With the holy yuan, the semi holy land has the ability to travel in the universe for a short distance away from the earth.

This Saturday, Leia took Carlie and Mengmeng to the moon this morning

I nearly scared the astronauts to death when I passed the Soyuz space station.

This is Leia!

Yang Ling just want to say two words: Bull force!

As a result, the three nines were caught by Yang Ling's concentric knot, and Meng Meng and Carlie were huddled at home, which would be playing games.

Lei Yaxiu is too high to lock, so Yang Ling can only take it with her.

At the moment, Leiya hugged Yang Ling's arm and chuckled: "Dad, I went to find the footprints of Apollo astronauts before. When the sky opened, I really saw the clues!"

"Is it?"

Yang Ling didn't have a good way: "are you going to Mars tomorrow?"

"Yang Jinlei, can't you settle down? Isn't it good to be a girl? "

"I'll start embroidering with ruoer tomorrow. When can I do as well as she does, I'll let you out."

Leia giggled: "that kind of thing, I can show ten cross stitch in a second, it's hard for me!"

"Poof, ha ha."


Yang Ling pinched her small face and had nothing to say.

Han Yaqin and Yang Hua both laughed. Yang Ling's helplessness was rare.

This eldest daughter They can only be tied to their waistbands. They have to take them everywhere. I just hope that when XiaoLongNu is found in the future, her mother can control her.

"Is it so crowded on weekends and evenings?"

Yang Hua sighed, "I don't know when to stop. Brother, I'll get out of the car and smoke a cigarette."


Yang Ling nodded and agreed. Yang Huagang lit a cigarette outside the car and took a puff. He found that many car owners also got off to smoke.

This has been blocked for more than ten minutes. Yang Ling looked forward curiously and found that there was an accident ahead.

A truck accidentally ran into a Mercedes Benz. The owner of the truck knew that he could not afford to pay for it. He was making an apology to the female owner, who was determined to let him lose money and wait for uncle JC to deal with it.

Some people advised the female owner to move the car and wait for her to the side. The owner was not willing to protect the scene. Several hundred two cars were waiting for her.

After learning the news, Yang Hua ran back in a hurry and said to Yang Ling, "the accident ahead is blocked. The owner is unreasonable. I think the road can't be passed for the time being."

"Why don't you take us there?"

"I heard that woman swearing all the way

"It's more fun than going to a party," Leia chuckled

"Come on, Dad, let's have a look!"

Said to pull Yang Ling to go out, Yang Ling hurriedly way: "sunglasses!"

"Put on your hat and sunglasses!"

A moment later, Yang Ling, with a hat and sunglasses, ran with the crowd to see the excitement. Good guy, there were many people around.

The driver in ordinary clothes is constantly admitting his mistakes, and there are also good people around to persuade the woman owner. Although the collision is not light, it will not block the road.

The woman owner just doesn't move the car. The reason is very good. She has to wait for the legal person to deal with it.

Looking at this scene, Leia whispered, "Dad, who do you think is right and wrong?"

Yang Ling said with a smile: "don't ask me in a hurry. What do you think?"

"It's the female driver, of course!"

"She shouldn't have blocked the road for everyone to pass through."

Yang Ling jokingly said: "but she is also a victim. It is clear that she was hit and has to be condemned so much. Why?"


Leiya is a little surprised for a while, and Yang Hua is also curious to look at her brother.

Yang Ling is not only a great monk. Many times, what we like is not how powerful and beautiful ah Ling is, but some principles of his conduct.

As the world knows, besides collecting beautiful ancestors, Alin is almost perfect in terms of personality, emotional intelligence, and three outlooks.

As a man, ah Ling collects beautiful women, which is not unforgivable

No one is perfect.

All the children in the family regard Yang Ling as an example and their parents, even Yang Hua, the younger brother of the same age.

Two younger generation are looking at themselves, but Yang Ling said with a smile: "judging a thing or judging a person's character, we can't just analyze from right and wrong, we should learn to see the essence through the appearance."

"The woman owner can afford to drive a luxury car with two or three million yuan. Does she really care about the scratch?"

"I think her real purpose is two."

"I see!"

Leia raised her hand and said, "Dad, you mean that this woman wants to enjoy this kind of treatment. Is this kind of human feeling right?""The truck driver apologized, or not, in her mind."

"The road was blocked, everyone looked at her eagerly. It was impossible for people to continue on the road. It was also between her thoughts that people could not go on the road."

"It will make her very successful! Let her have a feeling of overlooking all living beings, just like our royal family! "

Yang Ling nodded with a smile and turned her head to look at Yang Hua. After thinking for a while, Yang Hua said, "niece Lei Lei is right. This pleasure can make the brain produce dopamine and double the pleasure."

"So, she just wants to enjoy the pleasure as much as possible, isn't she, brother?"

Around many people have heard Yang Ling and other people's dialogue, one by one up ears.

The brother in sunglasses is obviously a wise man. This is an opportunity to gain knowledge.


Yang Ling nodded with a smile: "everyone loves to enjoy. This kind of human character evolved from the environment of weak meat and strong food."

"Who doesn't like to be a master."


After all, Yang Ling said with a smile: "human beings are social after all. If a person is in a collective, he will pay for it sooner or later if he only cares for his own enjoyment and ignores other feelings in the collective."

"This is what people often call emotional intelligence."

Yang Ling looked at the pretty good-looking female car owner in front of her and said calmly: "no matter who she is, no matter what kind of position she is in, emotional intelligence is often more useful than IQ in this social structure."

"Our children should bear this in mind."

"Otherwise, we can't pay for other people's pain."

"But also can't blindly cater to others, it will appear that their own weak can be deceived."

From childhood to adulthood, Leiya seldom received such kind of education on the principles of human conduct, but she said vaguely: "Dad, I think it's very complicated."

"How should we behave ourselves?"

"It's easier for you to say it!"

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