"Ding, you have satisfied Yang Xue's wish to buy a car, wish value + 1, current progress: 10 / 10."

"Ding, you have satisfied the wish of the car sales lady, wish value + 1, current progress: 11 / 10."

"Ding, you smashed the desire of the gourd eaters to see you make a fool of yourself. Attribute point + 1."

Yang Ling smiles and is about to drive away. Suddenly, the fragrance flashes in front of her, and the young girl comes to her side.

Look at her elder brother's two small Ling girl with affection

"Would you like to have a drink with my sister?"

Yang Ling looked at her and said with a faint smile, "I'm not an adult?"

"You can't drink under age. You can find someone else."

The girl giggled, and suddenly put a business card into Yang Ling's trouser pocket. In her ear, she whispered, "little brother, I'll wait for you at night..."

Then he chuckled and turned away.

Yang Ling also did not care, sat in the driver's seat and drove away from the S4 store.

Driving the BMW I8 sports car, the rate of turning back in the street is very high, sitting in the co driver's seat Yang Xue is refreshing.

Gusts of cool wind blowing, her long hair blowing up, she felt the envious eyes of the people around her, and her heart was proud and proud.

"Brother, why are you so strong all of a sudden?"

"It won't be a big prize, will it?"

Yang Ling said with a smile, "your brother, I was good at it."

"Well, where do you want to go next?"


Yang Xue looked at Chen Yi in the back seat. Her best friend shook her head and said, "buy cosmetics, clothes and bags."

"I have a lot of things to buy."

Yang Ling smiles and shakes his head. He doesn't care about the money. There are ways to earn it..

A moment later, the car drove to the gate of the shopping mall. Because there was no parking space, Yang Ling asked the parking lot administrator. Unexpectedly, the administrator saw that the car was so good that he directly gave a VIP parking space at the gate of the mall.

Yang Ling said a thank you, in the eyes of all the people, with two girls slowly walked into the door.

In front of the beauty counter of Bolai, Yang Xue and Chen Yizheng are chattering about cosmetics. Suddenly, a surprised voice comes from behind.

"Why? Yang Xue? Chen Yi? "

"What are you doing here?"

The second daughter turned her head and looked, but her face was frozen.

The visitors were a man and a woman. The women were about seventeen or eighteen years old, and they were about the same age. However, the men seemed to be about thirty and gentle.

Miss song, Huang Lei

Yang Xue frowned and snorted, "you can come, why can't we?"

The man took a look at Yang Xue and fixed his eyes on Chen Yi. His face was embarrassed, but Huang Lei chuckled and said, "yes, of course you can come."

"I can't afford it. I can't afford it. I can't afford it, can't I?"

"Even if it's a free trial product, it's dozens of times better than what you're using, isn't it?"

Chen Yi seems to be afraid of her, hiding behind Yang Xue quietly.

Yang Xue is not an oil-saving lamp. Hearing his words, he hummed: "Huang Lei, what conditions do you have in your family that I don't need to say?"

"Mr. Song used to like Xiaoyi, so you'd better stand out in front of us with the teacher's money?"

"Aren't you afraid to be laughed at

It turns out that Huang Lei and the teacher surnamed song actually fell in love with each other. Moreover, this song teacher used to like Chen Yi. When she was at school, Huang Lei often asked Chen Yi for trouble. Yang Xue and Chen Yi were intimate friends, and the relationship between them was naturally very poor.

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