A large number of luxury cars in line to drive over, the scene is extremely shocking.

In the sky, the beam lights of the two helicopters were sweeping around on various vehicles. Because Yang Ling and Lei Ya both had light trackers, they were quickly found by the pilots.

The beam light changed into a soft colored light, shining on Yang Ling and Lei Ya with sunglasses.

"Horizontal / trough? What's the situation? "

"Let's get together and smoke. There's no need to exaggerate."

The men were scared and quickly put out the cigarette ends.

On the other side, after determining the location, a pile of luxury cars stopped directly regardless of whether they violated the traffic rules. The rich and famous ladies quickly got off the bus one by one and ran in the direction of Yang Ling!

"Why! Wang Dong! Isn't this Wang Dong of dada group? "

"Miss Chu! It's a famous beauty

"Mr. Lu! Boss Han! Look, that's big star Cordell! What are they doing in such a hurry? "

All the people on and off the luxury cars are famous people, some even influential people, without exception, they are rich people and rich people!

Running fast on the road one by one, afraid of falling behind, the scene is very rare and spectacular.

All the people are wide eyed, watching this group of people run to the light gathering place, eyes in front of the group of men quickly browsing.

At the same time, they were all laughing at each other.

When did smoking make such a big crime?

Or did they slander the lovers of these bosses? There's no need for that!

Several big men are going to cry.

At this time, boss Lu confirmed Yang Ling's identity. He was Lu Kexin's father and old friend. He was still a bit of an eyesight.

Boss Lu said eagerly, "Laozu, you have been found!"

"Let's meet Lao Zu Yang and miss Jinlei with me!"

All the rich and famous ladies almost bent down at the same time and said very neatly, "I've met Lao Zu Yang, I've met my eldest lady!"

The sound was so loud that it spread far away.

The next moment, there was silence.

On the main road, even the roar of the engine was gone, and suddenly fell into a quiet.

"Yang Ancestor

"Big? Miss

Isn't it ah Ling and miss Jinlei?

Such an idea came to mind, combined with the helicopter and motorcycle of the human alliance, together with this group of top-notch rich people, to meet together

Needless to say, it must be!

At the next moment, everyone reacted. Many people jumped out of the car and didn't know who was carrying the head. They all said in a loud voice, "Yang Linghao!"

"Hello, miss!"

Yang Ling's face showed a helpless color, Leiya giggled: "be seen through!"

Said, but took off the sunglasses and hat, revealed the true colors.

Leia's looks are the top ones at home, let alone run outside.

At the moment when she showed her true face, all the men who saw her had a feeling of quickening their hearts, as if recalling the love atmosphere of youth.

All the celebrities in the field were compared.

The difference in glamour is too obvious.


All people's eyes were focused on the man around Leiya. Yang Ling was helpless. She also took off her sunglasses and hat and said with a light smile: "Hello, everyone."

There was no sound.

The next moment, there is a scream, and then the whole audience is in a state of uproar!

"Ah!! Ah Ling

"Long live Alin!"

"Boo hoo, I saw Ah Ling. Life is so beautiful."

"Ah Ling, take a good look. I feel like I'm going to pull his hand..."

People are excited to cheer up, rich and famous women are also one by one eyes shine, a wish to get the expression.

In addition to the successful flattery, we also received a Ling.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I'll tell my grandchildren that I've personally received Mr. Yang before. What a glorious past

"Ding, you have satisfied everyone's wish to see you. The wish value is + 1000 points."

"Ding, you have satisfied the wish of the rich and famous ladies to receive you. The wish value is + 1000 points."

Direct full, angry on the spot to earn a wave of wish value.

This meeting Han Yaqin also came over. Yang Ling looked at everyone and found that a fat man among the rich was secretly looking at the former female owner.

This female car owner is also honest standing at the moment, in front of a Ling, she no matter how big temper also dare not pour out.

Yang Ling said with a smile: "Mr. He, do you know that girl?"

He always did not expect that a Ling would call his own name. Hearing this, he said in a hurry: "recognize Yes, it's my lover. "Be lenient if you confess.

Yang Ling didn't dare to tell the truth. He told a lie at once.


Leiya couldn't help laughing. Everyone's eyes immediately turned to Mr. He, and then to the female owner, showing a strange color in their eyes.

Good guy, if you don't talk about this little three, he always comes home and is afraid to suffer a lot.

"Ding, you smashed him. He doesn't want you to mention your wish. Attribute point + 8 point (justice value)."

"Ding, you have satisfied the wish of the old men who just wanted to reason correctly. The wish value + 377 points (justice value)"

Yang Ling took a puff from the corner of her mouth and said jokingly, "I didn't ask you anything, why did I expose myself."

"Well, your lover blocked the car in the middle of the road and asked her to move her position. As for the accident, you can handle it as you like."

"Yes, yes, yes."

He always had a cold sweat on his forehead. He even winked at the woman, but she couldn't move with her car, because she was afraid and nervous. She couldn't even walk.

Yang Ling shook his head with a smile and said, "OK, don't block here, open the way."

After that, he nodded to the group of masters just now, saying hello. Then Leiya and others went to their own car.

Before leaving, Leia turned to look at them and giggled, "goodbye, uncles."

Quiet, what a polite child!

Both Yang Ling and Lei Ya were flattered by their behavior.

after talking to herself for so long, the eldest lady said goodbye to her uncle

Sobbing, life is complete, there is no regret.

A few people couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Ding, you have satisfied the great man's wish for a complete life. The wish value is + 377 points."

A small storm is over, the alliance's helicopters and motorcycles in front of the road, dozens of luxury cars on both sides of a BMW I8, not slow to drive to the Dajiang wharf.

Sitting in the car, Yang Ling, looking at the scenery of retrogression on both sides, has soft eyes and a faint smile at the corners of her mouth.

I don't know when to start, I still came to such a position.

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