Yang Xiaoling showed a trace of despair in his eyes. Why was it fake when he went to this hall after a lot of hardships?

It's a mirage. It's too mental!

Yu Zimi's face is full of bitter smile. Lei Ya's teeth itch and she seems to want to bite. Yang Xiaoling is also very angry, but knowing that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, she turns around and wants to leave.

Just in the moment of turning around, she seemed to think of something. Looking at the puppet wandering in the square, her eyes showed a strange color.

So many puppets are real. Why is the palace fake?

No need!

There is already a layer of virtual space skyrocketing, is it necessary to make a mirage?

Suddenly, she seems to think of something, slowly turned around, again struggling to touch a front door.

Not surprisingly, her hand passed over the gate.

But the next moment, she looked up at the sky.

The sky was blue and white, nothing unusual.

Then, she turned her head and looked at Leiya. She looked at her daughter carefully. She saw that Leiya was a little hairy. She stepped forward and hugged Yang Xiaoling. In her ear, she said, "Dad, did you find anything else?"

Yang Xiaoling grew a breath way: "understand, I understand."

"This is the central palace, yes, but we can't see it because it's in the sky!"


"Dad, are you affected by gravity, too? There is nothing in the sky

"Is it difficult or is the space of the imaginary number covered by the space of the imaginary number? That's ridiculous

Yang Xiaoling said: "daughter, have you found that we have become shorter?"


"Of course we're getting shorter!"

Leiya helplessly said: "under the pressure of such a large gravity, I will soon become a dwarf wax gourd."

"Oh, Dad, don't worry about it. Let's go."

Yang Xiaoling shook his head and suddenly said, "I ask you a question, why is a black hole called a black hole?"


Leiya was stunned at first, then instinctively said, "because it's black!"

Yang Xiaoling said again, "why is it black?"

"Because there is no light, black holes can absorb even light!"

"Dear Dad, I'll take a physics test again at home. My legs are weak!"

Leiya was struggling. She was just holding Yang Xiaoling gently. After she found that she was sharing part of her weight, she began to rely on Yang Xiaoling

Yu Zimi on the other side saw that the two people seemed to be talking, but she got closer to each other, panting and listening. Although she only felt half of the gravity, she couldn't bear it at the moment.

But listen to Yang Xiaoling said: "so, why can black holes even absorb light?"


Leiya opened her mouth and seemed to suddenly think of something. She looked up at the sky like Yang Xiaoling.

"Dad, you mean Up there


Yang Xiaoling definitely nodded: "what the eye sees is not necessarily right!"

"Experiments have proved that gravity has an effect on light. The absolute gravity here is so strong that it distorts the light and drags the light down."

"This is indeed a mirage, but it is not a mirage of light refraction, but a visual error caused by the pull of light by gravity!"

"The real temple is on top of us. It's floating in the sky!"

"My God..."

Leiya felt her scalp numb, almost instinctively exclaimed: "fantastic work!"

"Dad, it's a marvellous job, isn't it?"

"Unbelievable, unimaginable!"

Yang Xiaoling agrees with her daughter very much. The super power in building and designing here calculates everything to the most accurate.

Even if there is more gravity, there will be a flaw in the mirage. In the eyes of ordinary people, this flaw may be negligible, but in the congenital environment, especially in the eyes of experts at the congenital peak, a trace of flaw will be seen through from afar. Once you see through, how can people come?

It's really a fantastic craftsmanship, and it's unimaginable!

After hearing Yang Xiaoling's explanation, Yu Zimi's shock is beyond measure.

From the beginning of the crack imaginary space, to now calculate the truth of the mirage, in the middle of all kinds of ingenious, all kinds of fantastic, even all to be cracked by Yang Ling!

What kind of wisdom does this man possess!

If yu Zimi was curious, liked and liked Yang Ling before, now, she is worshipping!

Once upon a time, she worshipped her father most, but now, she worships Yang Ling more!

Because she knew that even if her father was here, it was impossible to solve these mysteries!All of a sudden, she suddenly thought of what, eager way: "the purpose!"

"Brother Yang, what's the purpose of this?"

Yang Xiaoling said with a bitter smile, "we foreigners are trapped to death!"

"The gravity here is more than 100 times, and there is no space restriction. You can't touch the real temple. If you want to walk back, I'm afraid you don't have so much physical strength."

"In this case, is there any way to live?"


Yu Zimi said eagerly, "what should we do? Let's go quickly while we still have some physical strength."

Yang Xiaoling nodded and looked up again. He looked at the empty sky and said to himself, "the mystery will always be solved. I don't believe that the real mountain and River Temple is a place without solution."


Leia nodded her head and said, "Dad, let's withdraw first, and then we can..."

Before the voice finished, the ground suddenly shook, and the three felt that the terrible gravity was slightly reduced.


Leiya looks at Yang Xiaoling, who looks at the nearest puppet, and then at the distant sky.

There, as if something was broken!

This moment, Yang Ling suddenly realized.

"Yes, I understand!"

She exclaimed, "the whole mountain temple is a chain of links!"

"Do you remember those side halls?"

"All the side halls also have similar seals, which contain the control of gravity near the central palace! Only by opening all the side halls can the gravity prohibition be completely broken! "

"At that time, the light will not be changed by gravity, and the real mountain temple will appear!"

as like as two peas and Yu Zi Mei, they were staring at their eyes, and Leya took a look at the forehead. "Yes, I felt wrong before. The Palace found here is exactly the same as the gravitational multiplier here."

"There are 108 side halls in total, and the gravity multiple here is also 108 times!"

Yang Xiaoling smiles and nods. If it is not for someone who has solved a forbidden seal of the side hall, the puzzle will not be solved!

Yu Zimi said eagerly, "in that case, I can stay here. You go and untie all the bans on the side hall. Then I can be the first to enter the central palace. I will have an opportunity for the moment."

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