LV3's weak state is only 50% after the heaven and earth strike, that is to say, the general strength has fallen. This is acceptable, and it will not directly use Fanghua to recover.

The cooling time has also changed from 24 hours to 12 hours. With the improvement of the level, the cooling time will be shorter and shorter.

Well, after a consumption, the wish value is only 11 points, but his strength has also been a small increase.

Keep up!

Wish value used up, attribute points should be added, Yang Ling thought of also got a set of bright red flying flower suit, this look, the attribute is still good. The

suit is as like as two peas, four robes, a crown, a robe, a pair of earrings and a pair of shoes. The style is exactly the same as those worn in Nangong.

Bright red crown: after wearing, spirit power + 20, charm value + 10, resist 20% mental power attack, when the head is attacked, it will automatically form a light shield with 20 points of defense.

Flying flower earrings: mental power + 20, charm value + 10, hearing + 100%

peach dream robe: spirit power + 20, charm value + 10 after wearing. When attacked, it can automatically form a shield, and the defense power of the shield is equivalent to the mental power of the wearer.

Bright red flying shoes: Agility increased by 10% after equipping, charm value + 10, movement speed increased by 20% when activating the active effect of the magic weapon

four pieces of loose parts have their own effects, even if it is carried out alone, it is a good auxiliary magic weapon, especially for the spiritual power, 60 points, very powerful!

Yang Ling continued to look at the instructions, and it was really a suit effect.

Magenta flying flower suit effect: when wearing the four piece suit, the wearer's mental power + 50, all attributes are increased by 10%, and the special skill: past dust is like a dream.

Past dust is like a dream: powerful mental power attack can make up to one enemy unit entangled in the previous life illusion, and all ability points are reduced by 50%.

The higher the opponent's accomplishments, the lower the effect of dreamlike dreamland.

Suit effect 2: the wearer can change the shape of the suit at will without affecting the increase of each attribute.

Note 1: cooldown time of dust like dream skill: 24 hours.

Note 2: the part of the suit can't be upgraded separately. Every time you upgrade the suit, you need 100 points of wish value. Every time the suit increases LV1, the mental power is + 20, the defense effect is + 10%, and the former dust like dream skill effect is increased by 10%

looking at the terrible effect of the suit, Yang Ling is shocked.

The past is like a dream, this skill is also too awesome!

Let the other party fall into a dreamland, and all attributes will be reduced by 50%. This NIMA doesn't want people to kill themselves?

Unfortunately, this ability is a single attack, and the cooldown will not decrease as the skill level increases.

In addition, the upgrade is too expensive!

100 points wish value upgrade once, pit ah!

Looking at the beautiful red suit lying on the bed, Yang Ling cocked her head and began to think.

According to common sense, this suit of women's clothing should be given to talents, but after all, it is given by Nangong ruoer. It seems inappropriate to give it to other girls

But if he wears it himself, he has no interest in wearing women's clothes.

After a little hesitation, he suddenly had an idea.

Yang Lingxian picked up his hair crown and read it gently: "change!"

The crown quickly shrunk, but in a moment it turned into a red rope braided headdress. Yang Ling put it on her head and smoothed it to hide it in her hair.

Looking in the mirror, there is no trace. If you don't turn his hair, you can't find it.

After he picked up the earrings, it was another change. The pair of flying Earrings turned into two pink peach leaves the size of a small nail cap. Yang Ling glued them to the back of his ears and covered them with his long hair on the temples!

Flying earrings are magic weapons. They will not fall off naturally. Unfortunately, they can only change the style but not the color. Otherwise, they don't have to hide them.


After thinking about it, Yang Ling had an idea. He took off his upper body and turned the peach dream robe into a T-shirt to wear inside.

Fortunately, the dream robe is red. It's normal for a boy to wear a red T-shirt. If he were pink, he would never wear it

Inside is a red T-shirt, outside is a coat transformed from Xianhong Guiyun robe. Inside and outside are defensive magic weapons, full of security.

To be reasonable, the defense of the dream robe is linked to one's mental strength, and its protective effect is much stronger than that of Xianhong Guiyun robe.

The last one is shoes. It is impossible for him to wear these embroidered shoes. After thinking about it, he directly turned them into a pair of red socks, not to mention, very comfortable on the feet.

Everything is done, Yang Ling went to the mirror and looked at it, expressing satisfaction.

Check the current panel, this does not see do not know, a look startled.

Originally, his initial panels were strength: 230, agility: 220, physical strength: 220, mental strength: 230, Charm Value: 90But now there are red flying flower suit effect, Xianhong Guiyun robe, Danyun rainband, Qionghua Xianhu and other passive four-dimensional magic weapons. The panel is as follows:

strength: 290

Agility: 300

physical strength: 277

mental power: 428

Charm Value: 130

this is very terrible.

Generally speaking, although the physical body of a monk in the late congenital period will be greatly strengthened, it is estimated that the four-dimensional figure should be around 150 points, which is twice as high as that!

In particular, the mental power of 428 points can be used to hypnotize and master this kind of skills. If he attacks Zhihai, the monks in the same realm will lose their resistance on the spot, at least their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

The most important thing is that the stronger the spirit, the better the effect of deduction mastery. In Yang Ling's opinion, this skill is more powerful than the export-oriented skills. Alchemy, Mitian refining and other skills that need to be calculated all have the blessing effect!

The only pity is that the attribute of magic weapon plus doesn't give random reward, otherwise a pile of wish treasure chest will not be much hi.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

Yang Ling Ha ha smile, mood a rain to clear up.

When he went to the mirror and looked at it, he was still quite satisfied with his current shape. He couldn't help it. He looked so handsome and looked good in everything he wore.

"Is this glamour too high?"

Yang Ling some worry, 130 points charm value is not a joke, ordinary people's charm value even 5 points are not, this with their own dozens of times!

He is afraid that a smile to an ordinary girl will make the other party miss the meal. If a bad one activates the invisible cute skills, it will be miserable

For looking too good-looking this matter, Yang Ling also has no way, take a step to see a step.

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