There were huge waves in the field. Yang Ling looked intently, but saw that the curtain of light had been broken by the magic power of Godzilla, but the ship was safe and sound, and Godzilla's magic power was no effect.


Yang Ling was surprised.

This is the magic power of the tenth level fierce beast at the peak, which is resisted by the energy of the ship itself.


In fact, Yang Ling also understood what the principle was. On the flying boats made by friars, there were dense Rune arrays, and there was a special person to control the way the array was launched.

It's obvious that the defensive array was launched just now. The power of this array is still very strong. It really makes Yang Ling have an eye opening feeling.

Of course, whether it is psionic cannons or the use of various arrays, all need energy, that is, spirit liquid.

And Yang Ling estimated that the spirit liquid must be thousands of tons, tens of thousands of tons burned there, otherwise it would not have such an effect.

The moon god palace is rich and generous!

Yang Ling said to himself that he was strange here. On the other side, the fierce beasts had already launched an attack. He saw a giant monkey. The fierce beast's eyes spurted out two light balls, and then he rushed to the boat. At the same time, the giant crab opened his mouth and ejected a sharp ice arrow!

Then there is an owl like monster, the body of the more and more into a galloping gray light toward the Shenyue flying boat is indiscriminate bombing!

On the other side, a goose yellow light curtain appeared in all directions of the Shenyue flying boat in the sky. All kinds of magical powers were resisted. At the same time, the psychic cannons on the airship bombarded the monsters below without money!

However, the monsters dodge left and right one by one. They seem to be used to this kind of battle. Their chances of psionic bombardment are very small.

For a time, the energy cannon and all kinds of supernatural powers were thundering against each other in the fierce wind, and the roaring explosion sound was complete. Under the energy of the shock wave, the sea water below set off a huge wave tens of meters high. The scene was extremely spectacular.

If you let Yang Ling describe it, he doesn't feel like a traditional monk fighting method. What magic weapons are flying all over the sky, but the feeling of Star Wars.

Whoosh of laser where to shoot, fist to meat is very shocking!

The war on Kalan was several dimensions lower than the current one.

Even the magician's magic doesn't have magic power in that shock!

However, such a shocking scene, in Yang Ling's eyes, in fact, has the meaning of ordering vegetables and chickens pecking at each other. The magic power of these monsters can't break their own defense at all, and they can be patted into meat sauce with their own magic powers.

He knew that this was just a warm-up. The real summit match still had to be fought in the wind layer of jiutiangang among the experts. Since the earth is no longer a supercontinent, there is no jiutiangang wind layer, so we can only fight in the atmosphere.

Of course, it will certainly cause damage to the atmosphere. Because the earth has its own will, it will repair itself. But after a fight, the repair will take at least ten days.

During this period of time, when you go out under the direct ultraviolet rays, you should take an umbrella, and then wipe the sunscreen. After a boil, it will be over.

After the beginning of the battle, no one is paying attention to Yang Xiaomu. She has successfully completed her mission: let both sides fight each other madly.

To be reasonable, the Wanyao Valley and the moon god palace have long been disagreeable with each other. We all want to swallow each other. It's just because of this incident that we start a war. Both sides are angry. If we fight, who cares about you.

At the moment, Yang Xiaomu got into the sea water and asked with telepathy, "master, can you give me a magic weapon? I'll kill some monsters to play with."

Yang Ling was amused when she heard the speech. In fact, Shenmu Xuanshe was a kind of fierce beast. It was so bloodthirsty that it was still easy to change its nature after it was transformed into shape. So she couldn't help killing people.

At present, after thorough transformation, Yang Xiaomu's state has reached the seventh level, which is far more powerful than ordinary monsters. After thinking about it, Yang Ling took out a long purple halberd and threw it into the sea. At the same time, she used telepathy to say to Xuanshe: "this purple long Halberd is made by imitating the black dragon halberd of broken city. At present, its quality is only medium-grade magic weapon. Originally, it was intended to give snow It's good for practicing martial arts when you're free. Since you want it, I'll give it to you. "

Yang Xiaomu rushed to the past, picked up the purple long halberd, and said with a smile: "thank you, master. I will make good use of it."

"Ding, you have satisfied Yang Xiaomu's wish to have a useful weapon. The wish value is + 8."

Yang Ling hehe smile, also no longer tube her, continue to look at the front of this "Star Wars."

On the other side, the pilots in the distance and the big men in the command center who were watching the fierce battle through satellite were all staring at each other. This battle basically broke their inherent impression that the friars of the two forces were fighting each other fiercely.

I thought it was going to be a one-on-one fight, but I didn't expect that it would be a long-range shooting by various means. It's really amazing!

And they recognize the gap.Not to mention all kinds of magical powers exerted by monsters, what happened to the cannons on the huge spaceship.

More than a dozen guns continuously emit light waves, and the interval between each gun's firing is about 10 seconds. There is no need to cool the gun barrel or load it. It's just there to shoot.

The key is that the power of each shot is still great. What kind of technology is this!

The big guys are shocked.

At first, they were still complacent. The human alliance had gone through the two-way civilization of science and technology and cultivation. Now it seems that the ancient monks' means of "technology" are also very developed.

At this time, Yang Ling's voice rang out in the command center: "you can see, the Shenyue boat in the moon god palace can't be underestimated. There are special array engravings in every psionic cannons. Once launched, the energy source will continuously emit power light waves."

"In addition, some storage props may be connected to the back of the gun barrel, and the spirit liquid in it will replenish itself into the operation array, and then continue its required energy."

"All things in the world reach the same goal by different routes. Although our scientific and technological civilization is unique and has overwhelming advantages in some aspects, we should not be complacent or complacent."

"We should take a good look at this war, learn from it and analyze it."

"At the end of the day, make a summary and give me and Rosa a share."


The big men in the command center all nodded. First, ah Ling didn't dare to violate his words. Second, he really wanted to make a good summary.

If only our plasma cannons could be fired so freely.

Yang Ling is also thinking to herself, what is the gun barrel on the Shenyue flying boat made of? This is a little tough?

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