the big brother black snake of this piece will kowtow to his knees when he sees Yang Ling, let alone himself.

Although we don't know where Yang Ling is sacred, it goes without saying that stepping on him is as simple as stepping on an ant.

Black snake is also frightened at the moment. Remembering what Yang Ling did before, he couldn't help but fight a cold war and said with a smile: "brother Yang, the younger brothers are not sensible. I'm really sorry that you made such a big fire."

"I will give you an account when I go back!"

Yang Ling light said: "is it? I dare not tell you what the black snake brother wants."

When the black snake heard his words, he knew that he must be angry. Once he started, he would be beaten up. He would run naked in the daytime. In the future, he would be sent to a mental hospital for the rest of his life.

Think of here, he a gnash teeth, ferocious toward yellow hair, come up is a big mouth son!

"Where are your eyes? Even brother Yang dares to offend him!"

"I can't beat you to death

Said a crackling slap will be yellow hair pumping face is blood, his hand is also painful.

But Yang Ling, who wants to die, is not abnormal. He has to keep on smoking.

Fortunately, after two more puffs, Yang Ling finally said: "black snake, listen to this little yellow haired brother say you are interested in my sister?"


The black snake was scared out of his wits, turned his head and glared at Huang Mao and said, "you dare to slander Laozi!"

"I can't kill you scum!"

Said ruthlessly a foot to kick in the yellow hair's stomach, this person screams a, fainted on the spot.

The black snake spat at the faint yellow hair angrily. Then she knelt down in front of Yang Ling and screamed: "brother Yang, your sister's golden branches and jade leaves, even if you give me ten courage, you dare not move her."

"That scum wronged me. I'll sue him for slander. You must believe me!"

All the people were shocked and numbed. A big brother, for fear of being angry with a young man, even wanted to take up legal weapons to defend his innocence. He was afraid that he would be laughed off.

Yang Ling looked at the black snake kneeling in front of her, waved her hand and said, "OK, I didn't say how to take you?"

"What does your big brother look like on my knees? Go and pick up the money on the ground. "

Hearing the words, the black snake got up and yelled at his younger brothers: "pick up the money on the ground for me. If you lose one, you will be skinned!"

Even old people are afraid to be like this. Where do you dare to say no?

One by one, I picked up the money.

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