Mary said in a low voice: "some rich people know that their cultivation is hopeless, and they also know that their future status and the status of their descendants can not be like this all the time, so they think of such a way."

"Banish yourself in the eternal virtual world and experience the feeling of being a God."


Yang Ling sighed: "no world is virtual. Even if it is an imaginary space, it also needs to rely on the energy of the real world."

"By banishing themselves, they are evading their responsibilities in the real world."

"Who has the obligation to protect their servers?"

"If this technology is popularized, will anyone not be able to stand the temptation and exile themselves into the virtual space forever?"

"If this is the case, human beings themselves will not be far away from extinction, and there will only be a super precision server left in the future."

Mary smelled a trace of shock in her eyes and looked at Yang Ling and said, "Lao Zu Yang, I didn't think so much about it."

"What you said is that I immediately sent someone to stop the study."

"No need."

Yang Ling said with a light smile: "there is always hope for people to live. The power of these rich people to unite is not huge. If the alliance directly cuts off their hope of immortality, it will cause a sharp rebound."

"Now everything is waiting to be done. Stability is the top priority."

"Let them study, and we'll think we don't know."


Hearing this, Mary and Xiao Zhang both showed a puzzled look on their faces. Mary hurriedly said, "ancestor, didn't you just say that this may cause the extinction of our mankind?"

"Is it all right to be laissez faire?"

"I think with the energy of our human alliance now, even if we take tough measures, we can solve this problem."

Yang Ling said with a light smile: "how many employees are there in this group?"

"How many people point to them to pay? Even if the living conditions are good now, but after all, it is not completely time to change dynasties. "

"We need to eat one bite at a time, and we have to go step by step. We are not compromising, but for development."

"Besides, they can't work it out."

Seeing the curiosity in Mary's eyes, Yang Ling said with a light smile: "this involves very profound laws of the universe. They directly separate the mind from the eternal existence of the body. Even the saint's realm and even the fairyland can't do this kind of thing."

"Only the immortal, whose spiritual consciousness is immortal, can be truly separated from the eternal existence of the body."

"What they have done is nothing but water and water."

"I don't know how many divine civilizations have appeared in the universe. If there is such a technology, there will surely be an eternal legend. But I have never heard of such a thing. Even if the technology is up to the standard, they can't change the law."

"Of course, if we can get into the gate of the universe, maybe we can. But if we can get into the gate of the universe, what else needs this technology to do?"

Yang Ling said a lot of things, which seemed to be said to Mary and her heart.

Yang Ling looked at their expressions, but laughed and said, "OK, OK, this is the tone. Stability is the most important thing."

"Then, you can't really watch them waste money to study this kind of thing, try to persuade them to set a new target for the rich."

Mary instinctively asked, "ancestor, what goal should we set for them?"

"What's the goal?"

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Ling said, "it's said that the Yuan Yin of virgin barbarians can improve their physique and make them live longer."

"What's more, what kind of treasures in the myriad sectors of the heavens can also increase their life span and even immortality. Aren't they afraid of death? Would it be nice if they could find a way to live longer? "

"If you can't, you can make it up."

"I think it is not difficult to do this by means of our alliance?"

Mary looked at Yang Ling with her mouth open. The familiar flavor of Yang Laozu came again, but I have to say that this is the best way.

Qin Shihuang also wanted the elixir of immortality, and this group of people would certainly want to make themselves live longer.

If it is well used, it may also accelerate the development of mankind

Thinking of this, Mary's mouth showed some good-looking smile.

"Ding, you have satisfied Mary's wish to have a perfect way to deal with this matter. The wish value is + 1."

After chatting with each other, Yang Ling visited the production base of star sky warship, because there were more engineers here. After a friendly speech, the wish value was directly + 9560, and then the number of wishes was 63.

What can be said but terror?

This NIMA made a lot of points!After dinner with Mary and Xiao Zhang, Yang Ling said goodbye to them, recalled Miao tong'er, who was digging scorpions for wine. She started Lei Dun and immediately returned to her palace.

Once again, I cut the perspective back to Yang Xiaoling, and found that all day long, the surrounding fantasy did not seem to change, and Yu Zimi's eyebrows were basically stretched, it seems that she is going to get rid of the centrifugal devil.

As for Leiya, she wakes up once before and finds herself still on Yang Xiaoling's back. With a sense of security in her heart, she sleeps again.

Before her consumption is too much, sleep longer is normal.

However, her daughter is a little too heavy. Yang Xiaoling is just practicing weight-bearing. She is still a little tired

The first thing I did when I went home was to see Liu Muhan. She found that she was making a cake in the kitchen with a big belly. She was also surrounded by many wives. Yang Ling was in a good mood. She said with a smile: "monk's welfare is coming. Even if you eat cake crazily, you won't get fat. Ha ha ha!"

Sisters are some blush, Liu Muhan wiped with a paper towel, unexpectedly smile Ying Ying Ying salute way: "I have seen my husband."

Such as mu WANYING, Su Qiling, ruoer and other sisters are Ying Ying Ying salute: "see your husband!"

Looking at the woman in the kitchen, she saluted herself with a smile. Yang Ling felt that she was the happiest person in the world at this moment. He said with a smile, "why, give me a horse's power?"

"First, I won't wash your hair!"

While talking, he helped Liu Muhan.

The younger sisters chuckled and giggled, and mu WANYING chuckled: "husband, my sisters have agreed to comb your hair in turn every day. Moreover, your hair is too long and you don't have a haircut. How can you do without combing it?"

Yang Ling helplessly said: "my physique you also know, the hair tenacity is too strong, is not very good to break."

"But when I break through the half sanctuary, I can break or fall off my hair."

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