Liu Muhan actually understood this truth, she said wrongly: "but, I will miss you very much. If you are not here, I have no motivation to do things, and I can't sleep at night."

"I will keep worrying about you..."

Yang Ling said in a soft voice: "I will miss you too, but there are no eggs under the cover of the nest. If human beings can't avoid this catastrophe, we can't live a peaceful life."

"Muhan, be obedient and wait for me at home."

Liu Muhan rubbed his red eyes. After tangled for a while, he still gently nodded his head and said, "don't forget what you promised me when you come back. Wedding photos! And a make-up wedding

Only in front of Yang Ling, she will show such a daughter state.

"Well, when I come back, everything is up to you. If you let me go east, I'll go east. If I go west, I'll go west, OK?"

Yang Ling felt that she was coaxing children and reasoning. Girls usually eat this set. Liu Muhan's head leaned on his shoulder and whispered, "that's what you said. When you come back, I want you to go to work with me every day. You are not allowed to be late and absent from work."

Yang Ling was stunned and said with a smile, "I'm still a college student. Why don't you wait for me to graduate?"

"You know you are a student. Have you ever had a class?"

Liu Muhan gently bit Yang Ling's ear and hummed: "by the way, my sister is there. If she wakes up, please say hello for me."

"What's more, Qi Ling and Meng Meng are gone. I suspect they have sneaked into Luotian valley. You have to take them out well!"

Yang Ling was bitten lightly by Liu Muhan and got angry. To be honest, she hasn't been intimate with her wife for a long time. Unfortunately, it's not convenient here.

He said with a smile: "be confident, remove the word of doubt, and the two goblins must have entered the valley of heaven."

"I don't know what they're plotting. If I catch them, I have to open their hips."

"Muqimeng's words are not allowed to bully me, but you don't want to see her smile

"Ha ha ha ha."

Yang Ling laughed. He turned over and pressed Liu Muhan on the bed. He said with a smile, "dear, how about our little intimacy?"

Liu Muhan smelled the speech, and her breath was obviously short. Her little hands were soft and weak against Yang Ling's chest. She was slightly alarmed and said, "it's not good here..."


Before the voice falls, the small mouth can't speak.

Of course, Yang Ling is a little bully, certainly will not really do something.

"Ding, you have satisfied Liu Muhan's wish to have a little intimacy with you. The wish value is + 4."

Most of the day, Yang Ling and Liu Muhan talked in the room, talking about the future, family building, marriage, Xia family and so on. They really had a good time with his wife.

In the early morning of the second day, the voice agencies of various countries held a press conference at the same time to fully disclose what happened in the Arctic, and said that Leisha and Yangling, the two strongest monks in human beings, had arrived in the Arctic and everything would be better.

At the same time, we will announce the whole world campaign of exterminating the beast!

Public opinion was in a complete uproar. Some people hid at home in panic, some took refuge in the mountains with supplies, and more people took to the streets. They held up the portraits of Leisha and Yangling to pray for the Savior and the future of mankind.

On this day, the global holiday, direct economic losses immeasurable.

This day is also a milestone day. From this day, mankind officially entered the age of friars. Later historians will call today the day of transformation, and this year is called the first year of Xiuzhen.

In the Arctic ice and snow, soldiers carrying a coffin slowly walked to the ice and snow cemetery. The team lasted for several kilometers, and the road was filled with soldiers and soldiers who came to see them off.

Most people around the world are watching the live broadcast, quietly watching all this.


There was a shout from the commander. All the soldiers raised their right hands and paid their highest respect to these ghosts. Many people watching the live broadcast left tears.

Some people salute to the screen, some lower their heads in silence, some keep wiping their tears, some send out long sighs

We are using their own way to send off these warriors who have paid their lives for human cause.

When the procession arrived at the ice and snow cemetery, all the people in the world saw the two saviors. They were shining with golden light and staring at the slowly approaching procession.

Two golden friars!

Everyone's eyes are fixed on them, some people's eyes show the color of worship, some people shout their names fanatically, and some people's eyes are full of doubts.

Are they really as good as the legend?

Can they really save mankind?

Team slowly wake up, Yang Ling and Leisha received a bunch of flowers from the staff, gently placed on the coffin.The two of them, on behalf of all the friars, presented flowers for the dead!

One after another full of frost flowers, together with these soldiers, will stay forever in this land where they gave their lives.

Many people burst into tears at this moment. This is the sad song of heroes, but it is also the supreme honor of these heroes!

The whole process of offering flowers lasted for an hour. We all know that there are many soldiers whose bodies have not been brought back, but this is enough.

Their names and their honor will not be forgotten by mankind. They will always be engraved on the monument in the ice and snow cemetery, and will be remembered and praised from generation to generation.

At this moment, human hearts are connected together, they temporarily forget the panic, their minds are firmly remembered the names of those heroes.

When the last coffin was buried in the ice and snow cemetery, some people began to look forward to it. The timetable had already been announced. Next, two great monks, Leisha and Yangling, would sing a song for all the soldiers who died in battle and for the soldiers who were still fighting in the front line.

Yang Ling slowly sat down to the side of the snow-white piano that had been placed earlier. Leisha stood beside him. After they looked at each other, they both nodded slightly.

All the cameras are aimed at the two people, Yang Ling fingertips gently move, there are soft piano sound echo.

The whole world was quiet at this moment, and Leisha sang in English softly: "maybe far away or yesterday, here or on the other side, the long road twists and turns, joys and sorrows, people gather and people disperse..."

The voice is sweet and graceful, holy and slightly low, as if there is a washing soul power, so that people's restless heart, a little bit of calm down.

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