The sun set and the moon rose, and in a twinkling of an eye, it was evening again. No one came to disturb him all day, but Yang Ling was a little worried.

During the whole day, he consumed 7 million kg of spirit liquid. Although he still had 30 million kg, if the process of breakthrough lasted for three or five days, it would not be enough.

After another five hours, the breath of Liu Muhan was getting closer and closer to her natural environment. At the same time, the speed of absorbing spiritual fluid also decreased. This discovery made Yang Ling feel a little relieved.

In the morning of the next day, the suction stopped abruptly, and then Liu Muhan's light was generous, and the cloud like mark on his eyebrows was particularly striking.


As if something was broken in general, the next moment Liu Muhan's whole body breath soared, and finally came to the congenital realm!

After consuming 14 million jin spirit liquid, Liu Muhan's life level finally sublimated!

From then on, she really stepped into the ranks of immortal practitioners!

However, to Yang Ling's surprise, not only did the growth of cultivation not stop, but faster and faster!

Liu Muhan is not only immortal Fengyun body, but also Qixia body!

With the rising of the seven Spirits of the morning sun, the spirit of the rising sun is more and more!

Ten minutes later, Yang Ling was stunned.

Congenital metaphase!

Liu Muhan unexpectedly rushed to the realm of the mid congenital!

After a moment, the girl vomited out a turbid breath, the mark on the eyebrow faded away, and the colorful light converged. Finally, she slowly opened her eyes.

Finally, her realm stayed in the mid congenital period, but Yang Ling clearly sensed that the breath of Liu Muhan was stable, and it was obvious that the realm had been very consolidated.

After opening her eyes, the female president immediately understood the changes in her body. She jumped into Yang Ling's arms in surprise and said excitedly, "ah Ling, i..."

"At last like me!"

"Ding, you have satisfied Liu Muhan's wish that his life level is the same as you, and the wish value is + 3."

"Ding, you help Liu Muhan break through the realm, intimacy + 30, intimacy + 15 after distribution, current intimacy: 273, wish value + 15."

Yang Ling gently hugged his wife and said in a soft voice, "Muhan, congratulations."

Liu Muhan was excited in her heart, and tears flashed in her eyes. She held Yang Ling and said, "husband, I love you!"

Thousands of words, a love you enough.

Yang Ling's heart full of happiness, just want to say something witty, suddenly opened his mouth and looked out of the window.

There I don't know when a piece of dark clouds floated, there is a faint breath of disaster brewing in it.

"This is..."

"Damn it, thunder rob!"

Yang Ling exclaimed: "Mu Han, you are so talented that you are hated by the heaven. Unexpectedly, you triggered thunder robbery in the congenital environment!"

"It's killing me!"

Liu Muhan was also frightened and said eagerly: "a Ling, if you cross the robbery here, the thunder and lightning will break up the s city!"

"Come on, get me out of here!"

Yang Ling nodded. Although the lightning rod was not broken, it was still quite dangerous.

Thinking of this, he picked up Liu Mu cold swish and disappeared without a trace.

Their departure also let the dark clouds dissipate, but the natural calamity is inevitable, and the breath of disaster will always lock on those who should be robbed.

Originally, the general public, who were in a hurry to escape the rain, were slightly stunned. On this day, it is said that black is black, and sunny is sunny, which is really hard to understand.

But Su Qiling, Xiao Longnu, Bai Suzhen and other great friars knew exactly what had happened.

Bai Suzhen looks calm on the balcony. There is a ray of worry in the eyes of little dragon girl in the yard. Su Qiling, who looks out of the window, says to herself, "is it not your highness Tianhu who has broken through the realm again?"

"But it doesn't seem like much."

"Who could it be..."

Although s city is not close to the sea, it is not far away from the sea. Yang Ling is holding Liu Muhan and driving along the road. In a few minutes, she has already flown to the sea. When they stop, the hijacking clouds on their heads appear immediately, and the rolling disaster gas is locked on Liu Muhan.

According to the law, there will be no thunder robbery when breaking through the natural environment. Even if there is, it will not be very strong. But Yang Ling is still worried. He takes a pill from the Acacia bracelet and hands it to Liu Muhan, saying, "Muhan, you can only rely on yourself next."

"This is the anti robbery pill I got in the secret place. If you think you can't resist it, you can eat it immediately."

Liu Muhan nodded cautiously. After breaking through the inborn, she was also able to fly against the sky. After taking the pill, the girl eagerly pushed Yang Ling away: "you stay away from me!"

Yang Ling knew that it was the female president who was afraid of implicating him, but now he could not do anything. When he left, he finally pinched the little hand of the female president and said, "be careful!"

At the next moment, there was a thunder in the sky, and Yang Ling ran away quickly."Boom!"

With a blast, Yang Ling just left a few breaths, and a thumb thick thunder and lightning fell from the cloud robbery, but before Liu Muhan had any action, the Xihe hairpin on the woman's head suddenly glowed, and a white mask was formed in an instant.

The next moment, the lightning split in the light shield, will be split to pieces, and lightning is scattered everywhere.

Yang Ling in the distance looked at it, but saw the cloud mark in the heart of Liu Mu's cold eyebrows reappeared, drawing the scattered electric arc around to moisten the body.

Seeing this scene, he was stunned.

Moisten the body with thunder robbery, does immortal Fengyun body still have this kind of ability to operate?

The first one dissipated and the second came soon.

After an explosion in the sky, a baby's arm thick thunder thundered down, and Yang Ling saw a magical scene again.

The tears of Goddess and Xihe hairpin on Liu Muhan's chest emit dazzling light at the same time. The combination of yin and Yang breath forms a yin and Yang shield, which blocks Liu Muhan's head!


The thunder struck the yin-yang shield and was directly shocked into countless electric arcs. Although the light of the yin-yang shield was dimmed, it still stood still!

"Damn it, strong!"

Yang Ling is very happy. Xihe hairpin and Wangshu are complete sets of magic weapons. The combined shield is so powerful!

You know, this is not the thunder and lightning driven by the true Qi and magic power, but it is brewed by the disaster of heaven. It is more powerful than the thunder and lightning released by Yang Ling thunder, but it is still blocked by force!

Liu Muhan was unhurt, and even did not exert any strength at all. On the contrary, because of the special constitution of xianfengyun body, she absorbed a wave of her own natural calamity and moistened her body in vain.

I'm afraid that after this wave, the girl's four dimensions will have a significant improvement.

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