Cheng Ying said with a smile to the youth around him: "Yangyang, call me brother."

"Hello, brother Ling..."

Liu Yang called out cleverly, looking a little shy, which made his father shake his head.

"Ding, you satisfy Liu Jianshu's wish to see you, wish value + 1."

After that, Yang Ling and Liu Lan, Liu Feng and others said hello, and a group of people joked and walked into the hotel.

The hotel is just a loafer, a punk.

However, because the other party is a member of the Kang family, she has not made any treatment due to the face of her elders.

Of course, he was never given a good look.

She doesn't care whether her husband has money, because her money can't be used up in a few years, but the other party has to look at it at least three times. Is he a normal person?

Thinking that she would marry such scum in the future, she felt like eating a fly.

See Kang Jingming is wantonly looking at himself, after a moment of silence, she helplessly said: "Master Kang, the matter of marriage my elders here seems to have not discussed, you now say so is not too urgent?"

"Your elders?"

Kang Jingming said with a smile: "the most powerful members of your family are also demobilized. What do you want to discuss with them?"

"What are you talking about?"

A Xia family man at the same table stood up and said: "Kang Jingming, your family is indeed salted fish turned over, but don't deceive people too much!"

"Don't insult my elders!"

The movement here immediately attracted the attention of the whole audience, but what was surprising was that the rich xias lowered their heads one by one, while the Kang people were sarcastic.

There is a way to promote Mi en and fight against Mi Qiu. After the decline of the Kang family, the Xia family gave a lot of help, but because of this, people of the Kang family feel inferior. When they don't turn over, they are really grateful. But now they turn over and immediately step on each other to show their status as they are today.

This is one of humanity!

"What did I insult?" Kang Jingming sneered

"Xia Zhenping, I'm just stating the facts. Can't I tell the truth?"


The young people at this table in Xia's family are all angry, while the men from Kang's family are laughing.

After laughing for a while, Kang Jingming saw that the xias were glaring at themselves one by one. He sneered and said, "look? What's good to see? "

"We are all people of the cultivation world. The cultivation world always speaks with fists!"

"If you're not convinced, you'll have to do something about it. If you don't dare, you'll hold back and don't talk."

As soon as this speech comes out, the young people at this table of Xia family are all angry and pale.

It is said that Kang Jingming was favored by the ancestors of the Kang family. He has given a lot of cultivation resources and even handed down his own merits. Now he has the strength to break away from the world.

Xia Zhenping is the most powerful young generation of the Xia family. Unfortunately, it's just not beyond the horizon. Once on stage, I'm afraid I'll be beaten up

But if the sarcasm is suppressed, can you still raise your head in the future?

Xia Zhenping stood up fiercely and said, "since you want to have a competition with Master Kang, I will accompany you to the end!"


Xia Manli called softly and shook her head after holding his hand, while Kang Jingming sneered and said, "OK, please."

Then he went straight to the spacious corridor which divided the two families.

Seeing this, Xia Zhenping jumped onto the corridor and said, "Kang Jingming, look at the fist!"

After saying that, one blow directly hit the past!

Don't say, this blow with a trace of breaking wind, the strength is still good, hit ordinary people can kill a blow, unfortunately, Kang Jingming is not ordinary people.

With a sneering smile on the corner of his mouth, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Xia Zhenping's fist with a slap. The other hand was smashed down. With a click, Xia Zhenping's arm was broken on the spot, and the whole person fell to the ground as if he had exhausted his strength.

"How about boxing? It's a shame. "

Kang Jingming sneered and said, "how about kneeling

Xia Zhenping's face was pale and he could not speak. He just glared at Kang Jingming.

There was a sound of reverse air conditioning. The accident came too fast. No one would have thought that such a thing would happen suddenly. However, after the reaction, a few kangs cheered, while most of the xias were pale and dare not speak.

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