Yang Ling smelled the speech and looked behind her, but she was an old monk in a shabby robe. She looked old but kind, which was a bit of an expert.

But under the induction, he found that he was just an ordinary old man, and he did not cultivate himself.

He hehe said with a smile: "a moment of itching touched, master don't blame."

The old man said with a smile: "the devil's face is ferocious. Ordinary people dare not look at it once, but little master dares to touch it, which is much better than ordinary people."

Yang Ling also said with a smile, "master, I'm just a little bit more daring."

Then he said curiously, "this stone statue is called Zhenmo Luohan. Is it true that there is something under the stone statue that can't be suppressed?"

The old monk recited the name of Buddha and said leisurely, "there is no devil in the world. If you have a devil in your heart, you are a devil. If you live in Buddha, you will be a Buddha."

Yang Ling heard the speech and nodded: "this speech is thorough, is the Buddha is the devil all from the original mind."

The old monk looked at him with a smile and suddenly asked, "little benefactor, I dare to ask, what is Buddha in your heart?"


Yang Ling said with a light smile: "in my opinion, the Buddha is not in the Lingshan mountain, nor in this great hall."

"Buddha is an idea, an attitude towards life, or a kind of values."

The old monk gazed at Yang Ling. After a moment, he sighed, "Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror is not a platform. There is nothing at all. Where does it cause dust? "

"All living beings worship Buddha, but they don't know that Buddha is in their heart."

"Young benefactor, I admire you for your insight."

Then he recited the name of Buddha again and saluted Yang Ling.

Yang Ling, seeing this, hastily returned the salute: "the master's Buddhism is exquisite, and his words are pearls. I also admire him."

After seeing the ceremony, the old monk said with a smile: "little benefactor knows this truth, but I don't think the benefactor's heart is satisfied. Have you found your own way?"


Yang Ling looked at the ferocious stone Buddha in front of him and said calmly, "isn't the way at your feet?"

"It doesn't matter whether I seek the way or not. The way I used to walk, the way I will go, is my way."

After hearing this, the old monk took a deep look at Yang Ling, clasped his hands and saluted again: "benefactor has this state of mind. All the reasons in the world can only get the inevitable results of the benefactor."

"Benefactor, even if his hands are stained with countless blood, his heart is stable and his evil spirit is not touched. It is really valuable."

As soon as he said this, Yang Ling was shocked. Did he allude to his burning of the city of hailou?

Thinking of this, he quickly turned his head to see the old monk, but where there is a figure.

"There is such a thing!"

This surprise is not trivial. Yang Ling's cultivation is so good that even the existence of the congenital peak is hard to disappear in front of him.

"Is it the power of the holy land?"

For a moment, he was terrified, but on second thought, it was impossible.

After taking a deep breath and caressing his mood, he turned his head and looked at the stone statue of the town magic again. He had a vague guess in his heart when he connected with the precious Qi sensed before.

In the end, there is a magic weapon that can not be well preserved in the past.

Magic weapon has spirit, the higher the quality, the stronger the spirit. Even if the noumenon has been broken, but as long as it is not completely annihilated, there will be a trace of spiritual existence.

This old monk is likely to be a trace of spiritual evolution of the magic weapon!

But if it was a magic weapon like a fairy sword, it would be as amazing as a fairy sword!

Of course, all this is just Yang Ling's guess, he can not use the relationship to force the statue.

As the old monk said before, everything is predestined.

Buddhism pays most attention to predestination, but if it is forced, it will backfire.

What's more, a magic weapon whose spirit has been basically destroyed is of no use to him.

With a smile, he nodded at the stone statue and thought about the Buddha statue in the middle of the hall.

Although the Tao is different, all come. It is necessary to nod in front of the Buddha statue to show respect.

Everything is too much, can't show a Lao Tzu attitude, this is the truth of life.

Just out of the distance, suddenly heard the cry of a girl in the distance, staring at it, but outside the hall of Mahavira, a middle-aged couple was pulling a little girl of seven or eight years old.

Standing beside them was a 16-7 boy, looking at the little girl excitedly.

Many people around, and even a few middle-aged monks are standing with a bitter smile on their faces.

Yang Ling looked down but slightly surprised.

"Spirit body!"

This long super cute little girl is a spirit!It's not a demon or a ghost, but a spirit like Nangong ruoer!

What's more, Yang Ling clearly sensed this girl's cultivation, late congenital!

According to the records in Yiwen Lu, the appearance of spirit body is a miracle between heaven and earth. It is inconceivable that Nangong ruoer keeps the memory of previous life. However, the spirit body in front of him has achieved accomplishments!

And it's late congenital!

What's the situation with NIMA?

Looking at the little girl, Yang Ling's eyes are about to stare out. What's the matter with this ancient temple? First, an old monk, and now there's a spirit body of late congenital period?

This underground repression is not a ghost gate, is it?

In addition, the appearance of the spirit had to make Yang Ling think about the love robbery. It was just a little girl

Is it too small?

He had mixed feelings all the time. What's the situation!

When Yang Ling was surprised, the middle-aged woman in the field had already scolded.

She pointed to the monks and said angrily, "what's the matter with you? I've finished the adoption procedures. Why doesn't Xiao Guang go with us?"

"We have to go back to eat the new year's Eve dinner."

A middle-aged monk said with a wry smile: "Mrs. Wang, Xiaoguang is still small after all, and should be more aware of life."

"Why don't you wait a few days and we'll persuade her."

The middle-aged woman sneered and said, "how many days later? Another few days! We've all had a month off! "

"If you didn't want to adopt Xiao Guang, do you think my family would give you two million sesame oil money?"

"Your abbot, let him out. I don't believe in evil today."

These words let the surrounding melon eating masses are surprised, two million sesame oil money can not be!

On second thought, although I don't know why this little girl named Xiaoguang is in the temple, she is so cute and will definitely be a super beauty when she grows up.

If you look at the young people around them, they may be mentally retarded.

Child bride!

The idea came out of everyone's heart!

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