After a long silence, the old woman said, "I can guarantee you to leave safely, but only when the old man wakes up!"

Taoist priest Wang sneered: "I'll die when he wakes up?"

"Let me go first, and then I'll call you to tell you how to dissolve the evil poison in the old man's body."

Said, he pointed to Yang Ling: "let this man leave the summer home, with him in, I will not lift the curse."

When they heard the speech, they all looked at Yang Ling, but Yang Ling said faintly, "Taoist Wang, you take yourself seriously."

"What I said before is just to let you talk about the solution."

"I didn't expect you to be so stupid that you really did it."

Then he looked at a jade toad on a desk in the room and walked slowly.

All of them were not aware of it, but Taoist Wang's eyes were full of fear.

Just now, I glanced instinctively. Did you catch the details of such a smile?

He shuddered at the thought.

What kind of existence is this young man who can subdue himself without saying anything, and even have such keen observation?

Under the gaze of all people's eyes, Yang Ling took a look at the jade toad on the table, and then bent her fingers.


The sound of cracking sounded, and the coin directly smashed the jade toad. Then there was a wind of Yin coming from the whole room, and the sound of Jie Jie's strange smile sounded.


Yang Ling snorted, and the whole body flashed with lightning. The black air in front of him was chopped away. At the same time, the old man "wow" spewed out a mouthful of black blood. The scene was shocking.

Wang looked at Yang Ling in disbelief and said in a trembling voice, "you, who are you?"

Yang Ling smell speech indifferent way: "a person you can't afford."

With that, he flicked his fingers again, and the mirror at the other end of the room was broken into debris. There were also terrible sounds and grimaces.

But under the thunder of Yang Ling, these strange things can't resist at all, and they are scattered by the split.

Next, Yang Ling was proficient in the two skills of unforgettable memory and deduction. With just one look of Wang Daochang, he broke all the things in the room with evil things.

The old man coughed up black blood continuously. When the last flowerpot was broken, the old man spat out a mouthful of turbid gas, and the whole person's face looked good.

"Save Saved? "

All the people were stunned. They were not stupid. The old man even breathed very weakly, but now he breathed evenly. How can you see, they have improved a lot.

At this time, the Taoist priest Wang on the ground suddenly burst into smoke. After a few shrieks, he disappeared.

This time, even Yang Ling was in a daze, and he couldn't tell why.

But as if something was pulling him, he instinctively looked into a corner of the room.

The woman in red, who had surprised him before, was also looking at her with a shallow smile.

But as before, in a blink of an eye, the girl was restored to the appearance of an ordinary girl.

Everything, as if in a dream.

"This is..."

He frowns tightly, but at this time, the summer old man son is to wake up.

Although people wake up, but still can't speak, Yang Ling after pulse, light smile way: "it's OK, I'll open a prescription, you can decoct on time."

"The old man is in good health and will recover in less than a month."

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