
A crisp sound, Yang Xiaoling a slap in Lei Ya's small ass, no good airway: "you are free that day, do nothing, but also dig a cave?"

"Guess again!"

Leiya rubbed her little butt and said, "that's the square..."

"By the way, is it a mirage?"

"Did the emperor pass on the light changes of the mirage to you?"

"How could it be!"

Yang Xiaoling rolled his eyes and said, "even if I give the formula, I can't change the gravity."

"Guess again!"

When she said this, she just wanted to say something, but Yu Zimi said, "is it an empty space?"

"Brother Yang, have you got the inheritance of imaginary space?"


Yang Xiaoling nodded with a smile: "all the layout methods and calculation formulas of imaginary space are clear. As long as there is energy, it is possible to arrange imaginary space."


Leia jumped up and said, "the imaginary space is between the real and the unreal. If we can arrange the imaginary space, we will create a world that belongs to us."

"And we can make our own laws and regulations, and even create creatures!"

"It's much better than absolute field!"

Yang Ling nodded with a smile: "yes, but my realm is not enough. Even if the rules of virtual space are set, they can only follow the rules of the big world."

"But it's really possible to create creatures. It's very complicated."

What did Leiya think of? She said in surprise, "Dad, how about building a two-dimensional world after we go home?"

"Such as the super electromagnetic gun? Or Naruto or what, when the unreal and the real coincide, they will not live? "

Yang Xiaoling said with a smile: "if you want to be beautiful, we can only create an empty space as big as a palace with our spirit liquid reserve. If you want to make living creatures, that spirit liquid has to be doubled!"

"If you want to be a musical instrument, you need to collect the will of all living beings, do it according to the image in their hearts, and see all kinds of settings."

"How can I have so much Kung Fu?"

Leia said in a hurry, "you don't have it. I have it."

"Dad, this formula of imaginary space will not be forgotten. Please tell me when you go home. I have a way!"

"Believe me."

Yang Xiaoling looked at Leiya strangely and said, "wait for me to think about it."

"I'll talk about it at home!"


Leiya affectionately took Yang Xiaoling's arm, don't mention how happy.

Yu Zi Mi said, "brother Yang, what are you going to do with these pieces?"

"Or put them all away?"

Yang Ling looked at Yu Zi MI and said, "Miss Yu, Yang has an unfeeling request."

"If these fragments are directly refined, they can certainly increase the cultivation, but it seems that they are somewhat disrespectful to the emperor."

"Can you give it all to me? I want to go back and assemble them, so that I can visit them sooner or later."


Yu Zi Mi said, "brother Yang said that, let's do what you want."

Yang Xiaoling nodded with a smile, but with a wave of his hand, he put away all the pieces and said, "there should be nothing here. Let's go."

But he went to the entrance of the cave.

Leiya and yuzimi hurry to follow.

The three people stepped out of the cave at the same time. When they passed through the light curtain of the cave, the scene in front of them changed again.

But they appeared in the white jade square before.

At the moment, the square has been different from the previous, many masters have rushed over, everywhere in the fight.

In addition to the experts of Hailing clan, there are also the great powers of the barbarian and the sea people. This will not matter what kind of hostility or hostility. In front of the huge interests, all the people who want to share a share with themselves are enemies!

obviously, there are treasures in these side halls!

Otherwise, it will not cause such a tragic situation!

Yang Xiaoling glanced at the audience, but said: "I don't know what's good in the palace, but no matter what it has, we can't let the hostile forces get it!"

"The three of us split up to grab the treasures as much as possible, and finally gather at the central shrine!"


Leiya rushed out without saying a word. She had consumed a lot of physical strength before, but her strong talent has made her stay in the cave for such a short time has recovered. She has killed her out without waiting for Yang Xiaoling to give her pills, and in a blink of an eye there is no one.

Good guy, if you want to rob good things, this daughter is really positive!

Yang Ling looked at Yu Zi honey beside her, handed her two bottles of pills and said, "Miss Yu, in front of the huge interests, no one can guarantee that they will be faithful and faithful. Do not trust anyone except yourself.""Take care

Yu Zimi gazed at her, but said, "no, I believe you."

"I believe you will not betray your companions, even if you have great interests, will you?"

Yang Xiaoling said with a smile, "you may not believe it. My companions are wives. I seldom partner with others except them."

"Miss Yu, be careful. Let's go."


Yu Zi Mi nods hard, she is not a muddleheaded person, the next moment directly rushed out, its speed is also very fast!

At last, Yang Xiaoling is able to move with ease.

In fact, one thing she had hidden from them was about Lotus!

Lotus is indeed the result of Kendo lotus flower, but there is still a sword mark on it. This is the real inheritance he got. The degree of terror is not under the level of Kendo lotus flower.

This sword mark represents the end!

The way to the end!

Not the end of this era, not the end of the sword in the legend, but in the destruction of the last era, left behind the true meaning of the end!

Only when the true meaning of the end is combined with the sword of the end, can we avoid and even control the end, live forever and achieve the throne of heaven!

Of course, now he can't understand the way to the end. It's not like the true meaning of desire. If he wants to understand it, he needs a higher realm, a stronger spiritual power and a bigger deduction ability.

This can be done by sitting still for thousands of years, or even 100000 years.

Don't even think about it now.

Yang Xiaoling took a deep breath. In the firmly recorded heart of this matter, the next one swept away the miscellaneous thoughts in his mind, recognized a direction and then flew away!

While flying, while taking pills, the power of the body of Qixia is rapidly recovering. A moment later, Yang Xiaoling stopped at the square money of a palace, but found that someone could fight fiercely!

Only a dozen sea people are fighting with the puppets at the gate of the palace, and the ban on the gate of this side hall is still complete at the moment!

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