The number of live broadcast rooms began to climb. When Yang Ling eliminated the first wave of fire beasts, it had reached the peak of yesterday.

At the moment, Yang Ling put away the beads of fire and was about to leave. Suddenly, she moved in her heart and looked at the horizon in the distance.

There is a red dot is growing rapidly, but in a moment, the people also see the true face of the object.

This is a fire beast as big as a two-story building. Its appearance is extremely ferocious. It is looking at the pile of firestones beside Yang Ling. His eyes are full of greed!

Everyone's heart is cluttered, many people's faces show a look of fear, the barrage is also turned into the words of a Ling run.

This fire beast is indeed very oppressive. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is already at the level of divine beast, but in Yang Ling's opinion, it is just a born Warcraft.

He calmly looked at the huge thing, and the fire beast finally found the tiny human in front of him. Although he could not feel the breath of Yang Ling, he instinctively jumped back!

People are slightly stunned, this giant monster seems to be a little afraid of ah Ling?

Then many people remembered that the guy who ate alone yesterday was a fierce sword immortal!

After retreating more than ten meters away, the fire beast roared at Yang Ling, but suddenly opened its mouth and spewed out a flame!


The flame shot at Yang Ling like a flamethrower. Some girls immediately exclaimed. Many of them instinctively covered their eyes and did not dare to see it. Yang Ling, however, slightly avoided it. Then he read the formula and kept changing it. Next moment, a big hand fell from the sky!

"The big sun is collapsing in the sky!"

Only listen to the sound of bang, the big sun avalanche the sky hand to the huge fire beast to pat into meat pie!

At this moment, the whole world was silent again. People looked at the huge meat pie on the screen, and then looked at Yang Ling, who was indifferent. For a moment, they were in the same place and completely became dementia.

Several stories of monsters as high as that were beaten into meat cakes by ah Ling?

Is this palm technique from the sky the Buddha's palm?

At the next moment, the whole world was in uproar, and the hosts from all over the world roared and blew at a very fast speed. The slow lens began to play again without dead corners, and the bullet screen of all the major platforms in China turned into two words.


"Ah Ling is invincible

According to Yang Ling's current cultivation, there is no room for resistance in front of him in the early days of his birth. The absolute strength of this fire beast is indeed better than that of the monks in the same territory. But he has no brain. You can jump away and you can't spray any fire when you have nothing to do?

Don't you think you died fast enough?

Yang Ling hooked her finger, and a fist sized bead of fire floated over and weighed it in her hand. This bead is worth hundreds of ordinary fire beads. It's really good.

The flesh and blood of Warcraft is also a great tonic. Looking at the meat pie in front of her, Yang Ling suddenly said, "the body of this fire beast is of no use to me, but it can clearly tell you that ordinary people can increase their strength and have a strong constitution if they eat it regularly, and even their life can be prolonged if they are taken regularly."

"Come on, if you want to buy something, go to TC. Com. After the page is made, everyone will bid. Start with 10 million yuan, and the one with higher price will get it!"

"When I get back, we'll pay for it and deliver the goods."

Once this was said, people all over the world were stunned again. What happened? Ah Ling started the auction!

It is worthy of being Yang Dong. It makes sense for people to become big bosses!

The owners rushed into the TC website like crazy. It's hard to imagine what price the fire beast's body can sell for after the auction link comes out!

"Ding, it is detected that your temporary auction has attracted the largest number of rich people in the world. The system determines that you have dominated a small area, with a wish value of + 100."

Hearing the prompt tone of the system, Yang Ling's mouth turned up. The idea of temporary initiative really brought him harvest!

After putting away the huge body of the fire beast, Yang Ling flew away to the distance again.

In the next day, there were no twists and turns. The method of attracting fire beasts with pyrotechnics was a great success, and more than 300 fire beasts were eliminated in one day.

Yang Ling opened the live broadcast and interacted with you. He talked about the witticism and popularized the knowledge of monks. The effect of the live broadcast was good.

People at home knock melon seeds, drink wine, watching a Ling live, simply not too happy.

Ah Ling is so powerful. What else should we be afraid of?

The panic is gone and everything is back on track.

After the broadcast, Yang Ling called Liu Muhan, and the couple chatted for a while. The president's meeting was not as worried as before. She also discussed the auction with Yang Ling.

One thing I have to mention is that in just two days, the stock value of Muhua group has risen by 200%, which means that the value of their three directors has doubled. It is only a matter of time before they reach the goal of becoming the richest man in China.The positive market value of the group and the increase of family wealth will make Liu Muhan in a busy state. It's better for her and her sisters to do something than to stay at home and have a dream.

With a smile, Yang Ling hung up the phone and continued to practice everyday.

To the early morning, his Ziyang fire once again strong a lot, has basically reached the LV3 level of system judgment.

Because Ziyang real fire is a special flame, even LV1 is more powerful than lv8's thunder control, because thunder controls ordinary lightning. Only special thunder such as purple thunder and six Yang God thunder can be comparable with Ziyang real fire.

Can imagine LV3 Ziyang true fire can achieve what kind of power.

After three days, Yang Ling was broadcast live and down on time every day. With his constant killing of fire beasts, the countries that were about to collapse began to recover orderly. The meteorological department also sent out good news frequently. The temperature has begun to warm up!

In order to eliminate the panic of the whole human world, we can take a day off to show the whole world what we want to do!

This policy has been well received by the masses, and the popularity of the newly established human alliance has soared.

The public is so real, if there is a holiday, of course, the popularity will be improved!

In addition, the alliance has released a large number of information about monks and made public the relevant plans of Xiangui island. Meanwhile, spokesmen of major departments have come out to say that they will set up new monastic schools all over the world and will exempt all tuition fees!

The introduction of various policies made the people jubilant, the original panic completely disappeared, replaced by hope!

The seeds of hope that want to become stronger and sublimate life levels have been unconsciously rooted in the hearts of all human beings.

Everything is going well, but Yang Ling's live broadcast is still going on.

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