After hearing this, a Da's face changed rapidly. At first glance, he was told the central thing by Yang Ling.

He stammered: "yes, what can I do for you? My eldest lady came to travel!"

"Yes, to travel!"

This obviously perfunctory words made Lao Wang laugh bitterly, while Yang Ling said in a funny way: "ADA, do you mean you come to the mainland with such a blue skin?"

"Even if you have a unique cosplay, but with your financial resources, don't you have to stay in the shantytowns?"


A big was originally a guy with muscles in his head. Yang Ling opened his eyes and said nothing.

"Ding, you smashed ADA's desire to lie. Attribute point + 1."

Yang Ling white this muscle man one eye, fierce turn head to see Lao Wang.

"Ding, hypnosis master skills start..."

Lao Wang is just an ordinary person. He can't stand the suppression of Yang Ling's mental strength. His eyes are confused.

Yang Ling said in a deep voice, "what's the purpose of your coming here? Where is Yuzi honey?"

Lao Wang began to mumble, but ADA was frightened and said, "Lao Wang, do you want to betray the eldest lady?"

"Shut it up for me..."

Voice set, Yang Lingmeng looked at him, the past dust like a dream, skill instant launch!

Although a DA is a late inborn, he is a self-cultivation, and his spiritual strength is far less than that of a monk of the same rank. Seeing that Lao Wang was about to tell everything, Yang Ling took advantage of the opportunity to enter his mind. In addition, he also appeared to display the eye of the stars, which made him lose his mind instantly.

In the next few days, Yang Ling answered whatever he asked, saying everything without saying anything. He even talked about his own methods of physical training and his boxing skills.

After some understanding, Yang Ling learned that the main purpose of their coming here was actually the same as her own. The target was ente machinery company, and they determined that the machinery company was controlled by the barbarians!

Several major tribes of Hailing nationality have been fighting for many years. Yu Zimi intends to rob the gun production line of this group of barbarians and move back to produce guns and ammunition by herself, so that the strength of Yinhu tribe can be further improved.

At present, Yu Zimi is not in Y City, but staying with her sister Yu Qianxun in M city. She says she is learning some basic mechanical knowledge and will come to contact her in three days.

After sorting out the information, Yang Ling found a problem. It's no fault for Hailing people to rob the barbarians, and nothing matters in front of their interests. However, according to ADA, there are only a dozen barbarians here, and the one with the strongest cultivation is a leader in the mid congenital period.

So little people need Yu Zi Mi Pro automatic hand?

It's not to say that the nine big tribes of Hailing are still fighting. Why leave their own tribes alone and come to the Terran's territory to rob?

The risks are considerable.

Yang Ling frowned and pondered for a while, and came to the conclusion that Yu Zimi's motive was not so simple, it was definitely for another purpose.

Moreover, she knew that she had been exposed in T city before, and she also ran to the nearby y incident to rob her. The key is not to contact her in advance. It seems that in all likelihood this will happen to her.

Yang Ling is not the kind of muddleheaded people led by the nose, he looked at a DA, silent for a while, thought of what, the corner of his mouth showed a smile.

Not at all polite, Yang Ling snatched the man's store of conch. After sweeping her mental strength, she found that there were two hundred jin spirit liquid, some materials of sea animals and a token to prove his identity.

There are also a lot of dried fish. The others are very delicious

In other words, this guy is still in the late congenital period. Yang Ling has never seen the poorest monk he has ever met.

Anyway, Yuzi honey will not arrive until a few days later. Yang Ling plans to use two million jin spirit liquid first.

Now ADA and Lao Wang's self-consciousness have been suppressed, and they can be killed immediately. But after all, they are Yu Zimi's people, so it's not impossible to keep them alive.

After thinking about it, Yang Ling was proficient in hypnosis and let them fall into a coma. The time was one month, and they had a good sleep!

Lao Wang is a mortal. In order to prevent him from starving to death, Yang Ling also put a Peiyuan pill in his mouth. The pill will melt a little and supplement his physical strength.

As for going to the bathroom or whatever

Throwing the two guys into the closet, he turned his mouth and entered the wish space.

Two days later, two million catties of spirit liquid was directly consumed, and Yang Ling's realm was consolidated again. At present, he can use half of Zhenyuan, which is enough for him to exert his strength at the first level of the peak. In addition to various means and magic weapons, his combat effectiveness is better than that of the ordinary second level friars.

During this period of time, the plants in the space grew again, and they were all harvested and used to cultivate the god vine, as long as it was to burn the leaves.

This trip may be against the Hailing people, and Ziyang zhenhuotianke all the sea creatures.

After absorbing the seven or eight ways of Ziyang fire essence, the lotus flower in Yang Ling's body becomes more and more charming, which represents that the power of Ziyang real fire has increased a little.When he left the space, it was the light of the day. Miao tong'er was practicing comfortably in the imperial spirit bag of heaven and earth. Under the recovery function of the Yu Ling bag, the wound of Shenmu Xuanshe was almost good.

In a few months, after accumulating enough eye clearing liquid, the blind eye can be cured.

There was nothing wrong with him. He was going to find a place to collect the minimum living allowance. At this time, the token that ADA used to prove his identity in the storage bag trembled slightly.

Yang Ling saw the corner of her mouth and turned around the next moment. She had turned into a big girl

A moment later, in a villa on the outskirts of Y City, Yang Ling met Yu Zimi and her sister Yu Qianxun. In addition to the two, there were more than a dozen men in the villa. Each of them was strong and strong, and all of them were in the middle of congenital cultivation, which could be regarded as a powerful force.

Different from when she first met, Yu Zimi, with long hair and a floral dress, is a beautiful woman of human race. Her cultivation is calm and steady in the late congenital period. She feels that she can break through the congenital peak with only one foot.

Yang Ling was quite surprised. On that day, the girl was just an ordinary late congenital cultivation. She reached this level in a short time. After carefully sensing with the aura of xingxuan, she could find that besides the rich water element, there was a faint earth element around her.

"Is it the nine day loam?"

Yang Ling thought to herself, but her sister Yu Qianxun could not wait to open her mouth: "a DA, I heard that Yang Ling was in Y City, did you see him?"

The voice is clear and crisp. It sounds very pleasant.

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