After waiting for the scene to quiet down, Yang Ling continued: "the second request, the spirit of spirit and hard-working spirit."

"From my own experience, whether it's people from our side or some villains, men and women are all full of energy and energy. They speak eloquently and walk like dragons and tigers."

"In addition, the shooting conditions may be very bad, there is no chance for you to play handsome, no chance to play beauty for you."

"If they can't bear hardships and hope to get money for their appearance, I personally don't recommend them to participate in the selection."

This made the scene noisy again.

The first two standards do not have strong professional requirements, on the contrary, they have higher requirements on some basic qualities of individuals.

Some people began to question, and even many fans of idols cried out that they were too strict. Their own idols could not stand this kind of crime.

Hearing the noise of the scene, Yang Ling said faintly: "I heard someone say that this is not in the selection of actors, but in the selection of soldiers."

"Now I can tell you responsibly that once this film is released, it is unimaginable for the actor to improve in all aspects, and even make his name engraved on the monument of film history forever."

"Therefore, the selection of personal quality and hardware requirements, than the selection of soldiers more stringent."

"If you can't stand it, you can quit now. I don't think that if you can't afford to suffer at all, you can't be called an actor."

Originally in the whispering of the public was Yang lingyao's silence.

If you can't afford it, don't run for election if you can't afford it.

The key is that this sentence directly cut off the idea that some traffic stars want to quit. If they quit now, they will be labeled as "unable to afford hardship, spoiled, special" and so on, which will immediately be the rhythm of the whole network black.

Moreover, many people in the circle have already felt that this selection is a big earthquake in the entertainment industry, even a great exchange of blood.

Stars who have been labeled with all kinds of beautiful labels before will gradually reveal their true level in this selection, whether it is diamond or black iron at a glance.

"You want to break the star's desire by breaking up the star's character

"Ding, you smashed the desire of some people in the circle who don't want their stars to be exposed directly. Attribute point + 1."

Yang Ling didn't care what these people were thinking. With a serious and responsible attitude, he continued: "the third requirement is strength."

Once this was said, everyone's eyes widened again.

Yang Ling explained: "I put the power item out of the physical fitness category, and the reason is very simple."

"I saw the production cost before. In order to achieve better results, all the props are trying to restore. To be simple, they are solid."

"An uncut iron sword may weigh more than 10 jin or even more. Long time waving requires a high level of personal strength. Without this strength and core strength, it is not suitable to participate in this film."

This made the expression on the faces of actors and actresses split. The grading standard of strength must be male and female. The actress didn't care at all, because the girl's strength was small and normal, but it was a cute point.

But if an actor doesn't have the strength, he will be labeled as a "mothergun".

Many of the actors who don't have enough confidence in themselves are suffering on their faces.

Many people in the circle lament that the selection is a feast and a mirror of evil

I believe that after this time, many people will fall off the altar, while those who really work hard will soar to the sky.

"Ding, you smashed some people's desire not to compare strength, attribute point + 1."

"Ding, you meet the desire of some powerful actors to have their own advantages. The wish value is + 1."

Waiting for the scene to quiet down, Yang Ling said: "the fourth requirement is a soft index, appearance and temperament."

This let the flow of powder excited up, and finally to the advantage of their own love beans.

Many originally want to despair of handsome men and beauty actors in the eyes of the same light.

"Ding, you have satisfied the desire of the actor who thinks he looks good that he can play his advantage. The wish value is + 1."

Hearing the prompt tone of the system, Yang Ling sneered in her heart and continued: "the so-called appearance is the literal meaning. Including me, we all have a clear idea of the prototype characters participating in this expedition."

"Take Miss Nalan beside me as an example. Although her hair is white, she looks like a 17-8-year-old girl. Can't a 40-50-year-old play it?"

"This is not in line with the original intention of seeking truth together."

"Of course, it's not that they look like us, but they are basically in line with their appearance and age."

Many people have a smile on their faces. If you want to talk about the appearance, the fresh meat flow has never been afraid of anyone.

Yang Ling continued: "temperament is also a soft indicator. My personal suggestion is that we should have a general understanding of the main archetypes like me, Leisha and miss Nalan. If we understand more, we will be close to the natural temperament.""I also know that it's difficult to meet a little bit of demand. After all, actors and our archetypal characters don't have much in common in their work and life."

"So my assumption is that proper cross talk can be allowed."

This made many people prick their ears.

Yang Ling explained: "take myself as an example. Whether actors or actresses think they know me better, some of the tone of speaking, the posture of walking, usually laughing or angry, are bonus points."

"Both men and women can, provided that the actress who wants to play me can't dress up after putting on makeup."


"Generally speaking, it is only after watching the cast that the audience suddenly realize that the hero is a girl."

"Anyone who thinks he can achieve this effect can run for a role."

Many people laugh when they hear the speech. It's very common to make movies and TV shows in which women disguise as men. As long as all aspects meet the requirements, it's OK.

In fact, a lot of people think that with the appearance of ah Ling, no matter which actor plays, it will automatically be three points shorter.

If you change the little dragon girl, it is not so particular, because very few people have seen the Dragon fairy. Naturally, they will replace the role in the film, and then it will not cause the feeling of being short by three points.

Yang Ling's popularity is too high. Many people have seen his photos from various channels. This kind of crush on the appearance of the prototype characters will give people an illusion. No matter how good his acting skills are, he always feels that his acting is not like

This is not fair.

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