On the other side, Yang Xiaoling ran for a distance at a high speed, but stopped. After seeing the three mermaids who were far behind, Yang Xiaoling patted the storage bag.

Eight array flags flew out and flew towards the eight squares, but the array began to be arranged.

Yang Ling is proficient in the array, so the trumpet naturally has this ability. Moreover, because of the relationship between Mitian and Baojie, refining the array flag is quick. In addition, he is proficient in deduction. It can be said that arranging the array is easy to catch.

I saw her small hands repeatedly pinching Jue, saying something in her mouth, and the eight pole array flag was shining, but it was in the void.

This is another of his unique skills, the wonderful use of the void Sutra.

The array flag is usually buried in the ground to avoid being found, but in such a special place as Baiyu square, you should dig a pit to bury the array flag, which is not likely to be restored after burying it.

Isn't this just discovered?

However, it is not the same with the empty Sutra. He hides the array flag directly in the space. Unless he has a strong sense ability or has special eyes like the eye of stars and the eye of heaven to see through the illusory camouflage, he can't find it.

Of course, it takes a lot of Kung Fu to blow up the flag.

After all this, Yang Xiaoling's mouth curled and his body flashed forward!

As long as you maintain the current speed, you will be able to enter the palace in half an hour!

She felt that she might be the second to rush into the palace. As for the first, needless to say, it must be Leia.

With her character and means, and such a realm of cultivation, even if Yang Ling is here, he can't say that he must be faster than her.

This daughter is really a model of her own.

After a moment like this, Yang Xiaoling, who was running wildly, moved in his heart. He turned his head and saw that there was a purple light curtain in the rear, which suddenly turned into an oval purple light egg. Needless to say, those three people triggered the magic array!

If it is usually a magic escape array, but now the time is urgent, there is not so much time to arrange the array.

Then, there's no money to set up the soul stone array

After that, there were no waves or people. Yang Xiaoling ran all the way to the central palace.

This time, it is no longer a mirage, but the real central palace. At this moment, it is obviously more majestic and oppressive than before!

But the problem came. The puppets who had been wandering around the periphery of the central palace were all resurrected. Now they are besieging a woman!

This daughter is Yang Jinlei!

I saw Leiya holding juexien sword, almost one sword. Any puppet who was chopped by her instantly split in two, and not the kind that was chopped by the body of the sword, as long as it was swept by the sword, it was cut into two immediately!

Yang Xiaoling didn't want to think about it. He took out the Longyuan sword and rushed to it. It can be said that all the puppets along the way died suddenly!

After rushing through the encirclement, she didn't say it. Leia was surprised and said, "Dad, you come so fast!"

"I thought I'd have to wait for you for at least an hour."

Yang Xiaoling white her one eye way: "you alone?"

"No sea people?"


Leiya cut down the two puppets with one sword, pointed to a pool of blood in the distance and said: "there is an ancient monk of the fish clan. He used a one-time big move order. The fake was one step ahead of me. It was just surrounded by these puppets. I killed him when I arrived."

"Well done."

Yang Xiaoling nodded and glanced at the whole scene. However, she found that the puppet killed by Leiya was recovering rapidly under the crazy influx of earth elements!

"Well? Can these puppets come back to life? "


Leiya said angrily: "Dad, these things are very annoying, and strong and not afraid of death, if not for the puppet block, I would have rushed to the palace gate to smash open!"

Yang Xiaoling took out the gold stick from the lovesickness ring, handed it to her and said, "I'll help you block these puppets. You go and smash the gate at once!"


Leiya didn't talk nonsense. After taking the proof, she kicked a puppet in front of her. Then she drank a little and started a magic power she had learned from Cleopatra: Savage collision!

No technical content, is relying on their own rough skin, thick meat, hard forward, nothing more than a lot of superb skills!

Leia was shining with gold, her beautiful robe turned into the golden armor of magic weapon level, and then she rushed away all the way!

"Bang bang bang!"

Continuous muffled sound sounded, the dense puppets on the steps tried to stop her, but they could not stop the brute force of Leiya's body, and they were all knocked away.

If you look down from the top, you can see a golden light rushing into a piece of yellowish brown dots. All the way, it can be said that the waves are breaking and crashing towards the palace gate directly above.Looking back at Lei Ya's appearance, Yang Xiaoling showed a strange color in his eyes.

How can a beautiful and unreasonable girl rush like a cow?

It's not like a daughter. My son doesn't take it so hard!

In fact, at this moment, Yang Ling hopes that Leiya is a son. If she is a boy, she will really be able to take charge of her own affairs, which will be much easier.

At the same time, he split the puppets that came over, but Yang Ling was a little confused.

"I really want to have a son..."

This is his most real thought at the moment.

A moment later, just listen to the roar of Yang Ling's thoughts to pull back, Leiya has rushed to the door of the main hall, and with the gold stick proof method of fierce bombardment of the hall's prohibition!

After the explosion of "bang", Leiya screamed. She was knocked to the ground by the force of the shock, and even the golden staff proof method fell to one side.

"Oh What a pain

Leiya kneaded her trembling arm, turned her head and looked at Yang Xiaoling pitifully. The small eyes of injustice were heartache.

See, daughter is a daughter in the end, although lovely, but encounter their own can not solve the matter, the first time is to find a father.

Yang Ling felt that if he had a son in the future, he would try his best!


A sword in front of a puppet to cut into two pieces, Yang Xiaoling loud voice: "daughter, stand up and continue to hit!"

"Hit it with your left hand if your right hand hurts!"

Leiya nodded, but she stood up with her teeth. She grasped the method with her left hand, riveted her foot and smashed it down!

This time, the force was very strong. I only heard a bang. The terrible shock wave swept through everything after contact. The whole palace and the ground shook. The puppets who wanted to rush were all swept away by the shock wave!

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