"I see."

Yang Ling nodded with a smile. She turned her head and looked at the beads piled by the lake. Before listening to Natalie, she said it was a pearl with a million spirit liquid. She counted 30, that is, 30 million spirit liquid.

He said with a light smile: "ladies, although you have accomplishments, you have no resistance at all. It's useless for you to keep these spirits. I'll put them away first."

After saying that, he waved his hand and collected the thirty beads.

This move made people all over the world a little stunned, and the fire elf girls were also stunned to see Yang Ling, and did not know how to react for a while.

Yang Ling never thought that she was a good man. Since these fire elves did not know how to resist, they would certainly benefit. In the cultivation world, where meat is weak and strong, gentlemanly demeanor is worthless.

Natalie did not dare to say anything, but stood in front of Yang Ling honestly, as if waiting for his lecture.

To tell you the truth, Yang Ling still has a good feeling for the fire spirit girls. After all, they are beautiful and gentle, but good feelings are good feelings. What should be done should be done.

He said with a smile, "Miss Natalie, I don't know how many fire elf tribes like you are in this desert? How many in all? "

Natalie is very honest: "the Jiyang desert is vast and boundless, and the ethnic groups are distributed in various areas of the desert. As far as I know, there are 39 tribes, the largest of which is close to the lava maze, with nearly 10000 people."

"There are five other thousand tribes. Generally speaking, there are about 100000 people."

"One hundred thousand!"

Yang Ling was startled, but the public was wide eyed.

One hundred thousand fire spirit sister is also a hundred thousand inborn masters!

This is enough to change the current pattern of the earth!

The big men in the command center looked at each other and saw an unusual light in each other's eyes. Yang Ling was in this position, naturally, he had to consider the future of mankind.

He said with a light smile: "there are really many people of 100000 nationalities."

"I heard you mentioned before that you should all obey the call of the will of fire. Is the will of fire be the pyrolith?"

Natalie nodded her head and said, "we are all creatures bred by the existence of pyrotechnics, but the sacred stone is sacred, but after all, it has no self-consciousness."

"The will of fire people said is actually the dragon and beast guarding the sacred stone."

"Fire dragon beast?"

Seeing a puzzled look in Yang Ling's eyes, Natalie took out a piece of fire camphor tree and made it into red paper, on which was painted a powerful dragon with fire red color, and said devoutly, "Taoist friends, please see, this is the appearance of the sacred beast."

Yang Ling took a look, and then his eyes widened.


"Is this the holy beast?"

Natalie nodded innocently, "yes, every once in a while, our tribes will choose a witch to go to the holy land to worship the sacred beast, listen to its teachings, and stay with it."

Yang Ling smelled speech and said with a smile: "these witches are afraid that one can not come back?"


Natalie said seriously: "the witches will stay with the holy beast for life and accompany it for a long time. They will know that life is burning out and return to the flame..."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Yang Ling suddenly laughed, laughter with a wisp of sympathy, people are confused, have made a question mark, and the fire elf girls are also strange looking at the youth in front of them.

There is a reason why he laughs. The so-called holy beast is really powerful, but he can't fight with the word "Saint". What he painted is the top ten fierce beasts in ancient times, and the eight wasteland xuanhuolong!

According to the records of strange stories, the eight wasteland xuanhuolong is extremely fierce. The adult eight wasteland XuanHuo dragon can even be at the same level as the immortal bird in the south!

However, the fire dragon in the painting has only three reverse scales, while the adult one has eight.

This proves that it is still a sub adult.

But even so, the sub adult fire dragon is not a monk can fight against. Yang Ling's heart is covered with a layer of haze. With this fierce beast guarding tianhuoshi, I'm afraid this trip is extremely dangerous.

The so-called pilgrimage by the fire spirit sisters must be a sacrifice. It's really tragic

Natalie said curiously, "Daoyou, what are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing. It just feels like you're stupid and naive."


The sisters blushed a little when they heard the speech. Natalie was also a little embarrassed and said, "the people of the clan have been living in this oasis all the time. They have little experience and knowledge, so they can make friends laugh..."

"Ding, you smash the desire of the fire elf sisters that you don't want you to tease them. Attribute point + 1."

Yang Ling smile, and asked: "I still have one thing unknown."

"Before I came here, I heard that Luotian Valley is divided into three areas. I have already seen the land of extreme Yang. There are wolves and foxes living in the extremely Yin land. What are the specific things in the deep sky? Can you tell me something about itAfter hearing the speech, Natalie said, "in the past, the ancestors of the clan and the great friars of the Terran explored the sunken land together, but she was the only one who came back."

"Our ancestors left a few words before they died. From generation to generation, we only know two words: the boundary between heaven and earth, forgetting the stream of rivers, samsara, the separation of yin and Yang."


Yang Ling was shocked when he heard the speech. He asked eagerly, "is this really true, girl?"

When Natalie saw that he was suddenly excited, she took a half step with some scared hind legs, and nodded her head gently: "if you remember correctly, these two sentences should be right."


Yang Ling suddenly thought of a thing, the whole person since excited Leng in situ.

The boundary between heaven and earth, the flow of forgetting River refers to the river of forgetting river. The division of yin and Yang of samsara is very obvious, which refers to the reincarnation of life and death, and the separation of yin and Yang.

The two sentences together point to a clue, hell!

The gate of hell controls all the reincarnation of life and death in the world. Maybe there is a ghost gate in the sky!

At that time, he felt the familiar and strange breath when he stood in front of the time and space gate of Luotian valley. Originally, he thought that it should be left by the change of the breath after the recovery of the twilight injury.

But now I think it's a big mistake. The familiar and strange atmosphere of love robbery belongs to Nangong ruoer!

If all the obsessions dissipate after the love robbery is dissipated, the spirit without obsession will be sent to the gate of ghosts by the mysterious power between heaven and earth. This is the law that changes people's mind.

When the gate of ghosts opens, the spirits will enter the nether world, and then they will fall into samsara and start all over again.

I just don't know if the ghost gate has been opened during this period, and if the spirit of ruoer has disappeared.


Maybe he'll have a chance to see Joel again!

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