
Meining began to retreat, and Yang Ling took her slender wrist and said with a smile: "come on, come on, don't be shy!"

Have been caught, but also how to do, Mei Ning white Yang Ling after a sigh, honestly sat in the barber chair.

I can't help but feel pity for this sad little expression.

"Ding, you smashed Meining's wish that she didn't want to be made into a bun head. Attribute point + 1."

A moment later, Yang Ling finished Mei Ning's steamed bun head. Unlike her sister, the steamed bun on Mei Ning's head is leaning to the left.

The elder sister is on the left and the younger sister is on the right. It is easy to distinguish!

Don't worry about the wrong person again!

It's convenient for people to distinguish!

Looking at the twin sisters, they feel that the two girls are more and more cute. Baobaotou is so cute, just like the cute girl in the cartoon, cute!

If they knew that these two were legendary monks of red light, what would they think

"Ding, you have satisfied people's desire to see the cute girl only in the animation. The wish value is + 1."

Yang Ling mouth a Qiao, at the same time patted two sisters on the head of the bun, satisfied with a smile: "how, not bad."

Meiling took his arm and giggled: "brother in law, you don't have to separate me and my sister so clearly!"

"But the hair looks good after a long time!"

"Ding, you smashed Meiling's wish that you can continue to kiss the wrong person in the future. Attribute point + 1."

Mei Ning is a white Yang Ling, that small expression seems to say, are so big monks, also like a child

When she came out of the shopping mall, Meiling looked at the bags and bags on the staff behind her and said with a light smile, "brother-in-law, we haven't bought a car yet. What should we do with these things?"

"Why don't you carry our bags?"

Yang Ling nodded with a smile. When she was about to say something, Mei Ning beside her shook her head and said, "ling'er, what kind of character are your brother-in-law? How can you help us carry our bags?"

"All right."

Meiling nodded. She waved her hand gently. All the bags flew up. The next moment, however, she got into the cloth bag around her waist.

This scene shocked everyone at the scene!

Yang Ling see this one Leng, this not expose identity?

Seeing that they were stunned, Yang Ling laughed bitterly and shook her head. An electric light rolled up the two girls and disappeared in place with a crackle.

The melon eating crowd at the entrance of the shopping mall looked at each other, and someone exclaimed: "monk, it's a great monk! At least it's red! "

"My God! That boy and twin cute sister are red light friars, land gods

"mine, I just saw the fairy in the Tucao, and saw the immortal hairstylist. No, I want to make complaints about it immediately!"

For a time, the news spread wildly, and the story of three red friars appeared in H city

When the three people showed up again, it was already another corner. Mei Ning complained: "ling'er, we have a special identity. Don't always show your accomplishments. It will frighten people."

Mei Ling spat out her tongue playfully, while Yang Ling said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. We are not our true colors. It doesn't matter if we expose our accomplishments."

"By the way, I want to buy a car, right?"


Meiling chuckled: "brother in law, I want to buy a sports car! The expensive one! "

"It's very expensive. How much is it?"

Yang Ling jokingly said, "I can't buy you a hundred million, can't you?"

In fact, Meiling has no idea about money, but Meining has managed a lot. Before entering the human society, she knows something about it. She asks curiously, "husband, have you ever bought a car for other sisters?"

"Sisters, buy cars with similar prices."

Yang Ling heard the speech and nodded: "that's it. I bought them Ferrari before, more than 20 million."

"More than 20 million..."

Mei Ning's face showed hesitation. She hesitated and said, "is it too expensive?"

"Is it expensive?"

Yang Ling's mouth showed a faint smile, his real estate now reached more than 13 billion, and the cash in hand also has about 300 million, tens of millions is really nothing!

He said with a smile: "money is used to spend, but H city should not sell such a good car, let's go to L City next door to have a look."

Said is once again launched Lei Dun, rolled up two women disappeared in the corner.

As one of the largest cities in Northeast China, l city is quite prosperous. After eating something at random in a coffee shop, the three people left for a nearby car shop.

There are luxury cars. There are a million of them.

Walking in the busy street, Yang Ling always has a faint smile on his mouth. He is very happy. He not only has a more system related person, but also dominates the field. He has collected many wish values and attribute points. He can spend a lot of money back home!Mei Ling on the right side of the body is holding her arm, while Mei Ning on the left holds her hand.

Oh, happiness!

Many people around them are looking at them, one by one, showing an envious expression on themselves. I think I am the brother of the twins

Suddenly, he seemed to find something. He turned his head and looked at a large screen not far away. There was a news broadcast on it, saying that the temperature in the Arctic region was rapidly decreasing. After satellite shooting, he found that there were a large number of unidentified creatures.

These creatures are red all over, they are very fierce, and countries have sent scientific experts and joint forces to investigate.

Even photos appeared in the news, and Yang Ling recognized the origin of the object at a glance!

"Fire beast..."

"How could..."

Looking at the fierce beast in the picture, his eyes showed a worried color.

Strictly speaking, the fire beast is not a real creature. It is a natural spirit bred in the high temperature of the extreme sun.

They are low in intelligence and unable to practice. They can maintain their existence by absorbing heat energy. Most fire beasts only have acquired environment and deciduous environment, but some ancient fire beasts can reach the innate state.

The appearance of fire beasts will absorb the heat around them, which is the reason why the temperature in the Arctic region is decreasing. If these fire beasts are allowed to spread without control, the global heat will be consumed little by little, and the terrible ice age is likely to come.

"Has it to do with the power of the holy land that was born before?"

There are some fire beasts that he doesn't worry about. He is afraid that the holy land power will become an enemy of mankind. It will be miserable!

Meining also looked at the big screen, she sighed: "troubled autumn."

"Husband, the fire beast is very harmful. It must be eradicated as soon as possible. Shall we go and have a look?"

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