Looking back, I saw Yang Xue stare at himself, and then the pair of bright eyes straight at Qixia fairy, this shy little expression, simply changed the same person.

Yang Ling said her head was big, but Qixia fairy turned her hand and took out an emerald bracelet. She said with a smile, "sister Xueer, this jade ring is for you."

"Ah! Really

Yang Xue's face showed a surprise color, cleverly stepped forward a few steps, gently took the magic weapon from the seven Xia fairy and said shyly, "what's your name..."

"Ling Qixuan."

After hearing the seven Xia fairy's reply, Yang Xue silently read a sentence and then said with a sweet smile: "thank you, sister Qixuan!"


Yang Ling heard this sound, but her sister was stunned. She saw no surprise on her face, and immediately understood it.

Sister and other related figures have drunk a lot of qixialu. They have the power of sunrise in their bodies. They can immediately find out that Qixia fairy is actually a daughter!

But what's the matter with that look?

Little sister, you can't like girls!

There is a saying that love my house and love my dog. It's unnecessary for Qixia fairy to say much about Yang Ling's feelings. Naturally, she is very fond of Yang Ling's younger sister (after all, she is also her own sister). When she sees the child so clever, she likes it even more.

She gently rubbed Yang Xue's cerebellar bag and said, "Xueer, the blood in your body has basically been transformed under the action of qixialu. After a period of time, it will be able to transform completely, and then I will help you to safely promote your congenital environment."


Yang Xuehong nodded with her face. In front of Qixia fairy, she became a good baby.

After talking for a while, the seven Xia fairy said, "Xiaoling, Xueer, I'll go back first, and I'll see you next time."

But she took a deep look at Yang Ling. There were stars in her eyes. There was a special way of communication between them. Yang Ling understood the meaning of Qixia fairy.

She was saying that she would come to see you in women's clothes the next time she was alone!

Yang Ling's face showed a smile, motionless nodded, Qixia fairy chuckled and turned away.

Looking at the girl's back, Yang Xue said softly, "brother, do you believe in fate?"

Yang Ling seriously advised: "little sister, I know she is very handsome and good-looking in men's wear, but listen well, you must like boys!"

"Isn't it a boy to wear men's clothes?"

Yang Xue said softly: "brother, give you 30 seconds. I want all the information of brother Qixuan and tell me everything you know."

Yang Ling opened his mouth to show that his head was very big.

He thought of one thing, looked at the Jasper ring in his sister's hand and said, "Cher, show me the jade ring."

Yang Xue gave the jade ring to Yang Ling and said, "this is from brother Qixuan. You can see it and return it to me."

"Will I still want your magic weapon?"

Yang Ling rolled her eyes and felt the jade ring carefully. Suddenly, she recited the magic formula and threw it out. The emerald green bracelet rose in the wind. In a blink of an eye, it was more than ten times higher than before. Under the rapid rotation, sharp wind blade toothed knife was formed around it. She was only afraid of being cut in a different place.

At the same time, under the high-speed rotation, there will be a small wind power vortex in the center of Biyu ring. The general Daoism will be smashed immediately when it is hit by the vortex, and the defense is very strong.

Its quality is equivalent to the lv4 level produced by the system, which is a rare magic weapon of attack and defense!

Yang Xue looked stunned, she asked eagerly: "brother, this thing is not cheap?"

Yang Ling received the magic power, gave the jade ring back to Yang Xue, nodded seriously: "it's not cheap, this is a great magic weapon!"

"Snow son, you remember, don't throw this bracelet out and smash it, it will kill people!"

Yang Xue excitedly nodded his head: "know!"

"Brother, how did you make it bigger just now? Teach me!"

Yang Ling heard the speech and said with a smile: "now you can't do it. Wait. When you break through the natural environment, it will be natural."

"By the way, sister Qixuan is a girl. You have to keep it secret. Don't go to other people if you have nothing to do. After all, she is someone else's fiance now."

"No, no, fiance?"

"Yang Xue hears speech to rage:" no, I don't agree


Yang Ling gently slapped on Yang Xue's small ass, no good airway: "don't make a fool of yourself, she did this for a reason, and it's just temporary."

Yang Xue smell speech to cover the small butt, aggrieved said: "OK, that I occasionally go to play a head office bar!"

"Well, aren't you going to sister Qiuxia? Let's go

Yang Ling looked at the villa in the distance. Some of her sister, who was out of her mind, shook her head with a smile.

If my sister can really stick to Qixia fairy, the benefits of cultivation will not be mentioned. At least she won't learn to be bad. As for Lily, Yang Ling believes that her sister will be fine after she meets the boy she really likes.After all, she is not Lu Kexin. She knows the identity of Qixia fairy girl.

Thinking of this, he said with a smile: "don't forget what happened to you just now. Let's go."

With that, he disappeared.

In the next two days, Yang Ling spent most of her time in the desire space, constantly practicing, refining alchemy and building materials.

Su Qiuxia is accompanied by Su Qiling. In fact, it is not dangerous. Moreover, Yang Ling thinks that the cat friend has a fight with her. She should recover her true Qi for a while and won't come to visit her for the time being.

However, he still took time to accompany Su Qiling and Su Qiuxia to talk and chat. On the first night, he also accompanied them to a movie.

Of course, he will return to Longwan villa every day to show his face.

Today is the new year's Eve, Yang Ling, Liu Muhan, Xia Feiyan and Yang Xue drive Rolls Royce to an upscale hotel in s city.

According to the Convention of the past years, today is the day for the Liu family to have a reunion dinner. Tomorrow, the new year's Eve will be the day for each branch to eat its own.

The Liu family is said to be a big family, but actually there are not many Maoren. Mr. Liu has three sons. The eldest son Liu Jianye is in politics, the second is Liu Jianshu, and the third is Liu Muhan's father in business.

Among the three brothers, Liu Muhan's father is the youngest, but he marries the earliest. Therefore, Liu Muhan is the biggest grandson.

Liu Jianye, the eldest son, has a daughter. She is 20 years old and is the cousin of Liu Muhan.

Liu Jianshu, the second son, gave birth to a son, who is only 16 years old this year.

There are only a few directly related people, including the wives of two sons, Liu Lan, Liu Feng and other family servants, plus four of Yang Ling, and there are only 20 people in total.

In addition, Yang Xueben didn't want to come, but there was no way. Her parents didn't want to come, so she could only represent her.

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