Yang Ling's words can not be refuted, and no one dares to refute.

Before, some people thought that what these emotional instructors said was reasonable, but at this moment, they all knew that they were changing concepts.

Looking at these emotional tutors one by one, Yang Ling continued: "indeed, the law does not say that this kind of behavior is against the law. As long as the slag men and women do not constitute fraud, they can not be convicted in law."

"But law is authority, and morality is the bottom line of one's life."

"I don't want our soldiers on the front line to fight with blood. We friars fought hard to resist the alien race. Looking back, our whole human society has fallen to this level."

"If I don't clean up your group of people today, will the scum men and women really want to be tyrannical

"And then again young innocent, true love innocent is over?"

"Is there any morality?"

Hearing the word "clean up", the previously repressed people cheered one by one, while the faces of the tutors on the scene were extremely ugly one by one.

Yang Ling said in a deep voice: "but before you clean up, there is one thing to do."

But he looked at Ms. Huang and snorted, "what's the name of the scum man who made your stomach big? What's his name? Where are you from? Make it clear!"

With absolute dignity in her voice, Ms. Huang, who had been scared to tell a lie, said it all at once.

It turns out that the other party is not some god, but Feng Yushu, a famous entrepreneur in Beijing, a middle-aged man with a big belly.

What kind of male god is not male god, it is nothing more than to take a fancy to the money of other people's boss. If you want it upside down, you can find an honest person to take over the money.

The barrage was full of gunfire, and many people were gloating.

It seems that this boss Feng is going to have bad luck.

Sure enough, Yang Ling immediately said, "Feng Yushu, I don't care if you are watching the program or not. I'll give you five minutes to connect to the program group immediately."

"I don't think it's impossible with your assets."

Yang Ling didn't say what would happen if he didn't contact him, because there was no need to say.

Yang Ling doesn't even need to do it. The free man takes care of everything for him. There are few opportunities to flatter a Ling.

In fact, it didn't take five minutes at all. Boss Feng contacted the program group immediately within 30 seconds. Under the panic of the program group, the action speed was extremely fast, and the video signal of boss Feng was transmitted to another large screen within one minute.

Boss Feng in the screen is very fat and his hair is a little messy, which is not in line with his name.

At the moment, the rich man's eyes flustered looking at Yang Ling, obviously with a trace of prayer color.

After seeing the master, Yang Ling said, "boss Feng, do you know this lady Huang below?"

Boss Feng knew that he couldn't hide, but he said with a wry smile: "Mr. Yang, I really did things. But you also know that people like me are not right. It should be said that those vain girls are all upside down."

"If I can't control it, I'll just..."

"Shut up, you!"

Yang Ling said angrily, "you will go up if you are stuck upside down?"

"You say that you are such a big boss. You have made people's stomach bigger and ran away. You don't have to be responsible for it?"

"Scum man is amazing, isn't he?"

"You don't want to raise her, why don't you give birth? You won't even pay for abortion, will you? "

Although Yang Ling had scolded Ms. Huang with her head and face, and even scolded Ms. Huang very badly, at the same time, she also scolded boss Feng, who caused all this. In a sense, it was still a bowl of water

Boss Feng said with a bitter smile: "Yang Dong, it's not like this."

"When I broke up, I gave her five million dollars to knock out the baby in her stomach, but she just didn't want to. She just wanted to have a baby."

"I know what she means. It's trying to force me to divorce my wife when the baby is born."

"I really can't take her..."


Yang Ling smell speech a Leng, not only she, hear this word of all people are a Leng.

Good guy, the original thing is more complicated than imagined, this is to carry a son to force the palace?

The scene of the camera again aimed at Ms. Huang, Yang Ling was surprised: "Ms. Huang, what boss Feng said, is it true?"

Ms. Huang nodded.

Seeing this, Yang Ling was more surprised and said, "wait a minute, if I'm not wrong, you still want to rely on your child to coerce confessions, but you want to take over with Xiao Hu."

"If boss Feng refuses, you have a way back. If he wants to, you don't want Xiao Hu, right?"

Yang Ling's words made everyone's scalp numb. All the people around the world were staring at the screen, some shocked at this Ms. Huang.

"This woman is a little scary!"This NIMA's is too clever!

Because Yang Ling's words are very gentle, just now also gave Feng boss to scold a meal, did not really aim at her alone, Ms. Huang boldly said: "I really have such a plan."

"I like Xiao Hu, but I know that his ability can not give me the life I really want, so in the limited time, I will try my best to accompany him."

"I think if he really loves me, he will bless me with a smile in the future."

"Shut up

Yang Ling angrily said: "I have been traveling south and North for so many years. I can capture the moon in the sky and capture the dragon in the sea, but I have never seen such a shameless person as you!"

"What are you looking for? You are not only losing your own face, but also your parents. "

"We all have so many gentle and virtuous girls and so many great mothers' faces that you've lost all of them!"

"where do you come from to be so bold?"

"I like to play with men, don't you? I like to find out if there is anyone who dares to pick up the plate!"

In a word, Ms. Huang has been sentenced directly.

Needless to say, her next life may be very bad, of course, because she was scolded by a Ling, and maybe some unscrupulous businesses will use her to hype her to attract traffic. She may live a good life.

But it's hard for her to survive as a normal woman.

It's like the Murong in those years, who will be scolded and never turn over.

Yang Ling looked at boss Feng again, and said coldly, "flies don't bite seamless eggs. You can't manage the lower body, right?"

"Like money and sex, don't you?"

"Boss Feng, from today on, if you let me know that women are everywhere, I will have you castrated."

"Go away. I don't want to see your pig face."

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