Looking at this person's eyes, Yang Ling gave a cold smile.

After silence for a while, he said faintly: "chasing the stars is personal freedom, I don't want to say anything more."

"But I tell you, chasing stars doesn't mean you can be unscrupulous, it doesn't mean you can make waves and attack others!"

No one dared to speak. Under the pressure of Yang Ling's powerful momentum, these fans did not dare to look at him. In front of the absolute strong, the so-called words of giving everything to love beans were just empty words.

And some people who have long been fed up with this group of fans are dark and cool in their hearts.

This kind of star chasing behavior has long been criticized by the society. Today, this group of crazy star chasers finally got into the characters they can't afford.

There's a heavyweight coming out to talk!

"Ding, you smashed Chu Nan's desire not to lose face in public. Attribute point + 1."

"Ding, you smashed the desire of Chunan backup club fans not to be overwhelmed in momentum. Attribute point + 2."

"Ding, you have satisfied some people's wish that some big men would jump out to attack the strange appearance of the rice circle. The wish value is + 1."

Yang Ling looked at the faces of the people, and he continued: "chasing the stars may be a way of life, but I don't think it should be the whole of life."

"Have you ever thought about your parents? They have worked hard to raise you up, is to let you so no bottom line pursuit of stars? "

"With so many years of compulsory education, the state has invested so many resources on you, which is to let you show off your love for beans by holding a picture of a star all day long?"

"Have you read all your books in the dog's stomach?"

It can be said that he did not give face at all, and the last sentence was already swearing, but his words were not rough. Now tens of thousands of people dare not refute.

After a cold hum, Yang Ling looked at the rich second-generation female fan and said, "you just said you would spend 100 million or one billion to replace my poster. I asked you, did you make the money yourself?"

"I've heard about Huang Hui group. Your father built this foundation by starting a business with nothing. Is that how you use his money?"

"Before you said that, did you ever wonder if your father could offend me?"

"Have you thought about it?"

The big powder looked at Yang Ling in fear, his whole body was shaking, tears had been dripping down, Yang Ling saw this cold face and said: "I ask you, have you ever thought about it?"


Big powder instinctively shook his head, and Yang Ling saw this with a sneer: "never thought, good, then I tell you, your father can't annoy me!"

"If I get angry, your brilliant group is likely to go bankrupt in a short period of time. Your employees will lose their jobs and your family will be ruined."

"You dare to say such irresponsible words without thinking about anything?"

"Are you worthy of the father who provided you with a superior life?"

"Are you worthy of the employees who created wealth for your family?"

The girl, who was criticized by Yang Ling, burst into tears. This scene seems familiar. Before Chu Nan forced Nangong xiner to apologize, now Yang Ling also interrogates this big fan!

The difference is that the two sides stand from different angles. The south of Chu is to show his own position, while Yang Ling is the torture of conscience!

For countless passers-by, countless people who dislike the strange appearance of the rice circle, the conscience of the masses was tortured, and the two sides made a high sentence!

Looking at Yang Ling, the woman's eyes are full of fear. She seems to see the future that may come. In addition to fear, there is also a desire for mercy.

Yang Ling said scornfully: "there are too many people like you who have no brain, so the reputation of the rich second generation will become so bad."

"The son does not godfather's fault, you go back to think about it behind closed doors, and let your father supervise it!"

"If he can't even manage his own daughter, I don't think it's necessary for him to be the chairman of this brilliant group."

Threat, red fruit threat!

Everyone knows that this is not empty talk, but based on the strength of the big truth!

"Ding, you smashed the big powder home do not want to be beaten desire, attribute point + 1."

"Ding, you are full of people's desire to receive punishment for the second generation of star chasing wealth. The wish value is + 1."

Yang Ling took back her eyes from the girl and looked at Chunan, who fell on the ground and covered her face. After a silence, she said slowly, "I have said more than once in public that you don't worship me, and I don't need fans."

"I know that there are many people here, all over the country, and even all over the world, who like me, love me, regard me as an idol, even spiritual sustenance."

"Take this opportunity, I repeat, you can like me, you can worship me, but do not take me as an idol in your heart."

"What I hope is that you will take me as a goal, as a goal to catch up with and even surpass!"As soon as this speech came out, everyone was in a daze, and then looked at Yang Ling's eyes and worshipped them.

Yes, ah Ling is not an idol from the beginning to the present. From the beginning to the present, he has been passively noticed and liked.

It has always been the wishful thinking of fans

But on this, let all people worship him more!

This is not to pursue the stars, not to engage in personal worship, but a positive form, a truth of life!

Is the goal, not the idol, easy to understand, but hides the real wisdom!

This moment, a lot of people's eyes are showing extraordinary look!

Behind her, nalanjin has a beautiful smile on her mouth, while Yin Xuan and nalanqing adore Yang Ling. As for Fang Yuwei, the color of excitement and admiration is just about to overflow.

This is my ex boyfriend!

No matter how it is now, as long as you think of this man who has been intimate with himself for two years, his heart will immediately be filled with happiness and pride!

"Ding, you have satisfied some people's desire to have a goal in life. The wish value is + 1."

"Ding, you have satisfied Fang Yuwei, hoping that she has an experience that can be proud of her life, and the wish value is + 1."

Yang Ling saw that everyone seemed to understand his meaning, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The terrible momentum then dissipated, and everyone felt relaxed.

"Ding, you have satisfied everyone's wish to be able to breathe normally, wish value + 1."

Although the sense of oppression was gone, there was no one to speak on the scene. They all looked at Yang Ling quietly, expecting the real big man to say more.

Seeing this, Yang Ling said with a light smile: "I was a little angry just now, and my attitude is not very good. Please don't mind too much."

Many of them had smiles on their faces, and even a boy yelled: "I feel like our parents. I feel honored to be scolded by you for a few times."

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