Angela immediately blushed, she stammered: "blood, blood scale is our Mermaid family's life gate, for our containment force is not you can imagine!"

"If I had been able to run, I would have run!"


Yang Ling looked at her strangely. After a moment, he suddenly laughed and said, "Angela, you are a real bad woman!"


Angela looks at Yang Ling in a daze. In the eyes of the youth around her, she seems to have seen through everything

She lowered her head and did not refute. Although she was silent, there was a light flash in her eyes.

A moment later, she suddenly chuckled and said, "Yang Ling, I take back what I said before. It's not accurate to describe you as a favored one."

"Do you think so?"

Yang Ling said with a smile, "Your Highness, how do you think I should be called?"

He called Angela his royal highness again, but Angela did not remind him again, but seriously said: "wife control!"

"Poof, cluck, cluck..."

Speaking, they all laughed out loud, this image is somewhat different from the previous princess, and this also makes the barrage all become a yellow question mark.

Liu mu in the villa said coldly: "what is this bad woman talking about? My husband is not a wife control!"

Yang Ling is the same with a laugh: "Your Highness is joking, if I am a wife control, then you are not also?"

He understood what Angela meant.

Wife control, there are only a few famous, of which the most famous is Cao Cao.

Who is Cao Cao?

The capable Minister of governing the world, the hero in troubled times!

Isn't this a time of chaos

When he was talking, suddenly something happened at his feet, and two lava giants appeared!

Angela exclaimed, retreated, and the hearts of the people rose again!

Although I know that Alin is very strong, she can't use Zhenqi after all. What can I do in case of being hit!

Yang Ling's eyes narrowed, and at the moment when the lava giant appeared, he directly used a heavy machine gun to shoot the past!

It's not fatal for a giant to hit the surface of the lava!

Two lava giants hit right here!

"Ah Ling, be careful!"

The people exclaimed, while Yang Ling was retreating and emitting psionic light waves!


The armor piercing function of light wave directly breaks through the thick stones on the surface of the lava giant. The next moment it comes out through the chest. With the light wave, there is the fire spirit stone!


The giant who was hit disintegrated in midair, while the other giant crashed into the position where Yang Ling just stood!

The magma splashed and the smoke was steaming. Yang Ling threw the black dragon halberd fiercely in the process of flying back. The sharp long halberd directly pierced the giant's chest!

The next moment, he pointed a little on the ground. After turning around quickly, he saw two fine steel swords in his hand. He swung around the giant and cut out a piece of knife light continuously.

All they felt was dazzled. When they came back to their senses, the giant had turned into a pile of stones.

"It's solved!"

The people cheered, and the sound of ah Ling's invincible resounded through the cities again, and Angela and the fire Elves were relieved.


Is that lightness skill just turning around? How handsome!

Ah Ling is great!

The barrage began to blow, and Yang Ling was quite satisfied.

With the defense power of the lava giant, if he cuts with a fine steel sword, he will be shocked. Just now, he obviously felt that the anti shock force was partly dissolved by the Fenghua suit. This feeling is very wonderful and very good.

After receiving two crystal stones, Yang Ling said with a light smile: "go."

The women all nodded, and the party continued to move forward.

Yang Ling didn't know that after walking too long, the temperature was getting higher and higher, and the loss of physical strength was also gradually increasing.

At the moment, even Angela, who has the body of Qixia, has a layer of sweat on her eyebrows and nose, which seems to be feeling the strain.

The scenery in front of you is always the same, which is also a kind of torture to the spirit. If it is not for the fire spirit sister who is leading the way, I am afraid that people will have the illusion of constantly going back.

Along the way, Yang Ling didn't talk to Angela very much. Instead, she often talked to the fire elves and learned a lot about the fire elves.

What surprised him most was that, a long time ago, the fire spirit, who was married with a human friar, was actually the queen!

Queen of the fire elves!

But after she lost her husband, she entered the holy land alone, that is, the temple of fire, and never came back.After the fire elves, there was no queen. Only the saints who were elected at regular intervals were gradually divided into several oases in the extremely sunny land.


Yang Ling can basically draw a conclusion from the description of the sisters that this queen is the top of the congenital master, the strength is quite powerful, and her clan Taoist couple's cultivation has even reached the semi Saint level!

Half saints, the existence of the twelfth order of congenital peak, enter into the holy land with one foot, and the sage can not find out who is fighting against him. This is what he said.

However, even if the semi holy power did not return after entering the sunken land, it was dangerous there.

This makes Yang Ling's heart beat drum, and even some worry about twilight. Although she is powerful, she can't reach the level of semi saint.

All the way, I think about my mind. Unconsciously, the temperature around me has reached nearly 400 ° and the surface temperature of a burning cigarette end is 300 ° and almost has reached the ignition point, which shows the high temperature here.

If an ordinary person were here, it would burn up and turn to ashes.

There is nothing wrong with the fire spirit sisters. Yang Ling has extreme tolerance skills and Guangxia fresh jade pendant. There are even more powerful dry blue ice crystals in her body, which is not a big problem, but Angela is miserable.

At the moment, she was sweating profusely. Because she was sweating too much, the water blue robe had been glued to her body, which highlighted the exquisite figure of the woman. However, the public was fascinated by it.

Yang Ling saw that she couldn't do it any more. She hesitated and said, "Your Highness, if you can't bear it, let some fire spirit friends lead the way. How about going back for a while?"

Angela shook her head slightly and said, "it's OK. I know it."

"Yang Ling, you also need to draw the spirit. I always feel that something will happen in front of me."

A woman's sixth sense is very strong. What's more, this woman is a princess. Yang Ling nods slightly when she hears the speech. The party continues to walk forward. After crossing a fire gate again, they are slightly surprised.

In front of them is still a place of magma, but they are not the lava giant, but a young woman in white robe.

"Holy girl in wonderful clothes!"

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