The old man said with a wry smile, "you two haven't been on the streets for a long time. Recently, there is a food shortage everywhere. Only in this capital is there enough food, and the price of food hasn't gone up..."

"It's just that you can't take it out, so generally speaking, people who are not familiar with each other can't buy food."

In a short time, the amount of information is very large.

Yang Ling nodded and said, "thank you, father-in-law. Because of the plague, we haven't been out for a long time. It's the first time we've heard about it."

The old man sighed and looked at the cat ear boy with a trace of pity in his eyes.

Yang Ling and Liu Muhan look at each other and see the sigh in each other's eyes.

The problem arises again. In the muring Empire established by the human race, the alien race is not welcome.

Second, the grain is not allowed to be taken out for fear of alleviating the disaster and reducing the interests of this group of people.

Let's not talk about the issue of racial disdain chain. From the point of view that food is not allowed to be taken out, the nature of capital pursuing profits has been magnified infinitely.

This is no longer a pursuit of interests without principles and bottom line, but this is indeed the face of capital. Not only on the side of Kalan, but also on the earth?

Liu Muhan whispered: "husband, let tong'er come here, you officially canonize her, the alien problem can be slightly alleviated."


Liu Muhan's idea and Yang Ling's thought of going together, but they haven't discussed the details yet. The cat boy in the field is desperate. He suddenly hugs the fat man's leg and says, "master, master, please let me buy some food to take out of the city."

"My people are all in the refugee camp outside the city now. If they don't give them food, they will starve to death!"

"Please, please."

The boy begged. The fat man was very impatient and wanted to kick him away. Unexpectedly, the boy had a lot of strength, but he was held tightly.

He was angry and yelled, "give me a call and let him stay away from me!"

A few big men rushed over and beat the cat boy. Yang Ling frowned slightly. The next moment, Liu Muhan said in a low voice: "husband, I arranged a maid in the imperial capital when I left."

Just as Liu Muhan said, there is a flash of light in the distance. The next moment, it appears in the field, but it's a girl wearing a pink lace maid's long skirt.

It's the maid lotus.

"Stop it."

The young men of the lotus family stopped immediately, but the voice of the big cat was cold.

As we all know, the reason why peace and order are still maintained in the imperial capital is because of the existence of these powerful maids.

Here, they are not called maid, but have a unified name, Royal inspector!

The fat man hurried forward and said, "Inspector, you know the rules of the household department. I don't dare to disobey them. I can't help it until I'm entangled."

"I'll pay him back!"

Then he took out a pile of banknotes from his pocket and threw them on the ground. At first sight, they were 6000 yuan.

The purchasing power of the six thousand yuan is almost the same as that of the six thousand yuan in China in the past. In the era of food shortage, the price of food has risen to 30 yuan per kilogram, and this fight is not in vain.

"Thank you, master!"

The boy quickly put away the notes scattered on the ground. The fat man said, "my Lord, he took them. Is it all right? If it's all right, I'll leave first."

Lotus see this slightly frown, his duty is to ensure the stability of the imperial capital, other things regardless of, in general, things will stop here.

But today, the fat man has committed other things.

Lotus cold hum way: "stop."

The fat man stopped for a moment, but listened to the lotus coldly said: "only nobles and officials can wear silk clothes, what position are you?"

The fat man was shocked by this remark. The royal family did have this clause. Only officials and nobles were qualified to wear silk because of the distinct ranks of scholars, agriculture, industry and Commerce in the Muring empire. Other people, even if you were the richest boss or capitalist, were not allowed to wear silk.

Always remind them that even if you are rich, you are equal to the ordinary people. Don't underestimate this rule. It was Yang Ling who thought it out.

Originally, it was to consolidate imperial power and keep the power of capital in a cage.

On this point, he and Liu Muhan also had an in-depth exchange. Originally, Muhan didn't understand it until Yang Ling explained it clearly.

Capital's eternal greed, that is, the gold standard system, always pursues interests. Once the power is controlled, the people at the bottom will always be deprived.

Although the noble officials are also greedy, the official standard system pursues political achievements and climbing up.

Of course, there will be many dirty means, but if you want to achieve political achievements, you have to work hard to show some performance, at least to satisfy the local people, right?An official made the people scold and complain. Don't try to go up.

Officials should at least be kind to the people.

In this way, only with political achievements can people climb up and live like individuals. Although they will also be exploited, their basic rights can still be guaranteed.

Every link is a link, and the rights are always locked in the cage. Only the royal family has all the final rights.

Yang Ling explained this point to Liu Muhan carefully, and then she understood and urged the implementation. She was as smart as Liu Muhan and knew everything. Naturally, she thought of some places, which was far superior to capital.

Unfortunately, no matter how good the system is, it needs people to implement it.

After the royal family left, the greatest power fell on Irene, who was the prime minister in essence, and also represented part of the interests of the civilian ruling class.

She doesn't have the absolute authority of the royal family.

Therefore, the bureaucratic aristocratic system created by Yang Ling began to collapse.

In the field, the fat man's face was ugly. He saluted and said, "it's my negligence. I'll accept the punishment."

Then he took out a large stack of banknotes from his arms, and the number was 50000.

"Are these enough, my lord?"

According to the regulations, a fine of 10000 is enough, and 50000 is indeed enough.

Lotus took this pile of banknotes, waved his hand and said: "go away."

"Yes Yes, my Lord

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