
The tree demon Sen cold vomited out a word, that was frozen blood beast suddenly violent roll up, only listen to a blast, directly explode!

The ground roared and vibrated, blood gas and broken ice were flying around the scene. The original cold air was completely dissipated by the shock wave, and Meng Meng was shaken back three steps by the force.

But before she could breathe again, there were countless sounds of breaking the sky, and the branches and vines in the sky turned into bloody arrows, which stabbed Yang Ling fiercely.

These arrows are not real Qi, but part of the body of the tree demon, whose power is not the same as before!

Yang Ling, holding Xiaoguang, frowned and was about to move. She suddenly sensed something. She turned her head and saw Mengmeng's whole body soaring wildly. A pair of white furry ears grew on her small head, while the nine snow-white tails danced gently behind her, which turned into the shape of a Nine Tailed sky Fox!

The sprouting appearance of the sky fox is not very good-looking. Nine snow-white tails are naturally formed, and the eyes turn pink completely. In this state, instead of any sense of violation, it is clear and beautiful with enchantment and soul stirring beauty.

This will be so beautiful. When Mengmeng grows up, God knows how high her appearance will be

"Frozen for thousands of miles!"

After listening to Meng Meng Jiao's drinking, a cold wind swept by. The arrows that had been stabbed down were immediately frozen in place like ice sculptures, and then all of them were broken into ice blocks!

"Late congenital period!"

Yang Ling's face was beaming with joy. The sprout in the state of Tianhu directly crossed the first level and became the degree of late congenital stage!

Countless branches were directly frozen broken, even the tree demon also suffered a lot of damage, its ferocious face appeared a line of cracks, although the blood gas is rapidly repairing, but obviously the damage is not light.

Meng Meng didn't hesitate. Her delicate fingers pinched the formula, and she said, "deep cold and ice palm!"

There was a rumbling sound, and the ice formed by the cold air turned into a cold palm, and grabbed the tree demon everywhere!

After all, the tree demon was the congenital peak. He roared, opened his bloody mouth and spewed out a stream of blood gas. The blood gas also condensed into a huge bloody palm, and the two palms met in mid air. There was a deafening sound of boom and rumble.

Broken ice splashes, blood gas transpiration, it is not even up and down!

What a thrilling fight!

Yang Ling has never made a move. It's not that he doesn't want to, but the fangs on the opposite side don't move either. Their breath is locked in each other. As long as one side makes a move, the other side will definitely fight with thunder.

If this fight is going to shatter, a careless blow up of the main hall, that is not easy to save the lucky people will be gone.

Yang Ling is happy to see her.

Blood and cold air bombard each other, the field has been a chaos, Yang Ling's corner of the eye glimpsed a broken tree trunk is slightly twisting, because of the invasion of cold, there is no blood on it.

In the middle of his heart, he moved the corner of his mouth.

A blue light was put into his wish space. The broken wood, which was cleared by cold air, could be absorbed by the magic power of grafting flowers and trees. Moreover, a cut-off wood is equivalent to 1000 units of vitality!

If the demon tree is drained, God knows how much vitality it can get!

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate to take advantage of the chaos, rolling vitality into the space of desire, he was directly injected into the Qingmu spirit tree.

The spirit tree began to grow slowly, but for a moment it was thicker than before!

Yang Ling estimates that as long as we absorb some more, the eye clearing liquid produced by Lingshu will increase by a drop every day. This is a qualitative leap!

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

Meng Meng is more than 200 years close to him and knows everything in the wish space. Seeing Yang Ling's expression, he has already guessed about it.

Her eyes showed a glimmer of light, hand determined to change again, light drink: "ice flower light dance!"


A gust of cold air passed by, one after another of the ice edge flowers whirled and shot out with the cold wind. The petals of these ice Flos were extremely sharp. In a burst of brush cutting sound, the vine trunks dancing like demons were cut down in large areas. The cold air swept through, and the blood gas subsided. Then, they were directly emptied of life by the skill of transplanting flowers and trees, and turned into a section of dead branches and rotten wood 。

"Ding, you have satisfied Mengmeng's wish to have more vitality to moisten the space medicine garden, and the wish value is + 1."

The Qingmu spirit tree in the space is moistened by massive vitality and grows faster. It has changed from the size of baby's arm to the size of adult's forearm. The eye clearing liquid that can be produced every day has finally come to two drops!


The tree demon roared up to the sky. He found that his branches were withering rapidly, and his own strength was consumed by this round. Although he didn't know why, he couldn't go on like this!With its roar, countless demons rushed from all directions. Some of them directly rushed into its body to Nourish Qi and blood. More and more of them rushed to Mengmeng. They understood that they wanted to consume the Qi and magic power of the Nine Tailed Fox!

"Disgusting things, stay away from me!"

Meng Meng's eyes show a color of extreme disgust. The ice flower changes into ice arrows, which shoot at these monsters.

Zombies were stabbed into hedgehogs, but the number of these ferocious things was unknown. They were dense in all directions, and constantly poured in. The originally injured tree demons recovered quickly under the nourishment of the blood and flesh of the demon.

Yang Ling's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. The tree demon is too evil. With the body of Mengmeng Tianhu and the attribute restraint, there is no way to take this demon.

Moreover, Meng Meng, after all, only had the cultivation in the middle of the congenital stage, so he couldn't keep the status of Jiuwei Tianhu for too long.

It's dangerous to go on like this!

However, some people were more depressed than him. TIA said in a low voice: "Your Highness, Nine Tailed Tianhu must be really weak when it is young, so it must not be the opponent of the old demon."

"It's unavoidable that Yang Ling suddenly uses a cold arrow. Let's entangle him first."

"And I think he attaches great importance to those human mole ants. If he attacks the Mahavira hall, he may lose the other

Huang Ya listened to Tiya's words and nodded his head and said, "the words of Princess Ai are very true. There is no good news coming from the desolate shadow troops. I think Longnu and Su Qiling will come soon."

"It's time to deal with Yang Ling."

With that, he took a step forward and punched out fiercely!

The huge force of wilderness condensed into a huge fist, towards Yang Ling in the past!

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