After the trumpet and the system are completely bound, the reward in the field of hegemony has been fully paid, which is quite good.

Looking at the empress in front of him, Yang Xiaoling said with a light smile: "what's your name?"

The queen felt the connection between herself and the girl in front of her. She squeezed Yang Xiaoling's hand and said with a little excitement: "alodis, my mistress, I'm alodis."

"Well, it's a nice name, but it's too long."

Yang Xiaoling chuckled: "call you Xiaoai later. Don't call me hostess. I'm a man."

"Call me young master later."


Alodis was stunned when he heard the speech. He looked at Yang Xiaoling and said, "you Are you a man? "


She almost instinctively looked at Yang Xiaoling's chest and lower body, trembling: "are you kidding?"

"There can't be such a beautiful man as you..."

Yang Xiaoling said with a smile: "my noumenon is male, and this female body is my refined incarnation."

"Well This body is called Yang Xiaoling, and the noumenon is called Yang Ling

"You can call me ah Ling or Xiao Ling."

"Yang Ling!"

Alodis heard these two words, his whole body trembled fiercely, and suddenly took Yang Xiaoling's hand and said, "master, I'll show you something."

But she took Yang Xiaoling and flew to the back of the mountain seal. At the moment, everything was over. After Leiya, lying in Yu Zimi's arms, recovered some strength, she said in a hurry: "it seems that there is a lively look."

"Let's get over there!"

But he flew quickly.

At the moment, Yu Zi MI is still immersed in the shock. She responds to Leiya's words, but she gives a breath.

What happened just now is too terrible. It's too shocking for father and daughter's endless supernatural power and incomparable cultivation strength!

See a few people have disappeared in the sight, she is also in a hurry to catch up.

A moment later, Yang Xiaoling, alodis, Leiya and Yu Zimi flew to the north of the huge mountain cover, but they saw an image.

This is a portrait of a teenager in a T-shirt, jeans and sneakers, carved in a corner of the mountain print.

Young mouth with a wisp of light smile, mild manner, clear face, who is not Yang Ling?

Yang Xiaoling's three eyes widened, but alodis seriously asked, "is this the portrait of your own?"


Yang Xiaoling felt some scalp numbness. He asked curiously, "Xiao AI, what's going on here?"

After getting Yang Xiaoling's affirmative answer, alodis's eyes were full of tears, but she slowly knelt down and said with a choking voice: "I've been trapped in this world for millions of years. I'm between fantasy and reality."

"One day, about twenty years ago, I dreamt that a young man was smiling at me. This is the great will of the earth guiding me."

"At that time, I knew that this young man would save me and make me get redemption. I had been waiting for him!"

"So over the years, I have engraved his portrait on the mountain cover, hoping that the memory will not fade away, and that one day when I meet him, I will not forget him."


With that, elodes held Yang Xiaoling's hand again excitedly and said, "I didn't expect this day to come so fast!"

"Master, I have been waiting for you!"

"Twenty years ago?"


Leia whispered, "Dad, it was almost when you were born 20 years ago."

"It's not doomed, is it? Did someone even predict your future? Is that mom? "

Yang Xiaoling frowned slightly. He was the reincarnation of the immortal. Even the supreme emperor was not very good at predicting his own future, unless he controlled the essence of fate.


If what alodis said is true, then his future will soon be predicted?

And there's room for alodis to know?

Looking at the beautiful queen with a sincere face in front of her, Yang Xiaoling doesn't think she is lying, and there is a contract, she can't lie.


After thinking about it for a long time, she suddenly understood, but she slapped alodis on the head with a smile and said, "it seems that we are destined to come together."

"After that, let's get along well."

Alodis nodded his head and said, "I will give you everything I have, because you have everything you have said about me."

"Oh, roar?"

"There's another beauty around me!"

Leiya said angrily, "Dad! You can't hold all the girls in your spirit beast bag"I hate it, Dad. It's a big radish with a big heart!"

Yang Xiaoling pinched her daughter's face and said, "is it that I take the initiative to have sex with others?"

"You see, I can't help it a lot!"

"Daughter, you have to testify to me about this. When the sisters at home ask about it, you say Dad has no choice but to do so, understand? "


Leia snorted, "if you will let me refine my body, I will testify for you."


A crisp sound, Leiya covered her little ass and screamed, but she didn't dare to talk back. Yu Zimi chuckled: "brother Yang, it seems that this layer has been broken. Let's put away the mountain seal?"


Yang Xiaoling nodded his head and was not polite. In his hands, he said something. At the next moment, the huge mountain cover seal shrank rapidly and entered his storage bag.

From the moment she took over the Earth Spirit queen, the mountain seal was already her magic weapon, and the two seemed to be bound.

Looking at alodis, who had regained her gentle temperament again, she sighed in her heart.

It's not a prophecy, nor is it a painting by alodis. It's that after Yang Xiaoling has taken over the girl, a certain skill of thinking seal in her mind is activated, which instantly adds to her memory, making her think that she is destined to follow the person in front of her.

This is a way to greatly enhance loyalty. We can see that the predecessors who built this place are very considerate.

Reward is reward, which completely avoids the possibility of alodis's future defection.

As for the portraits on the mountain cover seal, it is because the mountain cover seal is bound to alodis. After the mental steel seal technique is launched, it is natural to carve the portrait on the magic weapon connected with mind and spirit.

It can be said that it is very thoughtful.

However, Yang Xiaoling guesses that the mental seal in alodis's mind has been removed. After her complete submission, she has become an almost completely independent individual.

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