The non mainstream gangster sniffed the speech and said with a sneer: "OK, but this woman is so beautiful, you have to let the brothers all be happy after you finish the job!"

Shen jiha said with a big smile: "good! We are all in the same boat, and we will have fun together tonight

"Do it!"

His voice just fell, a cold voice sounded: "where come from so much nonsense?"

Shen Jizhi felt that there was a black shadow in front of him. At the next moment, a huge force came and he could not help but fly back.


A crisp sound, he was directly Yang Ling a slap fan fly on the ground, teeth flying, half of the face swollen old high.

Yang Ling looked down at him as if he were looking at a piece of rubbish.

"See you smile so happy, I will let you happy again."

After that, he stepped on it and broke his leg bone directly.

Accompanied by a burst of heartrending screams, Shen Ji's neck was crooked and he fainted in pain.

This Thunderclap made the scene quiet for a time, but the gangsters were after all licking blood on the edge of the knife to make a living. The non mainstream thugs yelled: "let's make a point, copy the guy!"

More than a dozen gangsters showed their machetes at the same time, and several women in the field screamed and retreated.

Xu Dazhuang and others burst out, grabbing the table, grabbing the chair, and standing behind Yang Ling.

Yang Ling surprised to see a few of them, did not expect that this just know a few people are also very loyal.

But they are just ordinary people with a little more muscle. It's not fun to be stabbed.

He waved his hand and said, "back up, I'll take care of it here."

Words also don't look at the expression of a few people, just calmly toward the front of the hunk to go.

A cold and murderous air diffused from him, and the gangsters suddenly froze and retreated involuntarily.

One of them wanted to catch Xia Feiyan and Qiu Xiufen not far away, but as soon as he moved his foot, a chair smashed over and directly knocked it to the ground. At the same time, a few mouthfuls of blood gushed out.

Yang Ling's strength is too great, these ordinary people can't bear it at all. If he had not left a little strength, he was afraid that he would have smashed people to death!

He clapped and clapped his hands

"Do it with me, will you?"

The gangsters looked at each other, and under great pressure, they didn't know who was drinking and said, "brothers, what are you afraid of coming out of here? Fight with him!"

After that, he was the first to rush out.

His chopper straight barrel to Yang Ling's heart, the field sounded a scream.

But at this time, Yang Ling directly raised a foot, only heard the sound of click, this person's hand was directly kicked fracture, driven by the huge force, he flew up, banged on the wall, life and death do not know.

The scene has been smothered, but Yang Ling has already made a move.

"Ding, Taijiquan master launch!"

"Ding, Lingbo micro blog skills start!"

"Ding, activate range awareness!"

"Ding, deduction, mastery, skill launch!"

When two combat skills and two auxiliary skills are activated at the same time, he doesn't need any fancy operation at all. He simply dodges the cleaved knife and makes another punch.

No one can bear his fists, one punch at a time, either breaking his hands or feet.

But after seven or eight breaths, the battle is over.

The gangsters with knives were arrogant, but none of them were standing. All of them were lying on the ground and wailing.

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