Manzhu shahua will only bloom in front of the host, Yang Ling looked at the red flower in Xiaoguang's hand, a huge sadness filled his heart.

This little girl, in the end, experienced how much missing and despair will appear here, will condense one after another manzhusha Hua!

Can eternal thoughts, endless despair, and the little light wrapped in such obsessions really be saved?

Can it be redeemed?

Why is this?

What kind of story did you have with her in the past!

Yes, at the moment of seeing Manzhu shahua, Yang Ling basically determined that this love robbery was a suicide robbery.

It's not ruoer's tender fiancee, but the fairy who fell into boundless yearning and despair!

After a long breath, Yang Ling cleared up her mood and said with a smile, "thank you for telling me."

He also handed out a bank card of 100000 yuan and said, "what does Xiaoguang like to eat, you can go on it."

She took over the bank card with a smile, and the excitement was just about to jump up.

"Ding, you have satisfied my aunt's wish to receive the bank card again. The wish value is + 1."

A moment later, two ice cream and two desserts were served. After sipping the ice cream with a spoon, Xiao Guang showed a very intoxicated expression on his face.

"I like ice cream best. When I grow up, I'll make it for my master."

Yang Ling gently looked at Xiaoguang, reached out to touch her cerebellar bag and said, "OK, come on, grow up, we will be together for a long time..."

"Touch my head again, the president is not high!"

Small light Du Du Du small mouth, that small appearance is simply cute burst!

Looking at the little girl who is eating ice cream and dessert, Yang Ling's heart is tender.

"That's what the old father thinks of his daughter, isn't it?"

Thinking of this, he laughs and shakes his head. At this time, the mobile phone rings, but the old man calls.

"Xiaoling, is Wang Yufei your cousin?"

Yang Ling said with a smile: "yes, grandfather Liu, you go back with my cousin first. I still have some things to deal with here."

On the phone came the old man's slightly worried voice: "Xiaoling, is something wrong?"


Yang Ling was silent for a moment and said, "I just feel something is wrong."

He did not explain too much, but out of his absolute trust in Yang Ling, Mr. Liu said cautiously: "then I'll go with some old friends first. You should be careful."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Ling said with a smile, "Xiao Guang, listen to the aunt in the canteen that you can sing. Can you sing to the master?"

Xiao Guang's face turned red when he heard the speech. He said, "master, there are many people here who will be shy..."

Yang Ling said with a smile: "Xiaoguang is so cute, no one will laugh at you."

"Shall we sing softly?"

Xiaoguang tilted his head and looked at Yang Ling. After thinking for a while, he said, "master, this song is what you taught me."

"I taught?"

Yang Ling opened his mouth. Maybe he taught this song in his previous life, but how could he still remember it.

He said with a smile: "this, I really can't remember for a while."

"But if you sing, I may remember. Come on, let's get started."

Little light red face looked around, see no one pay attention to them, gently spit out a breath, began to sing.

"At the beginning of the Hunyuan Dynasty, the division of good and evil is decided by who decides whether it is right or not."

"The immortal chants, the devil roars, the destiny is robbed, and all living beings burn the dust and shine brightly..."

Xiao Guang's singing is very good, and the melody of the song is very gentle, but the lyrics seem to be a little thick, and it is a little strange to sing out of the tender voice.

"Seven days to listen to me carefully

"How can the shackles compete with the arrogance? It's up to me to decide whether it's the devil or the immortal."


Yang Ling was shocked. The first half of this song coincides with the theory of causality and destiny, while the latter half is a straight point theme!

This is a song against fate, want to go against the sky!

It's up to me to decide whether it's the devil or the immortal. If God gives me the devil, I'll go against the heaven!

This kind of spirit is really earth shaking!

Listening to Xiaoguang means that this song was taught to her in her previous life. Yang Ling began to wonder what his previous life was like and wrote such heroic lyrics!

He found the key information hidden in it.

Light Yingying refers to the small light, and the word "Tianqing" in the third part of Tianqing is very likely to refer to the body of Tianqing!

In other words, what this song should sing is Xiaoguang's past!

But what makes Yang Ling puzzled is that the song describes a man who is born to be a devil and wants to change his life against the heaven, but Xiaoguang is the body of heaven, not a born devil?Yang Ling was puzzled by the contradictions.

He looked at the little girl who looked forward to her face and said with a smile, "Xiao Guang sings very well. I like it very much."


Xiaoguang smell speech, smile on the small face, after being praised can see very happy.

"Ding, you have satisfied Xiao Guang's wish to be praised by you. The wish value is + 1."

Yang Ling praised a sentence and then asked tentatively: "Xiao Guang, master, many things can't remember."

"Tell master, was this song written only for you


Xiaoguang nodded innocently, looking at the girl's serious expression, Yang Ling laughed bitterly in his heart.

He had suspected that it might have been written to her sister, but it seemed unlikely.

A myriad of thoughts, indeed a myriad of thoughts.

No way. I can only collect clues a little bit.

The last time Nangong ruoer appeared, the system detected a strong obsession, and gave the task directly.

The little light has already condensed into Manshu Sahua, and the system has no response.

It's not reasonable

However, Yang Ling did not expect much about the urine quality of this pit father system.

See the little girl and happy to eat ice cream, Yang Ling gently and she said a word, hoping to get what clues.

Two people are chatting, suddenly came behind a woman's voice: "handsome boy, we meet again!"

Yang Ling turns her head and looks at it, but the girl she met under the old locust tree is the one who wants to use wechat.

"Ding, you have satisfied the wish of wechat girl to meet you again. The wish value is + 1."

He just nodded a little, as if to say hello, but the girl sat down directly on the other side of the table and said with a smile, "is this your daughter?"

"I can't believe you're really married!"

Yang Ling smelled speech rolled a white eye, but Xiaoguang said angrily: "I am the master's apprentice, not a daughter!"


The girl chuckled and said, "is there any apprentice in this era?"

"So, little sister, is your master sharp?"

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