While she was thinking hard, there was a sudden movement at the door. Four sea people rushed in. They looked at it, and their eyes were full of surprise.

One of them said in surprise, "the prohibition here has been broken, but there are not a few earth elves!"

"The fourth brother goes to inform other brothers, we several, we quickly drip blood to recognize the Lord!"

Several fish head monsters immediately split their heads, and one ran outside the palace. The other three used harpoons to cut open the earth pupae, revealing the sleeping earth elf sister inside. However, they did not immediately use the contract, but were picking and choosing!

Yes, they are choosing beautiful Earth Spirit girls!

Good guy, he looks ugly, dare to ask so much from others?

But to tell you the truth, everyone's aesthetic outlook is different. Some people like plump ones, some like backbone ones, some love purity, some love charm, and each has his own taste!

Yang Ling actually understood their demands, but it was a pity that the earth elves here had been regarded as objects in his bag.

A little bit of fingertip, a colorful glow flew out, and a fish head man who had just chosen her sister exploded and turned into a blood mist.


A fish head monster exclaimed in surprise, and the other cried out: "who is it?"

"Who is it?"

"Can't I watch it myself?"

Yang Xiaoling's faint voice rang out. Two fish head monsters followed the sound and saw a girl in a small vest, barefoot and very cool clothes looking at them with a smile.


"What a beautiful woman!"

"And it's cool! It's cooler than the girls of our Hai nationality! "

The eyes of both ichthyosaurs are straight!


Yang Xiaoling looked down and found that there was nothing wrong with what he was wearing. The clothes and trousers taken off because of gravity were well dressed. How could they be cool?

Seeing these two fish head monsters still staring at themselves, Yang Xiaoling felt that he had been looked at in general, and slightly frowned.

Then he seemed to find something, and his eyes showed a touch of shock.

Yang Xiaoling saw in front of the two fish head monster pupil, reflected out of the virtual shadow.

It was a girl in a vest and shorts, barefoot girl, was not she before?


"What's going on?"

She is a little unbelievable. She is clearly wearing clothes, and there is no problem looking down. Why are they different from themselves in their eyes!


"Do you mean..."

A bolt from the blue!

Yang Xiaoling heard a bolt from the blue in his mind and understood the mystery hidden in the side hall.

The interior of the palace is an independent imaginary space, which is different from the huge imaginary space outside the palace, with different parameters!

"My God!"

"It's amazing."

Even with Yang Ling's temperament, she couldn't help exclaiming!

What these two ichthyosaurs see in their eyes is fake! This is the virtual number space reference before their own, simulated out of the shape!

This is not to help Yang Xiaoling confuse opponents, nor is it the first person to enter the palace with any special benefits. Its purpose is only one!

Through some extremely difficult details, the monks who enter this space are told that the interior of this space is an independent imaginary space.

That's it!

Although simple, but it contains a terrible truth!

All objects in the imaginary space can exist only when they are observed. If they are not observed, they are false and illusory.

In other words, the Earth Spirit girls in the palace are between the unreal and the real!

"Yes, it is."

Yang Xiaoling fiercely turned his head and looked at the mysterious pattern in front of him and suddenly realized.

Don't the animals engraved on this pattern mean everything?

Before being discovered here, all animals in the imaginary space are equivalent to nonexistence, and nonexistence means that they will not be constrained by laws and regulations.

But the animals that happen to be observed will really exist, and will be limited by the laws and regulations of the outside world. The big toothed beast will mate, will give birth to offspring, and will die, which is completely equivalent to any observed life.

But since this is a completely independent imaginary space, can we selectively observe it if there is only one observer?

When you entered the door, the coffins were all sealed. You didn't know that there were Earth Spirit sisters in the coffin. In other words, the Earth Spirit sister was not observed, so she did not exist.

But when a coffin is opened and the Earth Spirit sister is observed, then she really exists.

Under the premise of only one observer, Yang Xiaoling can choose to sign a contract with the native spirit sister, and then tell her to put her in the coffin, and then directly close her memory for the time being. Then the sister will not exist again.If they don't exist, they won't be affected by the laws and regulations, which means that there is no contract signed. At that time, Yang Xiaoling only needs to sign a contract with the new earth elves. After signing the contract with all the fairy sisters here, they just need to move them out of the Palace. Under the influence of the laws of the outside world, their existence will appear immediately.

But they have signed a contract, raw rice cooked cooked cooked rice, not to mention the earth fairy sisters can only be forced to accept, even if it is the law, there is no way!

This is to use the concept of imaginary number space to exploit the loopholes in the way of heaven!

And the secret hidden in the hall is this!

A secret that makes people rich overnight!

In fact, even if these idiots don't come in, Yang Xiaoling will definitely find out, which is inevitable.

Because she needs to sign a contract with the fairy sister. At the moment when the contract comes into being, the sisters will instinctively open their eyes to see their master's appearance. With Yang Ling's careful degree, she can definitely find this flash of strange things!

Having figured out the key to everything, Yang Xiaoling took a breath and looked at the two sea people not far away and said, "how about it?"

"Good looking?"

"Good looking..."

The two sea people don't know how to be afraid. Because of their high Charm Value and cool clothes, they can't hold any other thoughts in their minds.

Yang Xiaoling sniffed and said with a chuckle, "if you have enough, go on the road."

She didn't talk nonsense. She waved her hand directly, and the two ichthyosaurs exploded directly.

After killing two hapless men, Yang Xiaoling looked further into the hall, and found that more than a dozen sea people were coming in, and there was no congenital environment inside. Needless to say, it must be soldiers brought by a sea clan leader.

The competition has begun, and Yang Xiaoling will not be polite. With a wave of his hand, a piece of Xiaguang flies out. The group of sea people who are coming in the distance are swept away by Xiaguang, and they don't know how to die.

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